
Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day! - Chapter 174

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Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day!

Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day! - Chapter 174
"Black Ruga, Ghost Potted Plant, Duckbill Flame Dragon, go!" Several

elves were fighting, and Dr. Lan looked at Ye Feng in confusion next to him.

Why is this Ye Feng just like a bystander, just watching and not saying anything.

"Finish fighting early, let's leave early." Ye Feng looked at the elf and said.


Ye Feng, you are..." Dr. Lan couldn't understand Ye Feng's operation even more.

"Doctor, in the face of professionally trained people, no matter what tricks they use next, they are likely to be discovered.

"And then choose a way to deal with it."

Speaking of this, Ye Feng turned his head and glanced at the battle situation, paused and continued:

"Moreover, the strength of a few of them is enough, and they don't need any command from me.

Dr. Lan opened his mouth, but finally swallowed the words.

"Forget it, I hope good luck..." Before

he finished speaking, Dr. Lan's eyes widened instantly, and he pulled Ye Feng away.

I saw that he rushed straight out at the bear and pounced on Dr. Lan's body.


Frog Seed!" As soon as the words fell, Miao Frog Seed ran out of the Spirit Ball, and the vines on its body bound the body of the straight bear.

However, because the strength of the magic frog seed is still relatively small, there is no way to throw the straight bear out.

Seeing this

, Ye Feng showed an evil smile at the corner of his mouth, and released a large group of Ibu.

"Go, help the Frog Seeds. "

In an instant, the straight bear was submerged in a herd of Ibrahimovic and tried to break free, and the frog seeds were still tied.

"Come back when you've had enough.

"Remember to drag the carcass of the straight bear over."

This scene shocked Dr. Lan next to him.

I looked at the scene in front of me sluggishly.

After living for so many years, I have seen all kinds of scenes, and this is really the first time I have seen it.

At the same time, there were also the three people on the opposite side who were stunned.

From the beginning, he knew that he was no bigger than Ye Feng, and this was just a measure to delay the army.

At that time, go straight to the bear and steal things back, and the task will be completed!

The most important report given below, isn't Ye Feng only three elves? Seeing

that the mission failed, the three people looked at each other and ran away with the elves without hesitation.

"No need to chase.

"You don't want to go back, just go outside." Hearing

this, several elves shook their heads, turned their heads and ran into the elf ball.

Eevovic and the Magic Frog Seed are also back.

"Let's go over and see, maybe we can find something on the corpse."

"Dr. Nalan, let's get over. "

Wait for the two people to walk to the body of the straight rushing bear and break the palm of the straight rushing bear.

A black crystal shining strangely appeared in the palm of his hand.

Dr. Lan bent down and picked up the black crystal and looked at it.

"This... This is the same as the huge crystal outside, and it can also be used for a short shuttle.

"No wonder in the blink of an eye, those three disappeared."

"Ye Feng, you can take this.

Ye Feng was also not polite, and directly stretched out his hand to take the black crystal on his hand.

This kind of black crystal is found in every town in the Reverse World.

However, each town is far apart.

With this small piece of crystal, it saves a lot of trouble.

"Let's keep walking, through this cave and a desert."

"It's windy, and you hold this goggles."

"Good. "


had no abnormalities along the way.

When they reached the exit near the exit, the wind and sand with the grains of sand rushed straight in front of the two people.

"Put on your goggles and walk along the wall!" shouted Dr. Lan.

Soon, the two people put on goggles and walked out of the cave one after the other.

The wind and sand outside were unusually fierce, and the visibility was extremely low.

If you are swept away by the wind and sand, you will basically not find anyone.

"Ye Feng, hurry up

!" "Soon the wind and sand will become bigger, and we won't be able to walk by then!" "

Good!" Ye Feng responded loudly.

Ten minutes later.

Before Ye Feng could react, he was pulled into the cave by Dr. Lan.

"Whew, it's safe.

"Ye Feng, do you have anything wrong?" Hearing

this, Ye Feng shook his head and looked at the wind and sand outside through the entrance of the cave.

It was only half an hour after coming out of the Red Lotus Cave, and now it was basically yellow outside.

It is said that there is no distinction between humans and animals five meters away, and even people standing in front of them cannot see where they are.

"That desert is called the desert of despair. Dr. Lan sighed inaudibly and continued,

"There is only one hour of safe time every day.

"Anyone who misses this time and enters this desert is basically a dead end."


Hearing this, Ye Feng turned his head and looked at Dr. Lan waiting for the next words.

"Your parents used to live here, and there should be a lot of things left in it.

"However, it is not safe inside, even if something is left, it will be taken over!" Hearing

this, Ye Feng raised his eyebrows and looked at Dr. Lan with an incomprehensible smile.

"What's the next safe time?"

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Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day!

Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day! - Chapter 174

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