
Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day! - Chapter 155

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Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day!

Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day! - Chapter 155
Ye Feng and Lance said so much, they were completely trying to win over.

Whether it is the elven world or the world you used to be, the best way to solve a person is to kill that person.

It is impossible to expect elves to fight each other, defeat their opponents, and you win.

He understood this truth, and Sakaki also understood it.

Therefore, no matter how powerful the elf is, when the master dies, the use of the elf is lost.

If you want to solve Sakaki, you have to disintegrate Sakaki's power little by little from within.

Although saying this is unlikely to make Lance rebel, it only takes time to draw Lance to his side little by little.


"Aren't you going to take a look?"

Ye Feng shook his head and glanced at the time, and it was dawn in three hours.

In any case, this side is not an uninhabited island, and there will still be people passing by.

It's not good to be noticed then.

"You go back first, let's see how we go next, I'll go back after dealing with it here."

Lance glanced at the situation below and then at Ye Feng.

"Okay then, I'll wait for you to come back in an hour."

After seeing off Lance, Ye Feng walked towards the foot of the mountain.

Even if there are a lot of trainers here, it is not enough to face a few divine beasts.

After waiting for Ye Feng to come down, the oldest old man inside supported his body and looked at Ye Feng and shouted,

"You will be punished like this!" You killed so many people! Someone will sanction you! Hearing

this, Ye Feng instantly smiled and waved his hand to signal the elves to withdraw first.

He walked over to the old man.

"I'm scared."

"However, all of you are dead, does anyone know that I did it?"

"At first I just stayed here for the night, and I was leaving at dawn."

"You were going to kill me first, I just treated you the way you treated me, and now I can't stand it?"

"You!!" The old man pointed at Ye Feng, and because he was too angry, he couldn't stop coughing.

And the young man next to the old man couldn't stand it, so he helped the old man to the other side and sat down.

"Grandpa, you sit first, I'll deal with this matter."

"Yan'er, come back!" The old man grabbed the young man and quickly left with his eye strength.

Ye Feng just looked at the scene in front of him indifferently, waiting for the grandfather and grandson to finish speaking, and then walked in front of the young man.

"Do you think you can escape?"

"You know how many lives you have on your hands."

"However, this has nothing to do with me, but it's not good for you to kill me."

As soon as the words fell, the young man named Yan'er rushed to Ye Feng and knelt directly in front of Ye Feng.

"Don't you just want frozen birds? Just inside the cave, please spare everyone in our village!

"Yan'er, stand up!"

"The frozen bird belongs to our village, and it must not be given to this outsider!"

The old man stumbled to Ye Feng, wanting to pick up the boy who was kneeling on the ground.

"Who said I was from your village?"

An ethereal voice sounded, and everyone present looked in the direction where the voice came from.

I saw the frozen bird shaking the feathers on its body and walking towards Lokia.

The moment the old man saw the frozen bird, tears could not be stopped in his eyes.

To see the frozen bird in my lifetime is really dead and without regrets.

"I've been living here and picked up a few people at sea to stay on the island."

"After so long, you have evolved into a small village."

"However, I really didn't expect that you would think that I am from your village, and you should not have saved those people in the first place."

While Ye Feng was concentrating on watching the play, King Feng came over and whispered next to Ye Feng: "

When I came over, I listened to Lokia."

"Specially let Lokia help, call out the frozen birds, and teach these ignorant villagers a lesson."

Hearing this, the corners of Ye Feng's mouth twitched slightly.

I thought it was a coincidence to hit the face, but I didn't expect that it was actually arranged by King Feng.

When did King Feng be so scheming.

"Okay, let's go, let's leave it to Lokia and the frozen bird."

Ye Feng touched the Phoenix King's head, and then turned his head to look at the Rift Empty Seat. "Do you want to go together?" Or are you going back?"

"Let's go together." Rift said.

The secret realm that King Feng boasted about, he was really very curious, but he could only enter it if he was subdued.

This makes the rift seat very unhappy.

Even if the attraction of the secret realm is great, it is better to forget about this kind of thing being accepted by humans.


On the way,

King Feng walked to the side of the Rift Empty Seat and continued to brag about how good that secret realm was.

Ye Feng just smiled and didn't speak.

Today can be regarded as knowing, the Feng King's vengeance is still very heavy.

What the three holy beasts said before, it was humiliating to be subdued by humans, and in the end, it was also made by the Phoenix King.

After dealing with things, he was also accepted by himself.

In addition, when the Sky Pillar, the Rift Void Seat also said this, and it is likely to be pitted by the Phoenix King.

However, Ye Feng didn't poke the Phoenix King's careful thoughts.

The subduing of the Rift Empty Seat should also be put on the plan, and there is no chance of summoning cards.

It's also troublesome to find the Rift Seat.

"Really? Phoenix King, don't you lie to me? Those two idiots who fought as soon as they met were also subdued?

"Really, I don't believe you asked Ye Feng."

Hearing this, Ye Feng nodded and echoed King Feng.

Feng Yuan Er Fool is indeed already in his own space, but he is still sleeping.

Otherwise, your own space will not stop at that time.

The Split Empty Seat was a little surprised, no wonder the two bunkers had not moved recently.

It turned out to be subdued.

"You also listen less to the Phoenix King, whether you want to be my elf or not."

"That space is not just to be accepted to enter."

"So, are you going to go inside and take a look? It's good if it's not appropriate to come out again, I won't limit you.

"Is that okay?" Rift asked.

If that's the case, it doesn't seem impossible.

Can go in, not yet controlled, listening to the Feng King said that it can increase his strength, and all kinds of good, he has long been moved.

"Really." Ye Feng nodded and stretched out his hand to place it on the body of the Rift Empty Seat.

"Don't resist next, you'll be there soon."

As the words fell, the Rift Empty Seat also disappeared in place, but King Feng's face was a little bad.

"I'm helping you."

Ye Feng raised his eyebrows and looked at King Feng helplessly explaining,

"What if the Rift Void Seat finds out to be fake?" Will you explain it or will I explain it?

"It doesn't matter, we should go back and dispose of those bodies now."

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Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day!

Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day! - Chapter 155

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