
Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 104

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Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven

Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 104
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"The people who can board the Saint Teanu are all celebrities and aristocrats from all over the world, or famous people with deep influence from all walks of life, so many people are proud to be on the Saint Teanu."

Gadria continued to explain that as one of the most famous nobles in the Sinnoh region, Gadria knows the world-famous luxury cruise ship Saint Teanu very well.

Because she and Alvin also boarded the Saint-Teanu when they were children.

"Noble cruise ship." Chi nodded, but with a look of lack of interest.

Unlike Ash, who is curious about everything, he is only interested in elf fighting.

The noble cruise ship like the Sant'Annu is difficult to evoke his emotions.

"But if you are preparing to attack the Sant'Annu, Team Rocket's boldness is too big."

Then Gadria groaned slightly, the Saint Tiannu, but a world-famous luxury cruise ship, is famous all over the world.

The Rockets actually hit the idea on the Saint Teanu, what do they want to do?

"Xiaolan doesn't know about this kind of thing, anyway, it's definitely not a good thing, and then it is, I got this~"

Xiaolan waved her hand, saying that she didn't know, the object of this information she got was just an ordinary captain of Team Rocket, and she really didn't know more information.

But then Xiaolan took out a few tickets from bag 380 and smiled at the two.

"Come on, come on, this is Xiaolan, I spent a lot of effort to get it, one by one!"

Xiaolan stuffed Alvin and Gadria with a ticket, and then blinked and looked at the two tickets left in his hand.

"It's really cheap for you, and I'll give you one too."

After thinking about it, Xiaolan glanced at Chi, and stuffed Chi another with a look of disgust.

Although I feel that this teenager is a little dumbfounded, he should also be a good trainer if he can get to know Alvin and the two.

"You girl, we haven't promised you yet, have we?" Alvin looked at the ticket of the Sant'Tiannu in his hand with amusement, and looked at Xiao Lan without anger.

This nizi is really self-cooked.

"Hehe~ brother, you can join the first four heavenly kings, how can you watch Team Rocket do something wrong, right, Xiaolan, I have some fun for the honeymoon trip of the two of you!"

Xiao Lan smiled shyly, and then said with a straight face.

She also knew that Alvin was just joking with her, otherwise Alvin would not have accepted her ticket.

"Okay, then see you later on the Saint-Teanou, and we're going to move on."

Alvin smiled when he heard this, stood up and said to Xiaolan and Equator, the time was not early, and he was not ready to continue talking.

Saying goodbye to Chilan, Alvin took back the Dragon King Scorpion from Miss Joy, and the two walked towards the north of Hualan City.

"No matter how you look at it, I really think that a man like Alvin is good~ Long handsome, good personality, strong and strong, can bring people a sense of security."

"Alvin, the light of the United Nations, has not tasted a defeat since his debut~"

Xiao Lan held his white chin with both hands, recalling Alvin, who commanded the three evil dragons.

Domineering, confident and charming when fighting!

On weekdays, his personality is so easygoing, that is, the famous grass has a master, so why can't I meet Xiaolan?

"Alvin is perfect, but I'll knock him down!"

Chi Wenyan was slightly silent, and then pressed the brim of his hat, his eyes eager and persistent, and his fighting spirit was awe-inspiring.

If Alvin is a myth, then it's up to him

"Oh?" Xiao Lan glanced at Chi beside him, slightly surprised by the amazing confidence on this teenager's body at this moment.


The northern part of Hualan City is bordered by the mouth of the Hualan City River, which means that it is an ocean.

And Hualan Haikou is also a well-known holy place for couples in Hualan City.

Alvin and Gadria soon arrived here, and it was just at dusk.

The sunset on the horizon is mesmerizing.

"Brother, are you going to re-form the Four Heavenly Kings?"

Alvin and Gadria strolled quietly on the beach, and Gadria, who rarely enjoyed this romantic atmosphere, had a light smile on her face.

Then as if something had come to mind, Gadria looked at Alvin.

"Yes, the Four Heavenly Kings of Kanto (agaa), it is impossible to use." Alvin took Gadria's soft little hand, slowly stopped and sat down on the beach, looking at the ebb and flow and said.

The Four Heavenly Kings of Kanto must be enemies, and even if they are defeated, it is too difficult to make them realize their mistakes.

Otherwise, Alvin wouldn't mind being the boss of Dragon Crossing...

But the fact is that the paranoid personalities of Ryūdo and Konah, even if they really defeat them, they may wake up.

But it was too difficult to get them to serve the Elven Alliance again, and the councilors in the alliance couldn't let them go easily!

"Does that brother have other goals?" Gadria tilted her head, brushed her hair that was disturbed by the sea breeze, and asked curiously.

Four Heavenly Kings, there must be at least four people, even if you count her and Chi, there are only two people now.

It's amazing to count Alvin himself, like Imperial Dragon Du, there are only three people who serve as kings and champions at the same time.

"Not yet, but there is a candidate." Alvin shook his head, how could the candidate of the Four Heavenly Kings be so easy to find.

He wants the strongest Four Heavenly Kings!

His Four Heavenly Kings must at least be able to compete with other regional champions!

Qinglu is actually on his waiting list, Qinglu's strength and talent are undoubted, he is only weaker than Chi.

But Qinglu is clearly the heir of the Oki family.

Let him be loyal to himself, the probability is too small, green and red are different after all.

And like the local of Guandu, Ah Orange Lihua Yishu, these future kings of the city, Alvin really did not set his sights on them.

Not to mention that the strength does not meet Alvin's standards, not to mention that these future kings of the city are now either in the rocket team or in the masquerade organization...

Let Alvin go to Sakaki and Guyana to dig people?

Heba's strength is barely okay, but after all, it is not Alvin's first choice.

"Ntoko..." thought to Erwin in his heart, in fact, N was very much in line with his standards, and N himself was not an evil person.

It's just that he was used by Quiqith, and his love for elves is not questioned at all.

And even if N is not black, his own strength has definitely reached the championship level.

But this guy, dead brain, really has to work hard to convince him to wake him up.

Moreover, whether he is willing to stay in Kanto is also unknown.

Touko can also be regarded as his candidate, but Touko's talent is obviously not as good as Chi, and if there is no external factor stimulus, it is estimated that it will take a year or two when she really grows up.

It's been too long.

The Guandu area is full of talent, but it is a pity that those people are either paranoid or ambitious...


(Ask for flowers, ask for tickets, ask for custom!) It's not for nothing that Guandu is the strongest, Guyanagi, Sakaki, Yuryudu, Chi, and Green form the four heavenly kings and champions, or do they dominate the world? )_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collect, push

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Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven

Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 104

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