
Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day! - Chapter 153

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Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day!

Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day! - Chapter 153
After Lance finished eating, Ye Feng continued to pretend to be drunk and returned to Lao Zhang's house.

"Lao Zhang drank too much, now go back to sleep."

"The room has been cleaned up for the two of you, come and sleep with me."

Hearing this, Lance nodded and dragged Ye Feng behind.

After arriving at the room, after a brief explanation, the hostess left.

Listening to the distant footsteps, Ye Feng sat up directly.

"Lie down, there should be a good show in a while, listen to my command." After Ye Feng finished speaking, he lay on the grass mat and closed his eyes.

Lance didn't say anything more, and also lay next to Ye Feng.


an hour later.

There was a sound of crackling footsteps at the door again, and Lance turned his head and looked through the moonlight to see that Ye Feng had not slept.

"Wife, are you sure they both are asleep?"

"I fell asleep, there was no sound in it, and I didn't see anyone come out."

"However, you plan to kill them today? What if someone notices like this?

"Women and Daoists, what do you know!"

"Even if they pretend to be alike, which one does not come here for it, it must be killed."

"In addition, we don't care about it here, even if we kill someone, no one will find out."

"Give me the drugs, they must be solved today!"


Inside the door

, Lance listened to these words, and his eyes widened instantly, if it weren't for Ye Feng blocking them, he would have rushed out to kill them now.

"Hold your breath."

Ye Feng said to Lance with his lips.

At the same time, an inconspicuous wisp of light smoke filled the room.

Fortunately, this kind of house is full of loopholes, and it doesn't take long for light smoke to go out.

"In five minutes, let's go in again."

"Otherwise, it will affect the two of us, and we will be thrown directly into the sea."


Five minutes later, the door was pushed open.

Lao Zhang saw that the two people who should have slept were gone, and when he reacted and wanted to leave, he was directly knocked out.

As for the hostess, she was directly frightened by the elves of Lance.

"What now?" Lance glanced at Ye Feng.

"Throw it into the sea, feed the fish."

Ye Feng said very flatly, just like what to eat today.


Lance was stunned for a moment, how did he see the figure of Boss Sakaki on Ye Feng?

"As soon as possible."

"I calculated that it will take ten minutes to walk from here to the beach, and it will take you about half an hour to drag a dead body."

"I'm waiting for you in the woods behind, and in forty minutes, you have to come back."


Lance didn't talk nonsense, carrying Lao Zhang's body on his shoulder and dragging one on his hand.

After Lance walked away, Ye Feng also left the room and hid in the woods behind the room.

If you guessed correctly

, the people of this village should be united in one mind, and today should also be planned.

Since this is the case, Lao Zhang did not appear an hour later, and he will definitely be suspected.

On the other side of ---------------------


an older looking old man was smoking.

"Patriarch, Lao Zhang's side has already started to act, do we want to go over?"

Hearing this, the old man took a deep breath of smoke and slowly spit out a smoke ring.

"No need."

"He has done a lot of this kind of thing, we don't need to make a move, just wait."

Seeing that the patriarch had said so, the young man who spoke did not continue to say anything.

Vaguely felt that this time was different.

Those two people should be different from the people who came before, but this is just a feeling.

"We have guarded frozen birds for generations."

"There are always some people who don't know if they are dead or alive, and since this is the case, I can't be blamed for doing this."

"Yan'er, the position of patriarch will be handed over to you at that time."

"You can't have any other thoughts about these foreigners, you have to be executed."

"Even if we don't have this idea, we have to solve it."

"Yan'er understands." The young man nodded, and a sharp color flashed under his eyes.

On the other side of -------------------

, Lance returned from throwing his body.

Seeing Ye Feng leaning against the tree and not knowing what he was thinking, Lance didn't bother him.

Just watching Ye Feng feel more and more like Boss Sakaki.

Although after joining Team Rocket, he also had a lot of lives on his hands, but he really couldn't do it so indifferently.

This kind of casual sending people to death, without any guilt, has only been seen in Boss Sakaki.

"Back? What are you thinking?

Hearing this, Lance shook his head, looked at Ye Feng still couldn't help

but ask, "I have a question, I don't know if I can ask?"

Ye Feng nodded.

"Are you killing for the first time? Why do I feel that you and..." Before

Lance finished speaking, Ye Feng waved his hand. Signaled Lance not to continue.

"This is not the place to talk, let's go, go to the snow mountain."


After detouring an unknown number of roads, the two finally arrived near the snowy mountain.

At this time, there were many more young people with torches here.

"It seems that Lao Zhang is dead, they already know, let's wait next."

"Take a good rest."

Two people against the previous circle of people, we don't have an advantage, Lance naturally also understood, sitting next to Ye Feng didn't say anything.

"As for the incident you said, I killed someone for the first time."

"Also, why do I feel guilty? They are all damn people.

"If you want to do something to me, you'll be even more damned."

"To be soft on one's own enemy is to find oneself guilty."

"Your enemies are thinking about how to kill people, and you are still thinking about whether it is good to kill people."

"Don't you feel ridiculous?"

Hearing this, a touch of complexity flashed under Lance's eyes, Ye Feng was right, but it didn't seem to be right.

Lance couldn't help but think back to the first time he had killed someone.

After that time, I locked myself in my room for a week without going out.

Although I know it's a damn person, it feels different to actually kill it.

"You may feel that I am cold-blooded and that Sakaki is the same kind of person."

"However, if you look at it from another angle, in fact, Sakaki is right, and the alliance is also right."

"So, although I have a different position from Sakaki, I still admire Sakaki very much."

"Okay, don't think so much, keep an eye on the people below."

"I'll sleep for a while first, and you'll wake me up later, and wake me up as soon as there is a problem."

Saying that, Ye Feng leaned against the tree and fell asleep.

Although I didn't get drunk, I couldn't bear the sleepiness after drinking.

And Lance looked at the people below with a complicated face, constantly thinking about what Ye Feng had just said in his mind.

Everyone is right, so who is wrong....

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Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day!

Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day! - Chapter 153

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