
Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 102

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Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven

Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 102
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The elf center, Alvin and Chi's elves were all healing, so all three were sitting in the lounge next to the hall of the elf center.

"Chi, where are you going next?" Alvin took a sip of tea and asked Chi.

"Go to Dead Leaf City, I'm going to collect all the badges first, and my elves are not enough now, and I'm ready to look for them on the way."

Chi thought slightly, and then replied.

He has only taken in a Pikachu now, anyway, the main thing is to make up for the hand-held elves first.

However, it is a pity that Chi is also quite a picky type of elf, and he pays attention to quality and eye edge.

If it is not suitable, he will not accept it.

"If you talk about elves, I should have one here that interests you."

Alvin's eyes flashed slightly, and then he smiled at Chi.

"Iron dumbbells with excellent qualifications, how's that?"

The smile at the corner of Alvin's mouth is meaningful, iron dumbbell, evolved to the final form is the quasi-god giant golden monster in the Fangyuan region!

The temptation of quasi-gods is undoubtedly fatal for a trainer!

In the black market, the quasi-god of the basic form can be sold for a day 06 price!

Because the potential of quasi-gods is already predestined!

Even if it is a quasi-god with ordinary qualifications, as long as it is cultivated and formed, the weakest is the strength of ordinary quasi-heavenly king!

"This..." Chi was stunned when he heard this, and then he couldn't help but move, it was undeniable that even Chi was difficult to resist the temptation of quasi-gods.

What's more, Alvin has also explained that this is a quasi-god with excellent qualifications!

The giant golden monster, the steel super energy system, and the quasi-god with excellent resistance are undoubtedly very powerful!

However, he and Alvin are not related, even if they cherish each other, they will definitely not be able to give away quasi-gods for free.

Chi is not a small retard, although his love for elves is very pure, but Chi is not a fool, and the preciousness of quasi-gods is self-evident.

If it is the temperament of a small retard, it may really refuse directly...

"You can rest assured that this iron dumbbell is a descendant of the Gadria giant golden monster, and there is no problem with its potential and origin."

The corners of Alvin's mouth slowly raised, and looking at Chi's appearance, he knew that Chi was still very moved.

Iron dumbbells, it is nothing to him, as long as money can buy it, Alvin does not care.

What's more, this iron dumbbell was originally the descendant of the Gadria giant golden monster, and he didn't care even more.

Although the iron dumbbell is precious, it is not Alvin's heart elf, not to mention that the qualification of this iron dumbbell is not comparable to Gadria's giant golden monster.

So even Gadria herself did not cultivate.

"What do you want?" Chi frowned and pondered for a long time, but still raised his head and asked Alvin.

He thought to himself that there should be nothing worth in him that could be compared to iron dumbbells.

"I want to make a bet with you, we are both extremely proud trainers with our own beliefs."

"Let's bet on the winner of the Quartz Conference!"

Alvin looked directly into the crimson pupils and said.

Whether it is Alvin, red or green, they are all trainers with their own absolute beliefs.

They are firm in their dreams and will not look back!

Because of this, Alvin knew very well that it was extremely difficult to follow him in such a family.

But many times, if you want to achieve a goal, you can play tricks!

"How to bet?" Chi Wenyan's brows stretched, and he asked Alvin with a familiar pure smile.

He was a little interested!

The Quartz Conference was just a winner, and he didn't think he would definitely lose!

"If you win, the iron dumbbells are completely yours! If I win, Chi, I will challenge the Four Heavenly Kings Championship! "

Alvin said slowly to Chi, yes, he just wanted to use the gambling contract to make Chi willingly serve him!

Alvin has absolute confidence in himself and he will not lose to anyone!

Don't want to lose in your life!

The taste of failure, he never wanted to taste!

"I will re-establish the Four Heavenly Kings, Chi, you are a very good trainer, I never question that."

"So, I want you to be one of my strongest Four Heavenly Kings!"

Alvin stared at Chi Seriously, he was the strongest!

Alvin will never have any doubts about himself, and every truly strong person has his own invincible belief and will in his heart!

Alvin believed he was the strongest, as he had said to Hirona that night.

He wants to do his best no matter what, so he himself is the strongest champion, and the four heavenly kings under him should also be the strongest!

A Four Heavenly Kings who are stronger than the current Kanto Four Heavenly Kings!

Gadria is one, and Chi, is his second target!

"The strongest four heavenly kings..." Chi was stunned when he heard this, he would never have thought that Alvin's purpose was this.

The red-faced complexion is a little complicated, the Four Heavenly Kings?

Maybe ordinary people can become the Four Heavenly Kings, which is a matter of glorious ancestors, but Chi, his goal has never been more than the Four Heavenly Kings!

His dream was set when he first saw elf battles as a child, the strongest trainer in the world!

Becoming someone else's Four Heavenly Kings is undoubtedly a constraint for him!

"Yes, Chi, of course, the bet is relative, if you win, I believe you will also challenge the Four Heavenly Kings Championship, maybe at that time, I will be your Four Heavenly Kings."

Alvin hooked the corners of his mouth and teased a joke.

Or rather, it is to adjust the somewhat dignified atmosphere.

"I don't want to be the champion of the Four Heavenly Kings." 380 Chi couldn't help but chuckle when he heard this, and then shook his head.

His goal is to be the strongest trainer, not some four-heavenly king champion, and in the game, after Chi became the champion, he did give up the championship position and entered the depths of the Silver Mountain to continue his practice alone.

In the Gold and Silver Edition, Chidu has been in the depths of Silver Mountain as BOOS after the Four Heavenly Kings!

For Chi, the reputation of the world has never been more than a passing cloud, and his purity to the elves is the same!

Alvin smiled when he heard this, of course he knew this.

"But I accepted the bet! I will not lose! I won't lose to anyone, even if that person is you! "

"Alvin, I will defeat you at the Quartz Conference!"

But then, Chi pressed the brim of his hat slightly, and his red pupils looked at Alvin eagerly.

Yes, he accepted!

Not for iron dumbbells, not for gambling, but for Alvin!

He won't lose! Especially losing to the same person in a row!

"Remember the same words? I won't lose to anyone either! A smile curled at the corner of Alvin's mouth and he stretched out his hand to Chi.

Just like a few days ago, the dialogue and scene of the Ohki Research Institute are so similar to now.


(Ask for flower tickets, please make your own ticket!) )_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collect, push

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Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven

Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 102

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