
Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day! - Chapter 187

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Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day!

Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day! - Chapter 187
"Is it Ye Feng?"

muttered the girl hiding behind.

After knowing that Xiaoguang was coming, he also begged Dr. Akroni to come in out of worry.

But I didn't see a small light along the way.


At the same time,

Ye Feng and Lance glanced at each other and also discovered the situation.

"Someone, what should I do?"

said Lance with his lips and Ye Feng.

As the top talent of the Rockets, it is impossible not to even know that there is someone behind it.

Seeing that Ye Feng didn't react, Lance didn't dare to make any moves.

Looked at.

Ye Feng shook his head and motioned for Lance to calm down first.

The person behind him was followed by two people, and he didn't look like someone from the Galactic Group.

Moreover, it didn't look like an enemy, so Ye Feng didn't care so much.

After all, there are people from the galaxy group everywhere now, and if there is too much movement, it will definitely attract attention.

No need to risk it.

"Okay then. Lance shrugged, ignoring the man behind him.


"Phew. The girl behind her saw that the two people relaxed again, and only then took a long breath.

Just thought I had been discovered.

It seems that the legendary Ye Feng is not very good, and he has not even found it after tracking him for so long.

After staring for a while.

Seeing that it was safe, the girl relaxed and leaned against the tree.

The people behind him were perceived by Ye Feng's every move, and seeing that the girl was no longer staring at her, a smile of unknown meaning appeared at the corner of Ye Feng's mouth.

"Lance, you wait here for a while, I'll go and solve the physiological problem next to me. "

Huh?" Lance was stunned for a moment.

The two of them don't need to eat and don't need to go... Pee pee.

Seeing this

, Ye Feng pointed behind him, and Lance understood what it meant.

"You go back quickly, I'll just guard it here."

Then, Ye Feng slowed down and walked behind him.

A moment later

, when Ye Feng walked behind the girl, after looking around, he recognized the girl.

"Xiao Yao, the first time we met, you followed two men like this, aren't you afraid of encountering danger?" Hearing this

, Xiao Yao, who was hiding behind the tree, suddenly stood up, looked at Ye Feng in horror, and subconsciously shouted. Seeing

this, Ye Feng hurriedly stepped forward and covered Xiao Yao's mouth with his hand.

"Don't shout!"

"You don't want to live, I still want to live!"

"Woo hoo..." Xiao Yao nodded vigorously, trying to break Ye Feng's hand with his hand.

Only then did Ye Feng let go of Xiao Yao, wrapped his hands around his chest, and looked at it with a smile.

"Say, what are you following me for?"

Xiao Yao threw a cold look at Ye Feng and wiped his mouth vigorously with his hand.

"Isn't it?"

Ye Feng bent down, his face almost on Xiao Yao's face.

And Xiao Yao looked at a handsome face so close to him, and couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

"I didn't, I just happened to run across. Xiao Yao was still hard-mouthed.

"Coincidentally?" Ye Feng looked at Xiao Yao with a smile on his eyebrows, and if his face changed instantly, he instantly cooled his face, and said indifferently:

"Since it happens, then I think you have seen a lot of things, right

?" "For example, I killed the people of the Galaxy Group?"

"Do you think you can still survive?

How did the person who had been laughing just now suddenly turn his face cold.

And Lance also came over at this time, cooperating with Ye Feng to fan the flames next to him.

"Ye Feng, this person, no one can change what decision to make. "

It's only a matter of killing you now or later, and you might as well tell the truth now."

"???" Xiao Yao looked at Ye Feng in horror and then at Lance.

The two of them didn't seem like a joke at all.

Isn't it said that Ye Feng is very gentle and helpful, how is this different from what he saw?


, Ye Feng sighed inaudibly, looking at Xiao Yao and shaking his head.

"Lance is joking, I won't kill you either. "

What the hell are you doing here, it's dangerous to be full of people from the Galactic Regiment."

"No one has found you now, so hurry up." Seeing

this, Xiao Yao secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but shook his head on his face.

"I came to look for someone, and I can't leave if I can't find him.

"Looking for someone?" asked Ye Feng.

In this world, apart from a few regional champions, who else came in?"

"Before, the Mikkoli champion and my father told me about this world, and accidentally let Xiaoguang hear it.

"He wanted to prove himself and came into the world alone.

"I'm worried that something will happen, and when my father can't explain to Uncle Xiaoguang, I'll come over." Hearing

this, Ye Feng nodded, indicating that he understood, and then looked at Xiao Yao and explained bitterly:

"You won't come here to find Xiaoguang, now this place is controlled by the galaxy group."

"When the time comes, no one is found, and you have an accident here."


your father more worried?" Xiao Yao looked at Ye Feng, and said with a firm look in his eyes: "

Isn't there you to protect me, your strength is so strong, you will definitely be able to protect me!"

Ye Feng was right, if he encountered danger, his father would also be worried.

But. That's not a reason.

If something happens to Xiaoguang, how can his father have the face to see Xiaoguang's uncle.

Seeing this, Ye Feng pouted, looking helpless.


It's not that you don't want to take Xiao Yao, but one more person will be more dangerous.

"Brother Ye Feng, don't worry, even if there is danger, you don't have to worry about me. "

It's just that when there is no danger, how about we go together?" "

???," Ye Feng smiled awkwardly.

My brother shouted, and it doesn't seem good to shirk it again.

Besides, just taking a person, there should be no danger.

"Brother Ye Feng, did you acquiesce?" said Xiao Yao tentatively.

Hearing this,

Ye Feng nodded and stretched out his hand to poke Xiao Yao's head.

"I can't help you. "

Ugly things ahead, if you are in danger, I will not care about you."

"Help you also out of the relationship with Mikkoli."

Xiao Yao nodded and laughed secretly in his heart.

Although I came to find Xiaoguang myself, I had another idea in my heart after seeing Ye Feng.

The world is dangerous, and it is certainly not possible to do it on your own.

If he followed behind Ye Feng, even if he encountered danger, he would help.

"In that case, let's rest here for a while, and then let's go together." "

Hearsay. Lance and Xiao Yao nodded.

However, Lance glanced at Ye Feng, and what he wanted to say was not said in the end.

He didn't understand, what to take a girl for

, when the time comes, when the time comes, it will be a big burden, isn't it a thankless thing?

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Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day!

Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day! - Chapter 187

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