
Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 100

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Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven

Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 100
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As Pikachu lost his ability to fight, the entire Hualan Taoist Hall fell silent.

Looking at the huge and hideous dragon king scorpion, the eyes of the three Hua Lan sisters were irrepressibly worried.

"It's so strong..." Peony held his hands in front of him, and couldn't help but sigh softly.

"Yes, although the huge size will inevitably lead to slow movement, as long as it is caught by its tail, it is basically impossible to break away."

Sakura nodded, even laymen could see that the real horror of this dragon king scorpion lay in its strong physical strength, defense and strength.

Because of the slow action, the active attack is naturally not suitable, but as long as the opponent seizes the opportunity to attack.

Once caught by the Dragon King Scorpion, the end is basically doomed!

A continuous and uninterrupted onslaught!

To break free from the powerful tail of the Dragon King Scorpion during this period, it is too ~ difficult!

"Come back Pikachu, I'm sorry, take it - come and have a good rest."

Chi retracted Pikachu and said slowly to Pikachu's Poké Ball, although it failed miserably.

But Chiya understands that Pikachu has worked hard, and Pikachu is not a power-type elf.

The probability of being caught by the dragon king scorpion and trying to break free again is basically equal to zero.

Moreover, the attack of the Dragon King Scorpion came too fiercely, and it did not give Pikachu any chance at all!

"It's surprising to me, Chi, you've only been out on a trip for less than a week, and you can actually do this level."

Alvin chuckled at Chi, Chi's talent can really be called terrible.

It's only been four or five days since Chi went out to travel, but who will believe this performance?

Even the original Alvin and Gadria were in addition to the initial elves they got earlier.

Other elves are only to this extent.

"So, what's next? Let me see how you are going to deal with this big guy! "

Alvin lowered his head slightly, and his pure blue eyes stared straight at Chi.

Dojo badge?

Compared to the battle with Chi, Alvin didn't care about that thing at all.

He wants to understand Chi's growth more deeply!

Because Chi is the most perfect head of the Four Heavenly Kings in his mind!

"Ah~ I won't let you lose, mosquito frog, it's up to you!"

Chi slightly lowered the brim of his hat, his handsome face became more focused, and he threw a Pokeball heavily.

A standing mosquito coil frog appeared in front of the naked, arms raised high, full of spirit.

"Mosquito frogs, interesting."

Alvin looked at the mosquito frog carefully, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

If memory serves, the mosquito coil frog is the initial genie of the special Chi, because he already had the mosquito coil frog before he got the Miao frog seed given by Dr. Ohki, and the mosquito coil frog is also one of Chi's absolute main forces.

"The battle has just begun! Mosquito frogs, beg for rain! Chi suddenly waved his arm and shouted at the mosquito frog.

Although he has lost an elf first, Chi has not given up, he wants to win!

A water ball condensed between its hands, and then sent it heavily into the air.

The entire battlefield was suddenly covered by a downpour!

Ask for rain and change the weather to rainy day skills!

The dragon king scorpion was soaked by the rain, and suddenly threw its body with some discomfort, it did not like rainy days.

"In terms of rain, dragon king scorpion, flying needle!"

Alvin suddenly ordered the dragon king scorpion, even if the mosquito coil frog got favorable weather, what could it do?

His Dragon King Scorpion is not so good

The Dragon King Scorpion used three pincers together, and countless projectile needles went towards it at great speed.

"Mosquito frogs, avoid them, use hypnosis"

Chi Shensheng ordered the mosquito coil frog, while staring at the dragon king scorpion with a slight frown.

This dragon king scorpion, the active offensive is actually exaggerated, and it is clearly a defensive counterattack type of elf.

But its tail is too dangerous!

Chi stared at the pincer tail of the Dragon King Scorpion, if caught, it would be really too dangerous, and it was necessary to pay attention to this.

The mosquito frogs swam quickly in the rain and easily avoided the dense flying needles.

At the same time, he began to slowly shake his hands, and the invisible energy began to condense.

"Freedom of Wandering?" Seeing this, Alvin narrowed his eyes slightly, such a flexible and brisk movement.

There is no doubt that this mosquito coil frog is a characteristic of increasing speed in rainy days.

"But the light speed is fast, but it's useless! Dragon King Scorpion, catch it! Then Alvin sneered and shouted at the Dragon King Scorpion.

Hypnotism? And how can there be a dragon king scorpion's tail fast!

And hearing the sound, the three sisters of Hua Lan and Chi raised their spirits at the same time!


The Dragon King Scorpion let out a low roar, bent down slightly, and the pincer tail behind it suddenly stabbed out towards the mosquito coil frog like lightning!

"Here it comes! Avoid the mosquito frogs and use the water cannon! Chi suddenly shouted at the mosquito frog.

The mosquito coil frog immediately stopped hypnosis, quickly avoided the pincer tail and moved to the side of the dragon king scorpion, and a huge water cannon shot out from the stomach.

The defenseless Dragon King Scorpion completely ate this powerful water cannon.

"This attack is not enough! Cross poison! Alvin frowned slightly and waved abruptly.

The dragon king scorpion forcibly turned its head under the impact of the water cannon, and the giant pincers on both sides of its cheeks waved.

A cross energy blade struck back.


The water cannon touched the cross poison and exploded suddenly.

"Flying pin!"

Alvin continued to shout at the Dragon King Scorpion in a deep voice.

The Dragon King Scorpion roared, and the dense projectile needle shot towards the position before the mosquito frog.

0····· Ask for flowers 00

The sound of a projectile needle constantly hitting the ground sounded.


At this time, Chi's voice came.

Alvin's brows furrowed, because the mosquito coil frog had approached the dragon king scorpion at some point!

This guy, in the rain, moves too fast.

The mosquito coil frog suddenly kicked down, kicking the legs and feet of the dragon king scorpion hard!

“1ong!" The Dragon King Scorpion screamed in pain, and its huge body fell in an instant, stirring up a large amount of smoke and dust.

Kicking, a fighting skill, the heavier the elf, the more effective it is!

The huge size of the dragon king scorpion is naturally not light, and it still belongs to the evil elf, this blow is even more effective, and the damage to the dragon king scorpion can be imagined.

"Don't give it a chance, knock it down in one go! Mosquito frogs, water cannons! "

Chi saw that the light in his red eyes flickered, and he waved his hand heavily and shouted, fighting until now, defeating the Dragon King Scorpion is close at hand!

........... 0

The mosquito coil frog retreated a little distance, and the strong water cannon once again rushed towards the dragon king scorpion.

"Don't take it for granted! Dragon King Scorpion, Super Shock! "

Alvin shouted at the Dragon King Scorpion, his Dragon King Scorpion can still fight!

“1ong~!" The high roar of the Dragon King sounded in the smoke!

"It can actually stand up!" The three Sakura sisters looked at the Dragon King Scorpion in horror.

Is this guy really a monster with iron strikes?

So far, it has withstood too many attacks, and active attacks are also physically draining!

What kind of monster is this dragon king scorpion?!

The Dragon King Scorpion was alive and underwent the impact of the water cannon, and white spiral energy condensed around its body, and suddenly rushed towards the mosquito frog!

The strong force actually pushed the water cannon back!

Super Shock!

"Mosquito frogs, avoid it!" The red eyes shrank and hurriedly shouted at the mosquito coil frog.

This is the last blow of the Dragon King Scorpion, and the resistance is really over!

The mosquito coil frog gritted its teeth when he heard this, but did not listen to Chi's order, but once again strengthened the power of the water cannon!


A violent explosion sounded, and a large amount of smoke and dust mixed with energy storms swept away.

"What happened?"

The three Hua Lan sisters, who usually pay attention to their images, could not avoid this smoke and dust, but instead stared closely at the battlefield.

They can't wait to know the results of the dragon king scorpion and the mosquito coil frog!

For the first time, they had developed a sense of curiosity and nervousness about the outcome of the battle so urgently.

And this! It's the charm of elf battles!


(The hundredth chapter, also the big chapter, ask for flowers, ask for tickets, ask for custom!) zero)_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collect, push

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Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven

Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 100

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