
Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day! - Chapter 152

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Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day!

Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day! - Chapter 152
This place is close to where Lokia lives, and in combination with the snowy mountains behind, it is likely to be frozen birds.

This old man naturally knows something, but he has always been so defensive of himself.

In addition, this village looks at the past, there is not a single young person, and it is obviously abnormal.

How many old men guarding the snowy mountains? It's impossible to think about it with your toes.

The only possibility is that these young adults are hiding somewhere.

If he and Lance just stayed here for one night, naturally nothing would happen.

However, if there is any dissent, something big is likely to happen.

"Are you being too cautious." Lance frowned and looked at Ye Feng with a puzzled expression.

In his cognition, any rebel can be killed directly, where do you need to be so cautious.

That's a lot of trouble.

Hearing this, Ye Feng couldn't help but roll his eyes when he looked at Lance, looking at Lance like a fool.

"I'm asking you to play a fool, not making you a fool."

"Do you feel something is wrong here?"

Lance shook his head and quickly nodded again after seeing Ye Feng's eyes.


Ye Feng sighed helplessly, and instantly didn't want to say anything.

If it were Sakaki here, you might understand it with a look, but it's a pity that it's Lance.

Now Ye Feng really doubted what Lance was thinking in his head.

"You'll understand when you walk inside with me."

Ye Feng helplessly pulled Lance inside, and there were many villagers on the road to say hello.

Although there are basic living materials here, but adhering to the mountain and water draft, every household here has pickled salted fish.

Along the way, the pungent smell of seafood rushed into the noses of the two people, and Lance forced himself to walk inside.

After walking for a while, Lance finally couldn't stand it.

"Where the hell are you going to take me, the smell along the way is unpleasant."

"In that case, let's go back."

Ye Feng didn't say much, just glanced at a house and left with Lance.

And Ye Feng's gaze was noticed by Lance, and Lance also looked in the direction Ye Feng was looking.

This look at Lance instantly understood, and couldn't help but secretly scold himself in his heart.

The house was clearly newly built.

However, relying on a few elderly families, it is very difficult to complete this house.

Coupled with the fact that there are few outsiders here all year round, the only explanation is that there are young adults here.

However, I didn't see it along the way.

So Ye Feng was right, it was really dangerous here.

"Got it? Let's go, Lao Zhang should have already made dinner."

Ye Feng secretly breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately, this Lance was not really a fool.

If you don't even notice this problem, you might as well hit the wall and die.


, Ye Feng and the two returned to Lao Zhang's residence, and at this time Lao Zhang was talking to a middle-aged lady who didn't know what he was talking about.

Seeing this scene, Ye Feng eased his thoughts for a while, and looked at Lao Zhang with a smile and shouted:

"Old man, the two of us are back."

"It's really different from the city, and I want to settle here."


this, Lao Zhang looked at Ye Feng beckoning, and the middle-aged lady saw this and also left.

"Haha, back? I just wanted to go find you.

"I really like a small fishing village like ours, and I can come back often when I have time in the future."

"The wife should have already made the meal, let's hurry over to eat."


Ye Feng nodded and came to the humble restaurant with Lance.

On the dinner table, there are all kinds of fish and meat, and you can rarely see green vegetables.

"We can't grow greens here, so we can only get some fish."

"The fish is very good." Ye Feng said, picking up a piece of fish meat and putting it in his mouth.

"You can't usually buy it in the city, Lance, you can eat it."

Hearing this, Lance swallowed his saliva, trembled and picked up a piece of fish meat and put it in his mouth.

"Haha, I'll go get some wine, let's have a drink."

After Lao Zhang left, Lance looked at Ye Feng in pain, and the fish meat in his mouth did not swallow.

What Lance was thinking, Ye Feng naturally knew, and by the way, he picked up another piece of fish meat and put it in his mouth.

"Eat, you can't die."

After Lance swallowed, Ye Feng nodded in satisfaction.

"It's really okay, this fish tastes really good, and I can't eat it in the city."

Ye Feng didn't care what Lance was thinking, picked up the fish meat and continued to put it in his mouth.

At this time, Lao Zhang came back, seeing that Lance hadn't eaten much, and couldn't help but ask:

"This fish meat doesn't taste like you."

"Or am I asking my wife to get you something else?"

Hearing this,

Ye Feng quickly waved his hand and stopped Lao Zhang, who was leaving.

"Old man, don't bother."

"He just eats less, and recently because his girlfriend dislikes fat, this is losing weight."

"Don't worry about him, let's just eat the two of us."

Hearing this, Lao Zhang was stunned for a moment, and then laughed.

"Haha, then I don't care about you, in addition, you are really not fat, go back and coax your girlfriend well."

"What if I run away with someone then?"

With this "concern" word, Lance could only laugh awkwardly twice, and he really couldn't find the words to continue.

A girlfriend appeared out of thin air.

This is what Ye Feng can say, this brain circuit is really... Awesome.

After thirty years of drinking, Lao Zhang was already a little drunk.

Seeing this, Ye Feng supported the table, stood up shakily, and looked at Lao Zhang and laughed.

"I can't drink enough."

"I can't continue to drink, I'm going out to blow the sea breeze, otherwise I can't get down to business tomorrow."

"Here, help me out."

Ye Feng put his hand on Lance and staggered towards the door.

"Young man, you really can't drink this amount."

Lao Zhang said, poured himself another glass of wine, and drank it himself.


After Ye Feng and Lance walked away, Ye Feng's eyes were clear, and he looked like he drank too much.

"Are you pretending to be drunk?"

"Nonsense, how can we come out without pretending to be drunk." Ye Feng withdrew his hand and walked towards the beach.

"There will be no problem with the dish just now, then there must be a situation tonight."

"Don't sleep for a while, don't react if it doesn't feel right, pretend."

Hearing this, Lance nodded.

As for thinking about this? Lance has given up completely.

It's better to listen to Ye Feng's words, so that you can also die less brain cells.

"By the way, you didn't eat at night, I have bread here, you eat a little first."

Saying that, Ye Feng threw a bag of bread from his pocket to Lance.

While Lance was eating, Ye Feng was sitting on the beach, thinking about what Lao Zhang would do tonight.

As for exposing this matter, it should be unlikely.

However, it is not ruled out that Lao Zhang will choose to kill the two of them directly, which will save much trouble.

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Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day!

Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day! - Chapter 152

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