
Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day! - Chapter 169

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Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day!

Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day! - Chapter 169
"Dream!" Xiao Hao pointed behind Ye Feng and shouted loudly.

Ye Feng turned his head and looked at the dream hiding behind him, and couldn't help but chuckle and stretched out his hand to rub the dream's head.

"Enough playing? Then go back.

Dream shook his head and sat directly on Ye Feng's shoulder, looking at everyone with a curious expression.

This interactive scene was completely seen by Xiao Hao, and he looked at Ye Feng in shock.

Now even if he didn't have enough IQ, he knew that Ye Feng would definitely accept the dream.

In an instant, Xiao Hao's whole person looked at Ye Feng with extreme despair, and whatever he wanted to say was blocked in his throat.

The dream that he has always cherished in his heart is now accepted by others like this.

Even if that person was Ash, he would not be so desperate.


person who has never looked at himself, and now he is a clown in the eyes of the other party, right?

A glimmer of hope rose in Xiao Hao's eyes, turned his head to look at Dr. Ohu and said:

"Dr. Ohki, is there still a dream!" Hearing

this, Dr. Ohki returned to his senses, thinking for a long time or shaking his head.

"Theoretically, it's really not clear how many dreams there are.

"But if you want to find other dreams, this possibility basically does not exist."

"Give it up.

After Dr. Ohki finished speaking, the last glimmer of hope in Xiao Hao's eyes was gone.

Gritting his teeth, his eyes looked at Ye Feng fiercely.

"I've always called you Brother Ye Feng, I really lost my eyes at the beginning. "

You know that I have always wanted to subdue Dream, and you actually accepted Dream when you saw it, do you care about my feelings?" Hearing

this, the smile at the corner of Ye Feng's original mouth froze.


"You said there was something wrong with it."

"It's really not okay, you go and see Miss Joy, you can't come to me to smoke." After

putting the dream into the Spirit Ball, Ye Feng instantly cooled his face.

Knowing that he had subdued the dream, Xiao Hao's reaction after knowing it would not be too normal.

However, I didn't expect it to be so outrageous, Nima This is simply taking the wrong medicine.

"You are so hypocritical, Ye Feng, I can see it today.

"From the first day we met, you couldn't look at me.

"I've been suppressing me invisibly and humiliating me, now you're satisfied!"

Xiao Hao shouted, eager to roar out all the resentment in his heart.

If it weren't for his strength, he would be able to do it even if he killed Ye Feng to vent his anger.

"Xiao Hao, Brother Ye Feng doesn't mean that, you calm down first. Xiao

Zhi pulled the corner of Xiao Hao's clothes next to him, wanting to pull Xiao Hao away, but was pushed away by Xiao Hao.

"Ash, and you!" Xiao Hao turned his head and looked at Ash and spoke, "You are also hypocritical.

"I pretend to be stupid every day, and I look very naïve."

"Big needle bee, fast dragon, to the last geng ghost."

"That time you didn't benefit, knowing that I wanted to be fast all the time, and in the end I got injured and walked away."

"You came back with the fast dragon, and so did Geng Ghost." "

Obviously Ye Feng didn't do anything, just hit the last time, you also have to give Geng Ghost to him."

Geng Ghost is not in your hands yet, your scheming is really deep enough. Hearing

this, Ye Feng's face completely turned cold, and he slowly walked in front of Xiao Hao.

"You know what?"

"You look so hysterical, in my eyes you are like a jumping beam clown."

"Not only are you not surpassing me, you won't even surpass Ash." "

I point to this lifetime.

Ye Feng looked at Xiao Hao, and a kind smile appeared on his face.

"If you don't believe me, then I can wait.

Speaking of this, Ye Feng bent down and continued to speak in Xiao Hao's ear:

"Don't provoke me easily.

"If I wanted to, I could let you die quietly, and no one would find out it was me." Hearing

this, Xiao Hao couldn't stop shivering, raised his head and looked at Ye Feng, unable to say anything for a while.

I don't know why, just that moment, I really seemed to be dying.

It's a horrible feeling.

Coming back to his senses, Xiao Hao watched Ye Feng swallow his saliva, and quickly ran away without paying attention.

Ash was stunned by this scene, and subconsciously wanted to chase it out.

Just a few steps out of the run, Ye Feng's voice sounded behind him.

"Ash!" "

What are you chasing him for?" "

Brother Ye Feng, Xiao Hao, he..." Xiao Zhi stopped and looked at Ye Feng.

This is very dangerous, what if Xiao Hao does not pay attention to the injury.

In addition, those things are not what Xiao Hao thinks, and he has to explain them clearly.

Looking at Xiao Zhi, Ye Feng naturally understood what Xiao Zhi was thinking.

"I know what you want, but I'm not allowed to go now."

"Even if you encounter danger on your hands, it has nothing to do with you, what are you going to do."

"Xiao Hao said this about you just now, didn't you hear it?"

Dr. Ohki next to him also nodded, walked to Ash, and sighed helplessly.

"Xiao Hao, this child, has a heavy utilitarian heart, and he wants to ascend to the sky in one step, and his thinking is extreme.

"No matter what you explain, Xiao Hao will not listen, will only think that it is your fault, it is all an excuse."

"Obedient, let's go back." "

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Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day! - Chapter 169

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