
Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day! - Chapter 157

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Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day!

Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day! - Chapter 157
"Didn't understand?" Ye Feng asked rhetorically.

King Feng nodded and looked at Lance who left and the boy who passed out.

"Aren't you leaving yourself behind? Why not just kill it? Hearing

this, Ye Feng chuckled.

"It's very simple, this kind of person can help me a lot if you take advantage of it."

"He hates me and wants to kill me, so he can only keep improving his strength."

"So I don't have to bother cultivating anymore."

"Moreover, living on this island all year round, without contact with the outside world, can be said to be a blank piece of paper."

"In that case, it is easy to change this person."

"Of course, if it doesn't work for me, I'll kill him before he grows up."


King Feng didn't know what to say, and turned his head back to the Divine Beast Space.

There is no place to use it here.


the old Zhang family.

When Ye Feng returned, Lance was sitting on a stool waiting for Ye Feng. Yan'er was also thrown to the ground.

Seeing Ye Feng return, Lance stood up and pointed to Yan'er.

"I spoke with Boss Sakaki on the phone, let us keep him with us."

"In addition, what happened just now..." Hearing


Ye Feng nodded and poured himself a glass of water.

"You want to know what just happened? Why would I bet, or something else? "

It's easy to bet on this."

"No one is completely unharmed, it's just whether the mistake is big or small."

"In addition, I said that only half of the people who survived, and those who could not survive on the other side, it was impossible for them to survive."

"Therefore, they will all die, because human nature is inherently evil."

"Naturally, there are no good people or bad people."

"If you want to be a good person, it's time for everything to come, it's never too late."

After listening to Ye Feng's words, Lance pondered.

Be a good person? Not too late?

These two sentences kept wandering in Lance's mind, and he didn't know what to do for a while.

"You should know everything about my past, is it convenient to tell me about your past?"

Ye Feng continued to test Lance.

Now Lance's heart has begun to doubt, not sure if he did the right thing at that time.

As long as the seeds continue to be buried, sooner or later there will be a day when they germinate.

"My past?" Lance muttered.

"I'm just curious, with your heart, you probably wouldn't choose Sakaki, what is the reason?"

Lance didn't speak, and Ye Feng didn't continue to say anything.

Now it just takes time to wait.

After all, Lance has been following Sakaki for so long, naturally he can't persuade him with a few words.

Lance is different from Musashi Kojiro.

Intuition told him that there must be something secret in Lance.

As long as you know Lance's secret, the chances of wanting to win Lance over are greatly improved.

"Forget it." Lance shook his head and sighed faintly, "Let's talk about it later." "

The ship sent by the boss is about to arrive, let's go first."

"As for this teenager, the old assembly Sakaki sent someone to take it away, you can rest assured of this."

Ye Feng nodded and looked at the sky that was already a little cloudy.

"It's time for us to go."

After that, Ye Feng walked out of the room.

Lance's mind is messed up right now, and it could be counterproductive to say it any further.

Just wait for Lance to figure it out.


Ten minutes later, Lance carried the boy out of the room.

"Let's go to the beach."

"Good." Ye Feng nodded and walked towards the beach.

I saw that not far away, two small ships drove over, and it was in the direction of Ye Feng.


The ship arrived, and in addition to the real bird, there was another person, Sakaki!

The moment he saw Sakaki, Ye Feng was stunned.

"Uncle? How did you come over? Ye Feng asked in surprise.

Isn't Sakaki busy? How could this little thing alarm Sakaki.

"Hehe, the nephew gave a big gift, of course my uncle came to accept it."

"I've heard about the island."

"If you weren't sure that you weren't my child, your style would really be like when I was young."

"Also, the opportunity is in your hands, seize it yourself."

"My side is always open for you, my dear nephew."

Sakaki knew these things, Ye Feng was not surprised at all, it should be what Lance said.

Unexpectedly, Sakaki bluntly said that he would join him, which was unexpected.

"Uncle kindly took it, I think we are not suitable."

"Wouldn't it be good to have the opportunity to cooperate in the future? I'll give you a big gift, take good care of it."

After that, Ye Feng looked at Lance and motioned to throw the young man over.

"Raise well, it is a big help for you."

"Is Uncle going with us next?" Xiao Yin is waiting for you over there.

Sakaki shook his head, a smile on his lips.

"The son does not come to Lao Tzu, but Lao Tzu wants to find his son, which is not in line with the rules."

"Lance continues to stay by your side, it can be regarded as my protection for you, I am waiting for you to return."

After that, Sakaki glanced at the real bird, moved the person up, and left.

Now that there was only one boat left, Ye Feng glanced at Lance and walked directly onto the boat.

Soon, Lance followed suit and sat down in the lounge.

Ye Feng's words kept ringing in his mind, making Lance not know what to do for a while.

Before he joined the Rockets, no one knew.

It's not that no one knows, it's just that everyone who knows their own life is dead.

In addition to himself, the other people have more or less secrets, which only Boss Sakaki himself knows.

Otherwise, no matter how generous Sakaki is, they will not let them work for Sakaki.

As for the fate of the betrayal, Lance knows better than anyone.

This also led to the fact that Lance did not dare to say.

He is already a core member of Team Rocket, but he does not know how much power Sakaki has.

No one but Sakaki knew about it.


On the other side

, after Ye Feng got on the boat, he leaned on the railing and felt the sea breeze, and his heart was just as messy.

Although in front of Lance, he was very calm, but only he knew how nervous.

Lance this person cannot fully believe and can only gamble.

If you lose, you and Sakaki can't avoid a big battle before, after all, who can allow the matter of digging the foot of the wall.

Musashi Kojiro is not important, but it is not necessary to change to Lance.

"Ye Feng, after I go back, I have something I want to tell you." I don't know when, Lance walked out.

After a battle of ideas, Lance figured out that he wanted to be a good person.

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Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day!

Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day! - Chapter 157

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