
Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day! - Chapter 91

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Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day!

Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day! - Chapter 91
"Hmph! If you don't compare, you can't compare!

"Even if I lose, I have one thing to tell everyone."

Lin Yi said, turning to look at the camera.

"This person's name is Ye Feng, and he only has two badges to participate in the competition of the seventh division."

"Is there no problem with that?"

"How strong his elf strength is, you all saw it, it must have gone through some back door."

"I don't even know if the elf is my own."

Seeing that the situation was not good, Shirona quickly called two alliance prosecutors to take Lin Yi away.

In the pull, Lin Yi was still shouting.

The audience in the seventh division was not small, so everyone's eyes were on Ye Feng.

"Wouldn't you? Really two badges?

"It doesn't feel like it's fake, otherwise this Lin Yi wouldn't be able to say that."

"I agree, the elves can have this strength, they have long become registered trainers of the alliance, how can they be rookie trainers."

"No, I have seen this person, it seems that he subdued the Phoenix King."

"..." There

was a lot of discussion in the audience, and the faces of Adu and Konah outside the venue were not very good.

Konah sighed helplessly and walked to Adu.

"Sorry, this person is my cousin, I didn't expect her to do such a thing."

"I'll go call her over now." With that, Konah prepared to leave.

I knew that my cousin was stupid, but I didn't expect it to be so stupid.

If he had known, he would not have let her participate in this competition.

"Konah, you're staying here."

"I solved things in the past, and it was not very convenient for you in the past."

After Ah Du stopped Kona, he walked towards the arena.

Once Ko came out, the idiot on stage might say something.

It is likely that someone will be accused of opening a back door to his cousin, or at worst, stopping the investigation.

He had worked with Konah for so long, and naturally he had no doubts about his character.

On the field.

Seeing this situation, Shirona was not very easy to interfere, so she could only cast a reassuring look to Ye Feng.

Originally, the referee this time was not her, but she asked Ah Du to come over as a referee.

Besides, this is a matter for the Kanto region, and I can't interfere at all.

Seeing this,

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders indifferently and looked at Shirona and smiled.

What are you worried about? What should be afraid is Lin Yi's idiot.

In the official tournament of the league, it seems that it is impossible to be a trainer in the future.

Other careers should also come to an end.

Ruining the back road yourself, this is also too stupid to say.


Ten minutes later.

Ah Du had a cold face and walked onto the arena.

"I am the King of Adu Heaven, today I will answer all the questions of the player Lin Yi."

"First, Mr. Ye Feng definitely didn't go through any back doors, and there was no problem with the strength of the elves."

Speaking of this, there was a sigh in the audience.

The previous affairs about the Phoenix King, as well as the Tokiwa Forest, were all blocked.

It's only a small part of what you know.

So now most people still have a reason not to believe.

"The only top cultivator in the entire continent, Ye Feng, the child of Dr. Ye Wentianye!"

"Do you guys think that strength is limited to two dojo badges?"

"Do you think the resources he has access to are low?"

"If there is any problem with my words above, I will resign from the job of the four heavenly kings."

As soon as these words came out, the sighs in the audience became even louder.

If you still didn't believe it before, now you are absolutely shocked.

There was speculation about whether Dr. Yip's children would choose to continue as cultivators.


, because Dr. Ye is low-key, he did not disclose anything about his children in the media.

As a result, Ye Feng did not know about it at all.

As a child of top breeders, will there be good resources?

Now the audience in the audience looked at Lin Yi and couldn't help but get disgusted.

If your own strength is not the enemy, you must pour dirty water.

Looking at Dr. Ye's children, he didn't even say a word of rebuttal.

This calmness far exceeds Lin Yi, and it is simply like a jumping beam clown.

"Everyone be quiet." Ah Du looked at the audience and said.

"This game is over, and the winner is Ye Feng."

"Let Ye Feng step down and rest first, Lin Yi's affairs will be officially released later."

"You can wait."

After speaking, Ah Du glanced at Ye Feng and waved his hand to signal that he could leave.

Shirona glanced at Lin Yi mockingly, and then returned to the lounge with Ye Feng.


In the lounge, Su Baici has not yet returned.

Shirona casually pulled over a chair and sat in front of Ye Feng.

"I just did a good job!"

Hearing this, Ye Feng raised his eyebrows, looked at Shirona and said with a smile: "

The surprise you said is to come and be a referee?"

Hirona nodded, a little angry when she thought of what had just happened.

"Yes, isn't it quite a surprise, it's that stupid thing that annoys people."

"You rest by yourself for a while first, mine goes first, and the referee of your match will still be me."

Hearing this, Ye Feng looked at Shirona helplessly and smiled.

"You're like this, aren't you afraid of being said, a league champion to be a referee?"

"Che, I don't care."

"Okay, don't talk about it, I still have things to do here."

After that, Hirona left without a head.

After Shirona left, Ye Feng took out his mobile phone and looked at the official website of the alliance.

The punishment for Lin Yi has already been issued.

"The alliance is doing things really fast." Ye Feng muttered, and then opened the message.

[Player Lin Yi, because of making trouble in the arena, deliberately smeared other players, the nature is bad, and the following punishment was given! ] 】

【1: Disqualification from the competition, cancellation of the results of the dojo, the alliance will permanently cancel the trainer's qualification! [

2: For Lin Yi's cousin Kona, the alliance is temporarily suspended for investigation. 【

If you have any objections above, you can appeal! 】 - Elven League. After

reading it, Ye Feng felt a little distressed.

Originally, it had nothing to do with her, but she was suspended for investigation because of this idiot.

I am really not afraid of opponents like gods, but teammates like pigs.


The door was pushed open, and it was Su Bai who came back.

Seeing this, Ye Feng took back his mobile phone, looked at Su Baiqi with a smile and said,

"The game is over?" The result? Hearing

this, Su Baici sighed and forced out a smile.

"I won."

"But I'm not going to participate in the next race."

"I'm just a fairy on the trail, and I want him to have a good rest."

Hearing this,

Ye Feng nodded and did not continue to say anything.

In the seventh division, basically the worst contestant also has two elves, and more.

Lucario is an elf to such an elf, and it is normal to be tired.

Thinking of this,

Ye Feng glanced at Su Baici and continued,

"Then are you ready to go back?" Or stay here and continue watching the game?

"I'm going back, nice to meet you."

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Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day!

Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day! - Chapter 91

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