
Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day! - Chapter 93

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Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day!

Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day! - Chapter 93
Simply said about himself and the boss, Matori couldn't help but sigh.

"Lance, you said that the boss this..." Hearing

this, Lance nodded and just repeated Lin Yi's name.

"You said I know this person."

"It's a player in the league today, and he slandered Ye Feng for going through the back door."

"Maybe the boss is angry."

"This person has something to do with Kona, you just follow Kona's line."

Hearing this,

Matori glanced at Lance gratefully.

"Okay, I know, I'll treat you to dinner when it's over!"

"No problem, I'm just going to find the boss." Lance was just about to open the door when he was stopped by the real bird.

"I advise you to wait."

"The boss is angry now, and it's easy to get into trouble when you go in."

Lance gasped and slowly withdrew his hand.

"Then I'll be late, I'm going to get busy."

Matori nodded, and after the two separated, they went about their own business.


Inside the room.

Sakaki hadn't slowed down yet, and the more he looked at Lin Yi, the more angry he became, and for the first time he felt that women were so hateful.

The alliance's side has handled it well, otherwise someone will be sent tomorrow to add some trouble to the alliance.

It seems that the alliance can be spared for a while.

Thinking of this

, Sakaki couldn't help but laugh out loud,

he also has a time to do things according to emotions?



Elf League.

The afternoon game is nearing its end, and this time the opponent still has some strength.

The other party's name is Mississi, he holds two elves, and now there is only one fast dragon left.

On his side, Menas and Kuailong are left.

Seeing this,

Ye Feng chose Menas to fight without hesitation.

Although the water elves do not restrain the dragon system, Menas has ice skills!

Quadruple restrained dragon system, as long as the skill hits, you can basically take it away in one set.

"Forget it, forget it, I admit defeat!" Mississi said with a smile as he looked at the referee.

Hearing this, Ye Feng was stunned for a moment.

"You admit defeat?"

Missisi nodded, walked to Ye Feng with a chuckle, and stretched out his hand.

"If I hadn't matched you, I would have been able to keep walking, it seems that I am not very lucky."

"So? Mr. Ye Feng, make a friend?

Ye Feng was stunned for a while, then walked off the stage and stretched out his hand, and said with a smile:

"Naturally there is no problem, we can add a WeChat later."

Seeing this, Missisi nodded in satisfaction, and then turned to look at Hirona.

"Referee, I admit defeat, the two of us go first!"

After that, before Ye Feng could react, Mixisi put his arm around his shoulders and left.

Hirona walked up to the stage with a confused look and announced today's results.


Unlike Su Baici, this Mississi is a little self-familiar, pulling Ye Feng all the way.

I didn't even have a chance to speak.

"Wait a minute, can you let me say a word first, you said all the way."

"Ah, ah! Then you say it. Mississi said.

Ye Feng was speechless.

When I was so speechless, it was the last time.

"I want to say, let's have a meal and go back to the dormitory to sleep, aren't you tired of talking so much?"

Hearing this

, Missisi thought for a while,

and then nodded.

"If you hadn't reminded me that I hadn't felt a little tired, then I'd go back first."

"If you need all kinds of Pokeballs, you can find me!"

Ye Feng nodded, and after sending Mixisi away, he returned to the dormitory with a tired face.

Mississi's family specializes in developing Poké Balls, and the Poké Balls on the market are basically developed by their family.

Masterball, though, is not.

I listened to it along the way, probably participating in the competition because he was idle and idle.

Thinking of this,

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and stopped thinking so much.

However, it is much more convenient to get to know Missisi, at least the Pokéball does not have to worry.

There are two kinds of Poké Balls on the market, the most basic red and white balls, and the blue and white Poké Balls.

Think of some special Poké balls, basically can't buy.

I heard that it is already being developed, and the poké balls with different attributes are suitable.


The phone rang, it was a message from Ash.

[Brother Ye Feng, Xiao Hao failed in the fifth round and is not in a good mood now. ] 】

【Today I won't go over to see you, tomorrow I'll send Xiaohao back first.】 】Xiao

Hao can actually last until the fifth round?

This was what surprised Ye Feng, who originally thought that the third round was almost the limit.

This is beyond my imagination.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng picked up his mobile phone and quickly sent a message back to Xiaozhi.

[No problem, you guys go back first, just because I want to take a break.] 【Good


After Ash replied to the news, Ye Feng didn't continue to say anything,

released the elf, and prepared the elf rations.

At this time, the alliance also sent the box lunch, and there was an extra omelette in it.

Without thinking about it, he knew who sent it, Ye Feng chuckled and began to eat.


Tokiwa City, Rocket Team Base.

Matori walked into Sakaki's office with the information he had checked.

"Boss, Lin Yi's information has been found."

"It's the fourth island from the island of Seven and Kona's cousin."

"Now he has been brought back to the fourth island by Cona, and Cona has also returned because of suspension."

"All the other personal information is on the file."

"Boss, do you need to solve it, or do you need to teach some lessons?"

Hearing this, Sakaki didn't respond immediately, just tapped on the table and thought.

It would be a lot more troublesome to be involved with the Alliance, and besides, Konah returned it, which was even more troublesome.

"No need to solve it, just humiliate it, don't overdo it."

"Don't let the alliance think of us."

Hearing this, Matori nodded, looked at Sakaki and continued to speak:

"Boss, according to the news."

"This Lin Yi offended many people, because in the name of Kona, no one dared to make a move."

"I'll contact the person Lin Yi offended and go and teach Lin Yi a lesson."

Sakaki nodded and waved his hand to signal that the real bird could go down.

He can't be blamed for that.

Do you have to offend Ye Feng? I don't know if that child has a backer?

Just as the real bird was about to open the door and leave, Sakaki said, "

Wait a minute, real bird."

"Don't let Ye Feng know about this matter, and send more people from the alliance side."

"Keep an eye on the Galaxy team, don't let them make a move on Ye Feng."

"Zhenxin Town also sent people over to stare at the point, I don't believe the alliance gang of waste."

"As well as the people we sent over from other areas, don't make any movement for the time being, and wait until the game is over."

Hearing this, Matori nodded and waited to see Boss Sakaki

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Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day!

Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day! - Chapter 93

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