
Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day! - Chapter 176

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Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day!

Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day! - Chapter 176
[Reality and ideals are king.] The

system was very intimate to help Ye Feng translate the above text.

"Reality and ideals are kings...," Ye Feng whispered again.

What exactly it means, Ye Feng doesn't know.

However, looking at the weathering marks on it, this handwriting should have been left for a long time.

"Ye Feng, do you know the words on it?" said Lance in the back.

"Huh?" Ye Feng was startled, and turned his head to see that it was Lance who was relieved.


"I thought who was it, are you now on duty with such a doctor to spy on me?"

Lance opened his mouth, not knowing what to say for a while, and could only laugh bitterly.

No way.

He couldn't completely get away from Sakaki, and he didn't want to be an enemy with Ye Feng, so he made himself very embarrassed.

"Since you're here, let's keep an eye on it.

Ye Feng said, and sat in the position next to the cave entrance, waiting for the wind and sand to pass.

Lance glanced at his men and waved his hand to let them leave first.

After Ye Feng and Lance were left, the entire cave was much quieter, and only the sound of breathing could be heard.

Lance leaned against the wall, turned sideways to look at Ye Feng, opened his mouth or said nothing.

"Say what you want.

"You've all spread people apart, don't you just have something you want to say?"

Ye Feng didn't even open his eyes, and slowly spoke.

"Alas. Lance let out a long sigh and looked out at the wind and sand.

"I can't leave Sakaki completely.

"Again, I don't want to be your enemy, if you have anything you want to do, just do it."

"I won't talk to Sakaki. Hearing

this, Ye Feng opened his eyes and turned his head to look Lance up and down.

"Gone?" Lance

: "???" Lance: "Gone, is there anything else?"


Feng shook his head, continued to lean against the cave wall, and closed his eyes.


would certainly be impossible, Lance didn't want to say it, and she didn't intend to force him to say it.


a long time has passed.

When he could vaguely see some looks outside, Ye Feng stood up.

"When I left, the wind and sand stopped outside. "

What are you doing in the Desert of Despair?" Lance looked at Ye Feng's quilt and couldn't help but ask.

This is very dangerous, and it is impossible for Ye Feng not to know.

Moreover, there was nothing left here except a desert, what did Ye Feng want to find?

"Find a house. Ye Feng responded, and then took out his goggles and put them on.

Hearing this, Lance frowned slightly, looking at Ye Feng like a fool.

This desert is not very big, enough to see the end at a glance, where are the houses.

"What Dr. Jia Lan said.

"My parents stayed here, although I felt outrageous.

"It's okay to see after all.

After that, Ye Feng walked directly towards the desert and walked slowly along the wall.

And after Lance heard Ye Feng's words, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

"Dr. Lan?" "

What that person said Ye Feng also believed?"

"How do you feel that after a while, Ye Feng's IQ has dropped a lot."

Lance muttered in his heart, raised his head and was vaguely unable to see the position, quickly put on his goggles, and rushed in the direction of Ye Feng.


At the same time,

Ye Feng had already walked along the wall for a distance of almost two meters.

Don't talk about the house on this section of the road, I didn't even see a single stone.

In some places, the sand is very deep, and if you don't pay attention, you will easily fall into it and can't get out.

This undoubtedly slowed Ye Feng's speed down.

"Ye Feng, wait... Cough, wait for me!" Lance Tong Yan supported the wall and ran towards Ye Feng.

Just about a meter away, Ye Feng's eyes widened instantly.


Lance raised his head, and before he could ask, a huge suction force instantly pulled his legs.

"Ye Feng, save me!" Lance shouted as he looked at Ye Feng in horror, and the more he struggled, the faster he fell.

In the blink of an eye, half of his body has already entered.

"Don't move, I'll come here. Ye Feng carefully walked towards Lance.

I'm afraid that I will touch quicksand somewhere.

After all, trapped in quicksand, there is no help outside, basically even if there is a dead end.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng took a deep breath and stopped a step away from Lance.

"Take my hand, don't push hard!"

Lance nodded, and the moment the handle touched Ye Feng.

The entire ground shook violently, shaking violently, causing Ye Feng to be unable to stand firmly at all.

Finally fell to Lance's side, and the two of them were instantly in the desert of despair...

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Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day!

Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day! - Chapter 176

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