
Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day! - Chapter 163

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Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day!

Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day! - Chapter 163
When they arrived at Kojiro's house, the two looked at Ye Feng with an abnormal expression.

"What's wrong?" Ye

Feng couldn't help but reach out and touch his face, not knowing what was the situation of these two people.

"It's not your problem, it's the two of them making up a big drama in their brains. Meow Meow didn't know to come out from you, looked at Ye Feng and explained.


Ye Feng looked at Meow in confusion, and then turned to glance at Musashi Kojiro.

"What's going on with you two?"

Musashi coughed lightly, straightened his expression, and looked at Ye Feng and spoke, "The dead are resurrected."

"It's just that Chiyan Song is alive, he is not dead." Hearing

this, Ye Feng was stunned for a moment, and then looked at the two people with a solemn face.


the two nodded, took out the photo on their phone and handed it over.

"You see, this is Red Flame Pine, he really isn't dead.

Ye Feng held the mobile phone and looked at it for a long time, and then returned it to Kojiro.

"Does Sakaki know about this?"

"One more thing, if you can find a way to help me find Akayan Matsu recently."

Kojiro and Musashi looked at each other, and the two turned their heads and looked at Ye Feng and shook their heads.

"It's not that we can't help, it's that we can't find it, in addition, if it's really resurrected..." Hearing

this, the corners of Ye Feng's mouth twitched slightly, looking at the two people for a while and didn't know what to say.

Is this a TV series watched too much

, the resurrection of the dead such a thing, actually believe so.

"Really not looking for it?"

the two people nodded, and before they wanted to say something, Ye Feng quickly spoke:

"Simple!" "

If I am afraid, I will also resurrect the dead and kill you two."

"Then you are resurrected, so that you can help me find the Red Flame Pine."

Speaking of this, Ye Feng looked at the dull expressions of the two people, paused and continued:

"However, I'm not sure if there will be an accident, and you can't blame me if you can't live by then." "

Musashi Kojiro and the two, knowing that Ye Feng is joking, their bodies still can't stop trembling.

The picture imagined before uniting is a little too scary.

Seeing this,

Ye Feng shook his head helplessly and sat on the sofa and looked at the two people.

"I'm just kidding.

"I suspect there's something going on here, I'm just not sure if it's what I imagined it to be."

"From the beginning of the Red Flame Pine Death, I was suspicious.

"What do you suspect?" Musashi blinked, completely unaware of what Ye Feng suspected.

Although it is indeed not very normal for Chiyan Song to die, it is not doubtful.

"Musashi, you're stupid, meow. "

Red Flame Pine died too easily, which in itself is very strange. "

You two are still here to make up your brains, you really didn't look at it, meow." "

Meow, are you trying to get beaten?" Musashi rolled up his sleeves and punched in Meow's direction.

After one person and one elf left, Kojiro seemed to have thought of something, and looked at Ye Feng's eyes widened.

"Are you saying that Chiyan Song is dead, is it for the outside to see?" Ye

Feng nodded, looked at Kojiro and explained,

"It's possible."

"However, in this case, it is impossible for the Red Flame Pine to appear in the outside world." "

If you can't keep it, you'll be discovered." "

It wasn't that Sakaki deliberately let Akaba die, then this is...

Kojiro couldn't figure it out either, or if he had an idea, he wasn't sure.

Looking at Ye Feng shook his head.

"So what now? We guess here and there is no result.

"That's why I asked you to help me find the Red Flame Pine."

"Tie it back, and ask again." "


the end, let me go and grab the Red Flame Matsu," Kojiro silently complained in his heart.

One of the reasons why I don't want to go is indeed that this matter is a bit scary, and the other is that Chiyansong can't beat it.

At that time, the person was not captured, but he folded on it.

"I'll help you.

"At that time, you will bring the Phoenix King and the three holy beasts over, and the hard ones will not come soft."

"Tell him that if you want Guraton, come to me."

"By the way, where is the room you prepared for me, it's been a busy day, and I haven't rested."

Hearing this, Kojiro was stunned for a moment, and then turned around and pointed to a room on the first floor.

"Right over there..." Seeing

this, Ye Feng didn't continue to say anything, stood up and walked towards the room.

Kojiro looked at Ye Feng in confusion.

Didn't you just say that Ji Akayan Song came back? Now change the topic?? Returning

to his senses, Ye Feng had already entered the room, Kojiro didn't think so much anymore, and turned to find Musashi.


Inside the room.

Ye Feng lay on the bed, constantly thinking about Chiyansong in his mind.

Dead? Alive again.

If it wasn't for Sakaki's arrangement, then Chiyan Matsu's ability should be stronger than he thought.

Or rather, Red Flame Pine left a hand, which now comes in handy.

If the Red Flame Pine can be used for himself, there is another layer of victory against Sakaki.

As for Xiao Yin's side, there is no guarantee that Xiao Yin will follow him now.

Anyway, Sakaki is still his own father.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng took a deep breath and turned his head to enter the divine beast space...

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Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day!

Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day! - Chapter 163

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