
Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day! - Chapter 151

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Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day!

Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day! - Chapter 151
Another big gift prepared by Sakaki?

It seems that this time Sakaki Pelans' purpose is not very pure.

The purpose should be on Lokia, most likely to want to subdue himself.

This time, the situation was the same as the two super-ancient divine beasts in the Fengyuan region, and Sakaki was indirectly helping himself to subdue these divine beasts.

Of course

, Ye Feng was not stupid, and it was impossible to believe that Sakaki was so kind to subdue himself.

There must be some plan, and he is the key pawn in it.

Thinking of this,

Ye Feng leaned on the railing and couldn't help sighing helplessly.

What can you do if you know?

Now confronting Sakaki head-on is not a good way, you can only go according to Sakaki's plan.

In any case, the divine beast was subdued by itself, and this result is the best.

When you have enough strength, you can also kill Sakaki if you think about it, and this feeling of being used as a pawn is really not good.

"Mr. Ye Feng, we need to stop on the island in front, and the next thing will depend on the elves."

Ye Feng glanced at the map without raising his head.

The one below is a small island inhabited by residents, but there are not many people.

Since it is in the middle of the sea, this island does not belong to any region.

"Since you've already planned it, let's get down here."

"It's not early, it looks like we're going to stay on this island for the night, just in time to plan tomorrow's trip."

"Okay, Mr. Ye Feng."



the ship stopped close to the island.

One after another, a lot of crew members went down and carried basic living materials to the island.

An old man came from not far away and organized the villagers on the island to move the supplies.

Seeing this,

Ye Feng glanced at Lance and motioned to help the villagers.

With the help of the elves and villagers, supplies were soon moved to the village.

"It's really bothering you two."

"I'm the village chief on this island, just call me Lao Zhang."

"How about going to my house?" Lao Zhang looked at the two people and said.

"Then you're in trouble." Ye Feng nodded with a smile and said.

Just when he was going down to the island, he noticed a snowy mountain behind, and Ye Feng also had some questions he wanted to ask.

Under the leadership of Lao Zhang, Ye Feng and Lance came to a wooden house.

The houses here are all made of simple wood, and air leaks everywhere.

The two of them laughed.

"This is what our island looks like, it's warm all year round, and the house is also for better ventilation."

Saying that, Lao Zhang shouted into the room:

"Wife, prepare to order food, there are guests at home."

Soon, shouts came from the room.

"Okay, okay, I know."

Seeing this, Lao Zhang smiled and quickly walked into the room with Ye Feng and Lance.

"Old man, I don't know that I have some questions, it's not convenient for Fang to ask you." Ye Feng said.

According to Lao Zhang's words, if the four seasons here are like spring, but the snowy mountain behind....

"Haha, young man, if you have any questions, just ask."

"However, I don't know much, and if it's the snowy mountains behind the hall, then I know even less."

Lao Zhang's words instantly stunned back what Ye Feng wanted to say next.

It seems that this trip is not for nothing, there must be some secret about that snowy mountain.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng chuckled, looked at Lao Zhang and slowly spoke: "

It's not a problem of the snow mountain."

"I just want to know why they are settling here because there are ships passing here."

"Isn't life troublesome?"

After hearing that Ye Feng was not asking about Snow Mountain, Lao Zhang secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"The older generation lives here, and after a long time, naturally they don't want to leave."

"There will be deliveries every week."

"It solved the basic living needs, and naturally there was no reason to move."

"Oh, speaking of materials, I remembered, I still have things over there, I'll come back later to talk with you."

After Lao Zhang left, Lance glanced at the snowy mountain behind him, and just wanted to say something, but was stopped by Ye Feng.

Pointing outward, signaling that something was going out and saying.

Seeing this, Lance nodded, and after going out with Ye Feng, he found a place where there was no one.

"There's something wrong with that snowy mountain."

Hearing this, Ye Feng nodded and calmly watched Lance wave his hand.

"I know."

"You know yet..." Lance didn't continue halfway through his words, because Lao Zhang had returned.

"Haha, how about I take you two around here? It's very different from your city. Hearing

this, Ye Feng nodded.

"That's naturally good."

"The two of us were just talking, we're going to look around here."

"Just when you came back, you took us around."

"Good, good, good." Lao Zhang quickly nodded, secretly relieved.

If it weren't for his own wife and son, who saw the two of them come out sneakily, he wouldn't have been able to rush back so quickly.

And Lance still wanted to continue to say something, but seeing Ye Feng's reaction, he could only swallow the words.

Obviously, you can tie up the old man directly, and then ask about things.

Now there is so much trouble, and I have to cooperate with this old man to act, and I don't know what Ye Feng thinks.


Feeling that the time was almost up, Ye Feng stopped, looked at the old Zhang in front of him and slowly spoke: "

Old man, it's not convenient for us to look around by ourselves, just now I saw that you are still busy."

"Otherwise, old sir, you tell me that you can't go here, and the two of us avoid it."

"Then you don't have to show us around."

"This..." Old Zhang looked embarrassed and looked at Ye Feng tangled.

"There's nothing we can't go to here, if you two really want to see for yourself, then please."

"Okay, you're in trouble."

After Ye Feng watched Lao Zhang leave, he instantly looked at Lance with a cold face.

"You've been following Sakaki for so long, why haven't you learned anything at all."

"Your killing intent was so obvious just now, did you want to kill the two of us?"

Lance, who was instantly stunned, was speechless.

Is his killing intent heavy? Ye Feng felt it all with his back to himself? Lance couldn't help but fall into doubt.

Seeing this

, Ye Feng sighed helplessly, pulled Lance to a secret corner, and after looking around, turned his head to look at Lance.

"In that situation just now, if you do it, the two of us will finish playing in an instant!"

"I didn't know anything, so I moved to kill, and I really doubt how you lived for so long now."

"You mean..." Lance was stupid and now knew what Ye Feng meant, and instantly regretted it.

"Yes, now you can play the fool for me!"

Ye Feng looked at Lance angrily, he really couldn't imagine that after being under Sakaki for so long, this Lance had learned nothing.

For more free faloo novels:

Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day!

Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day! - Chapter 151

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