
Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day! - Chapter 175

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Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day!

Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day! - Chapter 175
"Almost a day later.

"However, the flow of time here is not the same as reality, so..."

After Ye Feng finished speaking, he walked towards the exit.

Seeing this, Dr. Lan behind him didn't know what to say for a while.

Shouldn't the situation be waiting here and then waiting until the safe time has passed?

Ye Feng stopped and looked at the doctor who was still stunned and spoke.

"Doctor, don't you hurry up?" "

Ah, yes!" Dr. Lan laughed awkwardly twice, and walked quickly to Ye Feng's side.

"Then let's go.

"When you pass through this cave entrance, below is the town of Sand Mirage."

Ye Feng nodded, didn't say anything, just kept walking towards the front.

As for Dr. Lan's mouth, where his parents lived, who knows if it is true or not.

After all, this person is very problematic.

Even if it is really where his parents live, he should not let this person tell him.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng took a long breath and tried to calm his mood.


After passing through the cave, Ye Feng and the two arrived next to Sand Mirage Town.

Directly opposite the entrance of the cave is the Elf Center.

Next to it is the elf shop, as well as many houses, and the dojo.

"Although this side reverses the world, many of them are the same as reality.

"These people still retain the habits of their lives, and slowly evolve into towns."

"Since you are here, are you going to challenge the

Taoist Hall?" Ye Feng shook his head, glanced at the direction of the Taoist Hall, and spoke

, "Besides, Doctor, you have to go ahead in advance, you don't have to follow me."

"This... Not okay. The Doctor smiled, a flash of panic in his eyes.

Ye Feng turned his head, a cold light burst out under his eyes, and sneered.

"Either you go and fight Lance, or I'll kill you and choose for yourself."

"I, you... Forget it, you alone pay attention to safety. The Doctor turned around helplessly and walked in the direction of the next town.

After turning his back to this Ye Feng, Dr. Lan's face changed instantly.

It seems that he is still anxious, but he didn't expect Ye Feng's vigilance to be so heavy, and he said so much, but he still didn't believe himself.

It seems that surveillance should have let Lance come over.

After watching Dr. Lan walk away, Ye Feng returned to the cave again like a nobody.

If Dr. Lan hadn't said something about the desperate desert, he would have almost let down his guard.

Such a person is too terrible, and invisibly will think that this person is reliable and try to believe him.

Think of this.

Ye Feng couldn't help but recall the conversation from the first time he met Dr. Lan to the present.

It is clear that there are many flaws, but step by step to induce their own ideas.

Just like in the beginning.

He said that he knew his parents and had a good relationship, and he knew at that time that he didn't believe it.

All the way to the door of the Red Lotus Cave, what he said.

Compared to his parents, he knows Sakaki more about who he is.

Kidnapping his parents as a way to blackmail himself, this thing Sakaki will definitely do.

Even if it were true, this kind of news would not be known to anyone other than someone very close to Sakaki.

Invisibly, he believed what he said.

It's a pity!

This guy is too anxious.

If it weren't for the desperate desert, my parents would live here, and there would be no flaws.


above the town of Sand Mirage.

After walking here, Dr. Lan took out a special communication device and dialed Lance's phone.

"I'm Dr. Lan, and Ye Feng already doubts me.

"In order to ensure that the task can be completed, Ye Feng's side you will monitor." "

I'll solve the plasma cluster and the galaxy group!"

Lance was silent for a long time.

"You have long been exposed, so why do you need to exchange with me."

Lance couldn't help but recall the last time he had with Ye Feng.

That time, he had already shaken his beliefs, and he hadn't figured it out until now, and he really didn't want to get along with Ye Feng.

That man is terrible.

It's like being able to read minds, seeing through a person's entirety.

After getting along with this kind of person for a long time, if it is not very appropriate, you can know what color pants you wear.

"Lance!" shouted Dr. Lan. "This time the world is reversed, and I command the whole process.

"Are you going to disobey my orders now?"

Lance said, and then glanced at the members of Team Rocket behind him and sighed helplessly.

"I'll go over now and wait for you in Sand Mirage Town. On

the other side of --------------------

, Ye Feng had already arrived at the entrance of the cave, and the wind and sand outside the door was still very large.

According to Dr. Lan, about a day, then you still have to wait here.

However, fortunately, when you come to this world, it is the soul who comes, and naturally there is no need to sleep and eat.

It saved a lot of trouble, and now I have to wait for this wind and sand to pass.

Thinking of this

, Ye Feng stood up, and when he loosened his muscles, he suddenly skimmed a line of small words on the wall.

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Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day!

Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day! - Chapter 175

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