
Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 101

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Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven

Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 101
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The smoke and dust quickly dispersed, and the dragon king scorpion and mosquito coil frog were seen in the eyes of everyone present at the same time.

Both elves lost their ability to fight at the same time!

Alvin was stunned when he saw this, and then lowered his head slightly and chuckled, which was expected and unexpected.

After all, that mosquito frog is indeed not weak.

"The Dragon King Scorpion lost its ability to fight at the same time as the mosquito frog, and since Alvin still had one elf left, the challenger Alvin won."

Sakura was stunned when she saw this, glanced at the silent Aka, and still announced the result of the battle.

Anyway, although Sakura is also uncomfortable, after all, Chi is fighting for the Hualan Dokan, and losing is losing.

Sakura sees this very clearly.

"I lost..." Chi looked at the mosquito coil frog who had lost the ability to fight, and his face was quite complicated.

But for a moment, he shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Myself, still not strong enough.

"Come back, mosquito frog, well done." "380"

But Chi still quickly adjusted his mentality, and on the road of dreams, there will be setbacks in the end.

And what he has to do is to turn these setbacks into motivation to continue walking!

"Chi, at the Quartz Conference, I look forward to fighting all of you!" Alvin put away the Dragon King Scorpion, walked to Chi's body and stretched out his hand to Chi and smiled.

This battle is just the beginning!

Alvin believes that in the future, there will be more battles with Chi!

"Thank you, Alvin, you are really strong! But I will definitely win you! "

The red eyes under the red hat stared at Alvin tightly, seriously stretched out his hand to shake Alvin, and said in a deep voice.

It doesn't matter if you lose, it only proves that Alvin is stronger than him at the moment.

Next time, win back!

"Very good fight, Chi, I am also looking forward to fighting you at the Quartz Conference."

Gadria stood beside Alvin and smiled lightly and sent an invitation to Chi.

In this battle, she finally understood why Alvin valued Chi so much.

The talent of this teenager is really terrifying, not inferior to them.

Alvin's Dragon King Scorpion, although it has only been cultivated for more than two months!

But even so, the Dragon King Scorpion under Alvin's command is by no means something that ordinary people can defeat.

But Chi, a trainer who had just come out to travel, was actually able to defeat the Dragon King Scorpion!

"Thank you, I look forward to it too." Chi Wenyan's mouth once again hung a familiar confident pure smile, and said to Gadria.

Gadria, the super king of the twin kings and Alvin is also a strong opponent.

"Although I don't want to disturb your conversation, I'm sorry, Mr. Alvin, this is the Blue Badge, your reward for victory."

The three Sakura sisters slowly walked over, handed over a blue water drop badge, and said to Alvin.

"And thank you very much, let us have a wonderful battle in person!"

Then Sakura bowed slightly to Alvin and Chi, and said sincerely to the two.

Because they were not interested in fighting before, the Sakura trio rarely watched videos of elf battles, and their strength was also weak.

Every time I faced a challenger, I only coped with things.

But today, witnessing the battle between Alvin and Aka on their faith power, she felt the charm of the elven battle.

Seeing it with your own eyes is completely different from the throbbing you feel on the video!

"Thanks, Chi, are there any elves that can be fought? Gadria also has a challenge. "

Alvin politely returned the salute to Sakura, then asked Aka.

Chi was stunned when he heard this, glanced at Gadria, hesitated for a while, and shook his head.

"Now that I only have three elves, I can't fight in the dojo anymore."

Chi apologizes to Gadria that Pikachu and the mosquito frog have lost their ability to fight, and the only magic frog seed he has left is not enough.

Alvin frowned slightly, this is really not good news, they still want to leave Hualan City today.

"Sister Sakura, give Miss Gadria a badge, she is a very good trainer."

Seeing this, Aka understood Alvin's distress and turned to Sakura and said.

Although she has not fought with Gadria, as the king of the United Region, Gadria's strength is beyond words.

"So that's the case, then please take it." Sakura did not hesitate when she heard this, and handed over a badge again and smiled.

Anyway, as we all know, the badge of their Hualan Taoist Hall is not worth much at all.

It has been no different from what was given away for nothing.

"Then thank you Miss Sakura, with all due respect, Miss Sakura, although your dojo is inherited."

"But since you inherited the Taoist Hall of your ancestors, no matter what, you must also be responsible for this, Chi can help you for a while, but you can't help you for a lifetime."

"If they could, no one would want the logo of Hualan City to fade away."

Alvin took the badge and thanked him, then thought about it and smiled slowly at Sakura.

Anyway, I also accepted the Taoist Hall badge that people gave away for free, and it doesn't matter if I persuade 0...

As for whether Sakura listened or not, it was not his business.

"Thank you Mr. Alvin for your kind words, in fact, I have witnessed your battle, and I have already realized something."

Sakura thanked her when she heard this, and then her beautiful face wore a serious look.

"Although we will still perform water ballet, we will also work hard and will not let outsiders continue to look down on Hualan Taoist Hall."

Calamus also waved her small fist and smiled cutely.

Alvin laughed when he heard this, who knows if these three beauties really made up their minds or if their brains twitched for a short time.

But it has nothing to do with him.

"In this case, Sister Sakura, I will also take my leave to continue traveling, and I hope that the next time I return to Hualan City, I can see a different Hualan Taoist Hall."

Akami had a smile on the corner of his mouth, and expressed his intention to leave to the three of Sakura.

Although they have only been together for a day, Chi can also know that these three young ladies are actually really very good personalities.

Now seeing the three of them raise their fighting spirit, he is still very happy in his heart.

"So... Then I wish you a good journey, and cheer up at the quartz conference. "

Sakura was stunned when she heard this, then smiled and smiled at Aka.

Chi and Alvin left the Hualan Taoist Hall together, preparing to go to the elf center to treat the elves before setting off.

"I don't know why, there is always a feeling that this quartz conference will probably attract worldwide attention"

The three Hua Lan sisters stood at the door of the Taoist Hall, looking at the backs of the three, and Peony suddenly sighed.

0.0 Two teenagers will surely bloom with shocking light at the quartz conference.

"Not a possibility, but a certainty, with their character, whoever wins the conference will definitely challenge the Four Heavenly Kings." Sakura shook her head in denial.

"Well~ look at their right, I really have a heart-warming feeling, I want to fight."

"Want to fight? I see if you fancy Chi or Alvin, right? "

"Nasty ~ But both of them are very handsome, and so strong, they are really a good match, hee~"

"I don't know where Xiaoxia Nanizi went, and she hasn't come back yet."

"Such an adult will not be lost, it is better to prepare well, and we will deal with the challengers in the future."



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Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven

Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 101

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