
Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day! - Chapter 170

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Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day!

Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day! - Chapter 170
Ash reluctantly walked behind Dr. Ohki, and from time to time Ha looked in the direction where Xiao Hao ran.

"Aren't we really going to look for it?" "

Is it that Xiao Hao misunderstood, let's explain it clearly, otherwise..." Hearing

this, Ye Feng looked at Xiao Zhi and snorted coldly with disdain.


"I think you're stupid.

"How do you explain when you go up, it's time that you didn't go up to stop the big needle bee

?" "And the fast dragon, should you give it to him, or are you sending Geng Ghost over now?"

After Ye Feng finished speaking, he glanced at Xiao Zhi and walked to the front.

Although I watched anime before, I hated Xiaohao incomparably.

However, that is the reason for the screenwriter after all, Xiaohao is just a character created.

He has tried his best to suppress his dislike of Xiao Hao.

Sure enough, people like Xiaohao can't have any other ideas, the essence is like this, and they can't change it.

And Xiao Zhi could see that Brother Ye Feng and Dr. Ohki were really angry, and they didn't dare to say anything.

Although it was a misunderstanding, Xiao Hao was really difficult to hear at that time, so I don't blame Ye Feng's eldest brother for being angry.

"Alas. Ash sighed faintly.

In his heart, he could only pray that Xiao Hao would figure it out himself, and then apologize to Brother Ye Feng.


the other side, deep in the forest.

Xiao Hao's eyes were red, his teeth were biting his lips fiercely, and blood was already oozing out.

No matter how you think about it, it is Ye Feng's fault.

The big needle bee didn't save him, and the fast dragon seemed to be an accident, and he always felt that Ye Feng did it on purpose.

In the end, Geng Ghost was simply humiliated in person.

These are nothing, his first elf was also given to himself by Ash and he did not want.

At that time, he didn't have an elf, otherwise how could he accept Ye Feng's alms.

Thinking of this, Xiao Hao took out the Fairy Ball of Bidiao and released Bidiao.

"You go, I don't need you now.

"Whoever knocked you out in the first place, you go to whom." Xiao Hao had a cold face, and left without looking back after speaking.

Bi Diao slowed down, and after glancing at Xiao Hao, he flew away without any nostalgia.

I didn't want to follow Xiao Hao for a long time.

This man used them as tools, and now it can be considered liberated.

After waiting for Bidiao to walk away, Xiao Hao had a trace of regret.

After all, this is his first elf, and the most powerful of the elves.

Now that's it....

No, it's not right

, it's good to go, so that he doesn't have to endure Ye Feng.

Moreover, looking at the current situation, Ye Feng already wanted to do something to himself.

As for what Ye Feng said, Xiao Hao didn't dare to think about it.

After all, the kind of killing intent at that time, I don't want to experience it again in this life.

The body couldn't stop shaking and breaking out in cold sweat, and the whole person felt like falling off a cliff.

Dr. Sakuragi's students of Dr. Ohki should not be able to protect themselves.


Even if the enemy of the enemy is a friend, he can join the rocket team,

so that Ye Feng can't do anything to himself.

Thinking of this, Xiao Hao stretched out his hand and touched the blood at the corner of his mouth.

A man walks towards the edge of the forest.


Dr. Ohki Research Institute.

After Ash was brought back, Ye Feng didn't stay for long, leaving Dr. Ohki to educate Ash himself.

After returning home, Xiao Yin was no longer there, and left a note for himself.

As for where Xiao Yin goes, it has nothing to do with himself.

The most important thing now is to go to Sakaki, and the matter of turning the world around cannot be delayed.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng simply packed up his things.

Now even if Sakaki doesn't send people, he will turn the world around.

It has been almost a month since Hirona entered the reverse world, and I don't know any news now.

As for the alliance side, I think I still have to talk to Mother-in-law Juzi.

Don't think about it too much.

After Ye Feng finished packing up his things, he walked towards Tokiwa City.


After arriving, Ye Feng came directly to Sakaki's office.

The guards outside were also used to it, and when they saw that they didn't stop them at all, they let them in.

At this time

, in the room, the real bird was reporting something to Sakaki, and after seeing Ye Feng, he did not continue to talk.

"Matori, you go down first.

Sakaki waved his hand, waited for the real bird to leave, and looked at Ye Feng and chuckled.


"What are you looking for me, I naturally know this.

"I've already transferred people for you, you just take it with you, it's Lance leading the team."

"I think you two know each other better. When he said the last sentence, Sakaki deliberately accentuated his tone.

The meaning of the words Ye Feng naturally knew, but he just looked at Sakaki blankly.

Uncle said and smiled.

"In that case, then I won't say anything more, I'm going to take people away now." Hearing

this, Sakaki shook his head, took out a voice recorder from the table and threw it to Ye Feng.

"There are your acquaintances inside, you listen first, and we will let go of the rest first." "

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Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day!

Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day! - Chapter 170

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