
Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 103

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Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven

Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 103
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Alvin looked at Gadria, and Gadria immediately understood what Alvin meant, got up and slowly walked to the Poké Ball portal that came with the elf center.

After a while, Gadria walked back with a Pokeball.

"Alvin, this..." Seeing this, Chi He still didn't understand anything, and frowned slightly and was ready to refuse.

He doesn't like to be favored for no reason!

For a person with normal views, what is the most difficult thing in the world?

Always a human favor!

Chi didn't know this, but he knew very well that his proud heart would not allow him to bear such a great favor from Alvin!

"Take it, I know what you're trying to say, but Chi, as a trainer, if you really want to prove it, stand in front of me with it and knock me down!"

"That's what you're supposed to do, isn't it?"

Alvin interrupted Chi's words, took the Poké Ball from Gadria's hand, threw it to Chi, and said with a smile.

Inside the Pokeball is the iron dumbbell!

Because he knew Chi's character, Alvin would do this.

This kind of thing is unclear, but Alvin understands that this Chi guy, as long as he accepts this iron dumbbell, it is absolutely impossible to refuse to become his Four Heavenly Kings!

Take an iron dumbbell, but what you get is red, is there any pressure in this kind of trading that makes a steady profit or even makes a profit?

Chi Wenyan pursed his lips, and the pressure in his heart at this moment was really a little heavy.

But at the same time, Chi's heart also suddenly rose with a touch of emotion, the kind of emotion that a soldier died for his confidant.

In any case, the feeling of being valued is really easy to move.

In particular, Chi knows very well that he is not a really powerful trainer now.

But Alvin still trusted him so persistently.

Even handed over an excellent iron dumbbell worth thousands of gold to him without hesitation!

"This kid, it's really good, cultivate it well, I'm waiting for you at the quartz conference!" Chi, don't let me down

Alvin stood up and smiled slowly at the silent Chi, everything that should have been said had already been said, it was all men, and he believed that Chi would understand.

"Yes! Thank you, but Alvin, I won't lose to you! "

The light in his red eyes flickered, and he also stood up and solemnly said to Alvin.

He is grateful to Alvin, but at the same time, he has to become stronger and defeat Alvin!

Prove that he is qualified to get this iron dumbbell!

The corners of Alvin's mouth slowly raised, although the means were a little despicable, but Chi, really stable!

Alvin was just about to say something when suddenly a crisp voice came from the front desk of the Elf Center.

"These two children are bothering you, Miss Joy, they are very tired."

Alvin turned his head and looked, the youthful and energetic outfit, his face and figure, was exactly the little blue he had seen two days ago!

At this moment, she was handing two Pokeballs to Joey Xiao with a pure smile.

After the Poké Ball was handed to Joey, Xiaolan walked towards the rest area, ready to rest.

"It's you! Give my wallet back! Chi also saw Xiao Lan at this time, suddenly remembered something, and hurriedly ran to Xiao Lan's side and said to Xiao Lan.

This girl, he met in Tokiwa City, when she fell and kindly helped her up.

After that, he found out that his wallet was missing...

If he hadn't contacted his family via the free number of the Elf Center, he wouldn't have been able to travel!

"Hey, hey, hey! What duck do you say! Xiaolan, I haven't taken your wallet!" You are slander! "

Xiao Lan blinked at Chi and shot back with a louder voice than Chi.

It is absolutely impossible to admit it!

Why should she return the wallet she stole with her skills!

Seeing that the two began to argue, Alvin couldn't help but laugh, Xiaolan, the eccentric girl, really survived by skilled acting skills.

In the matter of leading sheep by the hand, she also practiced pure fire.

"Huh? It's you two, wow! I was almost injured by you last time! "

Hearing the laughter, Xiaolan noticed Alvin and Gadria, and couldn't help but stare at Alvin.

Last time in Tokiwa Forest, because of Alvin's three evil dragons, the powerful dragon star group, but she was not embarrassed by the onlookers.

Ate a lot of ash!

"Don't digress, give me your wallet back!" My mother made it for me! "

Chi saw this and said to Xiaolan anxiously, what he was distressed about was not the money inside, but the wallet.

That's what Hanako spent a long time making for him!

Because his father has not been around since he was a child, for Chi, Hanako is his most important elder.

"Yay! You really are! Return you back, obviously there is not much money in it. "

Xiao Lan's eyes flickered when he heard this, hesitated for a while, and finally pretended to be impatient, took out Chi's wallet from his bag and threw it directly to him.

Seeing this, the corners of Alwin's mouth slowly raised, and it could be seen from here that Xiao Lan's heart was kind in the end.

Although this girl is naughty and bad on the surface, there is still a pure land in her heart that has not been polluted.

Family, for Xiaolan, the meaning is completely different.

"Whew~" Chi took the wallet and looked through it, relieved to see that it was not damaged.

"Cut ~ look at your rare appearance, by the way, handsome guy, I got a little news from my side."

Seeing this, Xiao Lan rolled her eyes and said poisonously, and then looked at Alvin's mysterious way.

"Oh? Sit down and talk. Hearing this, Alvin raised his eyebrows and motioned to Xiao Lan.

Xiaolan this person, if nothing else, the news is very reliable, and I don't know where she got the information from.

"Hehe~ I recently got accurate information, and Team Rocket is preparing to organize an operation in Dead Leaf City, which is worthy of recognition!"

"But the specifics are not clear, but it seems to be related to the Saint-Teano that will arrive in Dead Leaf City soon."

Xiaolan lightly nodded the noodles on the table (good money) and looked at Alvin with a smile.

She hates some of Team Rocket's behavior, but she knows that she is far behind when she wants to deal with Team Rocket.

At most, it can only add a little blockage to them.

But these two on the opposite side are different!

The strength of Alvin and Gadria was also witnessed by Xiaolan!

If these two people are willing to go to Dead Leaf City to deal with Team Rocket, they will be absolutely foolproof!

"What is the Saint Teanou?" Chi Wenyan asked curiously.

He who only concentrates on elves really doesn't know about this.

"It is a world-famous luxury cruise ship, and the Sant'Annu calls once a year in the dead leaf city in the Kanto region."

Gadria explained to Chi with a light smile, Gadria knows a lot about this knowledge.


(Ask for flower tickets, please make your own ticket!) regiment)_

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Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven

Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 103

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