
Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day! - Chapter 96

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Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day!

Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day! - Chapter 96
At this time, Ah Du didn't know what to say.

Lin Yi personally said that it was Ye Feng, if it were someone else, he would have taken it away by now.

Probably also for the sake of his own face, and now he didn't take it away.

"Alas, Miss Junsha, has the person who did this been caught?"

"After all, there is a conflict between Lin Yi and Ye Feng, is it a frame?"

Hearing this, Miss Junsha didn't say anything, just glanced at Ye Feng and Ah Du indifferently.

That is, Ah Du was present, otherwise Ye Feng would have taken him away today.

Now look at a mobile phone are pushed three and four, it is obvious that there are ghosts!

Thinking of this, Miss Junsha said in a tough tone: "

We are just conducting a routine investigation, and we also ask King Adu and Mr. Ye Feng to cooperate."

"Otherwise, we'll have to go through the procedure."

"Rather, as far as I know, Lin Yi does not seem to be a slanderer, there may be a misunderstanding."

Hearing this

, Ah Du glanced at Ye Feng and shook his head helplessly,

this kind of thing is not easy to take care of directly.

Now that the media has exposed this matter, what he is doing, it is likely to be like Kona.

Seeing this, Ye Feng shook his head and said that he had nothing to do.

Then he turned his head and looked at Miss Junsha and said, "

Want to see my phone?"

"Lin Yi said that I did her when she was stripped naked and thrown into the ice cave?"

"If you can't come up with evidence, this phone won't show you today."

"It's a big deal, let's go and let me confront Lin Yi face to face!"

Miss Junsha's words just now, doesn't that mean that she did it herself?

Can't get the evidence, want to check your phone to find out the evidence?

At this time, Ye Feng's temper couldn't bear it.

Cooperate with the investigation yourself, not let people point to their noses and blame themselves.

"Mr. Ye Feng, please cooperate with me!"

"If Ye Feng still has this tough attitude now, then I think you should take a trip."

The voice just fell.

At this time, not only Ye Feng's face was not good, but Ah Du also cooled his face.

"Are you when I don't exist? Junsha?

"If you can't come up with evidence for this matter, don't plan to take people away from me."

"At least I'm still your boss!"

Adu, who usually smiles, frightened Miss Junsha with a cold face at this time.

Looking at Adu, Miss Junsha swallowed her saliva, and said calmly: "

Mr. Ye Feng was originally at fault in this matter, even if you are my boss, you can't do this."

"Blatantly stripping girls of their clothes, how can you let people live?"

"Is there still a face, I'll just ask briefly, you look like this?"


The two parties could not argue, Ye Feng stood up indifferently and looked at Miss Junsha and sneered twice.

"Is that convicting me? Miss Junsha is a good way to handle cases.

"I have to wonder now if you have received any benefits from Lin Yi."

Hearing this, Miss Junsha's face turned red, and just about to argue something, the door was kicked open.

It was Hirona who walked into the room.

"Champion Shirona, we are dealing with things, please go out first." Miss Junsha said.

Hearing this

, Shirona didn't even look at Miss Junsha,

and walked directly to Ye Feng.

"Are you all right?"

"I'm okay Sister Shirona, you're done with it?"

Hirona nodded, and directly took out a stack of documents and threw them in front of Miss Junsha.

"Is it enough?"

"After being demoted to work on Seven Island, he accepted a bribe from Lin Yi for three years."

"What Lin Yi did during the period, on the surface, Kona was helping to top, but it was actually you."

"This time, the offender has been caught, do you want to go back and take a look?"

Miss Junsha picked up the documents that Hirona had thrown over, and the more she looked at it, her face became worse.

These...... How could anyone know this?

Obviously, he hid it well, and he can return to work in the league in this year's selection.

"Adu arrest people."

"I also sent you these documents, you can take a look."

Hearing this,

Ah Du nodded and sent someone to take Miss Junsha away with a cold face.

After everyone left, Shirona instantly turned into a little fan girl, looked at Ye Feng and spoke:

"You can, you have discovered the things that are hidden so deeply?"

"How did you know that Junsha and Lin Yi colluded? Fang is not convenient to tell me. Hearing

this, Ye Feng coughed lightly twice, and said profoundly: "

The heavenly machine must not be leaked!"

"So, Sister Hirona, I really can't tell you about this."

"Cut, don't say if you don't say it." Hirona snorted coldly.

"You pay attention to your own safety, I'll go first, this time I will help for nothing, see that you don't have anything good."

Hearing this, Ye Feng lowered his head and said with a smile:

"It seems..."

"Good thing, I'm really, Sister Shirona, do you want to try it?"

Shirona looked at the position Ye Feng said, and immediately blushed.

"You kid doesn't know how to learn well."

"How can you make such a joke, I'm really leaving, I won't fight with you."

Hearing this, Ye Feng sighed helplessly.

Out of his pocket was a box, and inside was a pearl necklace.

What is Sister Shirona talking about, obviously what she wants to say is not that.

"Alas." Ye Feng

: "Let's give it again when I have the opportunity in the future, this is still something that I specially asked for from the system."

This time, Ye Feng already had his own guess in his heart, it should be Sakaki.

Otherwise, no one should have been able to deal with Lin Yi so quickly.

However, the other evidence was helped by the system, and he did not have Sakaki's contact information at all.

Without thinking much, Ye Feng lay back on the bed and took out his mobile phone to continue browsing the news.

Sure enough

, after Lin Yi sobered up,

he posted the video accusing himself on the Internet.

As a result, it was officially refuted by the police station over there, and this Lin Yi went in again.

"It's stupid to get home, and finally send yourself in."

"System? This time, if you ask for evidence, you have to deduct a few days of sign-in? "

Just now, the matter was more urgent, and I directly asked the system to help, and I didn't talk about remuneration and the like.

It shouldn't be too high to think about, and the last time the Divine Beast Space only deducted a week's check-in.

[Host, there is no need to deduct the number of check-ins this time. [


[Host, there are too few scenes in the system, can you add points? Hearing

this, Ye Feng raised his eyebrows and thought about it.


"Let's discuss it later, anyway, it's enough to sign in once a week, you can quit first."

The system was speechless, but it wasn't saying anything.

What can be done? They are attached to the host and have to fight for performance.

The system has not been good for life in the past two years....

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Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day!

Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day! - Chapter 96

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