
Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day! - Chapter 171

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Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day!

Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day! - Chapter 171
"You want to join Team Rockets? "It's a girl who speaks.

"Yes!" Ye

Feng didn't hear who it was, but Ye Feng still heard the voice on the other side.

Sure enough, it was his own acquaintance.

"What is the reason, you want strength without strength, you have no connections.

"We Rockets never feed idlers.

"We have a common enemy, I can still lurk beside Ye Feng and give you intelligence.

"So it's not an idler."

After Xiao Hao finished speaking, the girl on the other end was silent for a long time, not knowing what she was talking about.

"I need to talk to the boss, you go back and wait for news first." The

recording ended here, and Sakaki withdrew the recorder and looked at Ye Feng with a chuckle.


have the impression that this little boy has a good relationship with you, and now he is like this."

"You didn't handle the relationship well." "

Interesting. Ye Feng looked at Sakaki with a smile, and did not continue to say anything.

Xiao Hao's matter was expected and unexpected.

After breaking with Xiao Hao, Ye Feng knew that Xiao Hao should choose a force.

Otherwise, you don't have the ability to fight yourself.

What I didn't expect was to choose Team Rocket, I really didn't know myself.

But think about it too.

At present, Xiaohao wants to fight himself, and can only rely on the rocket team.

"Then what do you think, accept Xiaohao?"

sakaki smiled and shook his head.


"We Rockets don't raise waste right now.

"However, since this person treats you like this, as an uncle, I really can't stand it."

"Do you want to do it secretly?" Ye

Feng raised his eyebrows and looked at Sakaki indifferently shrugging his shoulders.

"All right.

"Whether you kill it or leave it here for me to deal with, it makes no difference."

"Uncle's kindness, I still have to thank you."

"Nothing else, then I'll take Lance with me first." "

Matori, drop off!" shouted Sakaki as he spoke out the door.

Soon, the real bird came in with Lance, looked at Ye Feng and nodded.

"Let's go, Lance. Ye Feng smiled, patted Lance's shoulder and left first.


After Ye Feng left, Lance soon left.

After only two people were left in the office, Matori and Sakaki, his face instantly became cold.

"True bird, Xiao Hao took it in and arranged it beside Ye Feng.

"In addition, Lance sent someone to watch.

"Okay, boss. After


left, Ye Feng waited for Lance at a convenience store near Tokiwa City.

While eating, he accidentally glanced out the window, and a bidiao was staring at him.

Similarly, Ye Feng also stared at Bidiao and accidentally noticed a wound on Bidiao's foot.


Ye Feng's brows furrowed slightly, put down the things in his hand, and quickly walked outside the door.

"Here you are. Bi Diao said.

"Why are you here

, is Xiao Hao nearby?" said Ye Feng, looking around, not even seeing Xiao Hao's shadow.

"He didn't come.

"He doesn't want me anymore, I just saw you by chance." After Bi Diao finished speaking, a trace of loneliness flashed under his eyes.

I was still excited to be thrown away at first, but after wandering outside for a while, I missed my old life.

Even if you eat now, you have to figure it out yourself.

"This..." Ye Feng was speechless for a while.

Xiao Hao lost Bidiao, this is really unimaginable, this is to what extent he hates himself.

Thinking of this

, Ye Feng looked at Bidiao, and after thinking about it, he still didn't say anything.

"So what do you do now?" "

Is it wandering outside, or... I really don't know where to go, you can come to me.

"However, I will not accept you, I can only provide you with a place to rest." "

I'm tired of Xiao Hao, the elf is right.

Elves who have been subdued since childhood are now basically difficult to survive when they are released into the wild.

"Is that okay?" Bi Diao raised his head and looked at Ye Feng expectantly.

"Of course. Ye Feng said with a smile.

"If Xiao Hao wants to find you one day, I will give you the right to choose.

"Come first, this is a special Poké Ball. Saying

that, Ye Feng took out the Spirit Ball from the system space and placed it in front of Bi Diao.

This is the elf space, and the shape is made into a poké ball.

This will not cause unnecessary trouble, and it is convenient for yourself.

After waiting for Bidiao to take it in, Ye Feng did not return to the convenience store and waited for Lance to come over at the door of the Taoist Hall.

When Lance came over, there was no one behind him.

"Everyone else is in the Fengyuan area, now let's go over the two of us."

"It's ready over there.

"Let's go then. Ye Feng said.

(At the beginning of the Phantom 2 Zhou Mu plot, Poor Green really hasn't played it, and there is something similar in it that can only be said to have collided.) )

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Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day!

Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day! - Chapter 171

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