
Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day! - Chapter 190

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Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day!

Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day! - Chapter 190
After Adek left, Xiaoguang withdrew his gaze and saw Xiao Yao staring at him.

"Xiao Yao, you're here too..." Xiao Guang scratched his head in embarrassment.

Obviously, this trip came secretly, but I didn't expect to be found in the end, and I was caught.

"My father got it, just let me tell you to be careful."

"Also, I'm with you."

Hearing this, Xiaoguang quickly shook his head and looked resistant.


"Uncle Qianli will be worried, Xiaoyao, you better go back."

"I can do it alone!"

"I will try to develop in the direction of Mr. Adek, and don't hold anyone back!"

After that, Xiao Guang took advantage of Xiao Yao's lack of speech and ran in the direction where Adek left.

Seeing this

, Xiao Yao subconsciously wanted to go over to chase, but thinking of Ye Feng behind him, he shrugged helplessly.

"Thank you Brother Ye Feng for this way."

"I have time to work as a tour guide in Orange City, but I really don't have time now."

Hearing this, Ye Feng chuckled, waved his hand, and watched Xiao Yao leave.

Immediately, he turned his head to look at Lance and shrugged his shoulders.

"Now let's go too, sort out the mentality."

"I really can't worry about your parents, so you will go back and spend more time with your mother."

Lance tugged at the corners of his mouth, revealing a smile that was uglier than crying.

"No thanks, let's go."


Ye Feng didn't say anything more, and walked directly towards the next town.

If I remember correctly, the plot of this paragraph should be a guide to Mirage City.

It has been delayed for a long time and needs to be solved quickly.


Mirage City.

Adu, wearing a new cape, not only stinks in front of Alice.

"Sure enough, the clothes still look better to wear."

"Alice, what do you say, do you want to buy you a dress here?"

"Brother Adu..." Alice sighed helplessly. We're here to get down to business, are you like that now?

"It just so happens that the people of the plasma group were driven away by us and went to fight the dojo?"

"Let's see which of the two of us will take it first?"

Hearing this, after thinking for a moment, Adi looked at Alice and nodded.

Ye Feng didn't know when he could come over, and it didn't seem appropriate to wait all the time.

In addition, Adek, Hirona's side needs herself.

Thinking of this

, Ah Du didn't say anything, and rushed directly towards the inside of the Taoist Hall.

Only Alice was left alone.


Didn't you say good together? What's going on with this man.

Never mind.

Wait outside for a while, it should be easy for Brother Adu to open a small dojo.


Ten minutes later.

Ah Du walked out of the dojo with a black face, looking like he had suffered a lot of blows.

Seeing this

, Alice forced a smile, pretending to be stupid and looked at Adu and said,

"Brother Adu?"

"What's wrong with you? It can't be that the dojo didn't fight, right? Hearing

this, Ah Du's eyes widened suddenly.

"Who said that!"

"It's just that the dragon is hungry, I don't want to fight anymore, you go and fight."

"I'll wait for you outside."

Saying that, Ah Du directly pushed Alice in, and he alone did not know where to go.

And Alice, who entered the dojo, finally couldn't help laughing.

I had inquired about the situation of this dojo before, and it was the ice attribute that restrained the dragon attribute.

Brother Adu often couldn't beat Sister Konah before, but he didn't expect to be injured again this time.

And I didn't say it on purpose.


the other side.

Ye Feng and Lance were on the boat, and if they wanted to go to the Mirror Master, the waterway was a must.

It's just...

Ye Feng looked at the wood behind the boat and couldn't help but be a little worried.

I don't know if it's the plasma cluster or the galactic group, which almost destroyed the ships on the shore.

There is only this one left, and the planks are constantly dropped.

"It's almost here, you can already see the town in front, I think this ship can support us to pass."

Hearing this

, Ye Feng glanced in the direction of the bow of the ship, and indeed he could vaguely see the town.

"Okay, let's rest in the next town."

"I see that you can't stand it all the way, just plan what to do next."

Lance didn't say anything, his eyebrows were very tired.

And, if memory serves, the top of Mirage City is the road to champions.

It is the Elven Alliance that reverses the world.

"When you arrive, the two of you will get off the boat first!" The boatman came out and jumped out of the boat impatiently.

Not encountering danger on the sea is really a blessing in misfortune.

Now that it's docked, it's impossible to stay on board for an extra minute.

"Let's go too."

"You go find a place to rest first, I'll check the situation here, and I'll find you later in the past."

"Good." Lance nodded and walked towards the town.

Now Ye Feng was left alone, standing on the shore, and said into the air:

"It's all coming, haven't you come out yet?"


ability really hasn't regressed, it's my disguise skills that have declined."

The boatman tore off the human skin mask on his face, and below was Sakaki's face.

"Uncle, long time no see!"

"yes, long time no see." Sakaki also responded, walking to Ye Feng's side and looking at the sea together.

"When did you find me?"

"At first."

After Ye Feng finished speaking, he turned his head to look at Sakaki and chuckled.

"Uncle, you really miscalculated."

"Although this ship is broken, it can actually arrive unharmed along the way."   "Other people's boats can't even be seen, and I don't think anyone should go to sea, right?"

After listening to Ye Feng's words, Sakaki burst out laughing.

"Sure enough, I didn't misread you!"

After laughing, Sakaki instantly changed his face and looked at Ye Feng coldly.


Hearing this, Ye Feng raised his eyebrows and looked at Sakaki without speaking.

"You're not stupid, it's really useless to play the fool here."

"You think the reason why I came over is because I don't believe him at all."

"Sure enough, I still didn't miscalculate this."

Hearing this, Ye Feng was embarrassed to pretend anymore, and looked at Sakaki with a faint sigh.

"You know, and ask me what I do."

"Lance has never intended to betray you, but he has no intention of becoming an enemy with me."

"Ridiculous." Sakaki sneered.

As long as you do not obey orders and treat enemies as friends, how can this not be considered betrayal.


Sakaki suddenly remembered something, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but smile.

"You still haven't won me after all, and you'll know when you get out of here."

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Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day!

Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day! - Chapter 190

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