
Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 105

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Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven

Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 105
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"If only Hirona could help her brother."

Seeing Alvin frowning and thinking, Gadria gently and gently smoothed Alvin's brow and said with a smile.

Yes, if Hirona was willing to come to serve as the Four Heavenly Kings under Alvin, it would be really much easier.

"That woman, her pride will not allow it." Alvin smiled when he heard this, shook his head ~ and said.

Hirona's strength is undoubted, precipitated for four years and a blockbuster, and now she is among the champions of the entire world - and also among the best.

It is not at all comparable to a beginner champion trainer.

But although Shirona looks classical and elegant, her heart is proud.

Again, every champion king has his own invincible belief and will in his heart!

Especially the woman-like Hirona, her cold and domineering in battle is not at all inferior to any man.

How could such a proud woman be willing to come to Alvin.

"Well, I don't want to think about this, it's not a shadow yet." Alvin stood up, gently lifted Gadria up, and smiled and skipped the topic.

The matter of the four heavenly kings, there is no hurry now, it really can't work, you can first choose the weaker ones to deal with it temporarily.

Anyway, when the time comes, the city capital will also arrange the position of the Four Heavenly Kings, and just transfer them over.

"I heard that Dr. Zhenghui should live near here, let's go and visit."

Looking around, Alvin looked at a lighthouse in the distance and smiled at Gadria.

Speaking of the Zhenghui Lighthouse, Alvin seemed to remember something and raised his eyebrows.

If it is in games and manga, Zhenghui's home should be Hualan Hut, and Zhenghui Lighthouse should be the plot of the anime.

So, that giant fast dragon should also exist?

"Kind of interesting." The corners of Alvin's mouth slowly raised, but I didn't know if it would really appear.

Then Alvin and Gadria walked towards the lighthouse in the distance.

Because it is not early, and the sky has darkened now, the lights at the lighthouse are indeed obvious.

The two will not find their way.

Soon, the two arrived in front of the Zhenghui Lighthouse, and Alvin stepped forward to ring the doorbell.

After a while, the lighthouse door was opened, but when he saw the person who opened the door, Alvin was stunned.

"Hello? Who are you? "

The girl who opened the door looked at the two curiously and asked in a voice with a wonderful tone.

"Hello, we are trainers from Shinwa Town in the Sinnoh region, and I heard that the famous Dr. Masaki lives here, so I took the liberty to visit."

Alvin replied with a gentle smile when he heard this, but the look in the girl's eyes was a little strange.

Wearing an extremely gorgeous costume, pure and shiny black hair, a delicate face, fair skin, the most attractive thing is the girl's eyes.

The sparkle is extremely clear, and because of the eyeliner, it gives people a strange beauty that is enchanting.

She, it should be Ma Xiu!

The owner of the Goblin Hall in the Carlos Region appeared here for some reason.

Although Ma Xiu is indeed from the Johto area, it should not be in Zhenghui.

"Well, please come in." When Ma Xiu heard this, she opened the door and smiled at the two.

Although not many people know that Zhenghui lives here, there are often people who come to visit Zhenghui.

"I am Ma Xiu from Yuanzhu City, Johto, and Zhenghui is my cousin, and I have been temporarily staying here recently."

Ma Xiu seemed to see Alvin's doubts, covered her mouth and explained with a chuckle.

"Cousin Zhenghui is a research freak and an elf maniac, although he has also achieved great achievements and has been living in Kanto, but in fact, Cousin Zhenghui's hometown is Manjin City, and his mother is also my aunt, a Maihime from Yuanzhu City."

Ma Xiu slowly narrated the origin of Zhenghui in her own strange tone, which few outsiders actually know.

Only those who really know Zhenghui know.

"So it is." Alvin nodded when he heard this, which was not surprising.

Although Zhenghui's past is very small, in the game, it can actually be known through some people of the second generation.

"Actually, although Cousin Zhenghui is a research freak, he loves the daughter of the manager of the flower shop in Manjin City~"

"But my cousin is a bit of a wooden person in terms of feelings, which really worries about him~"

Ma Xiu stepped on high heels and led Alvin and the two towards the lighthouse, chuckling and saying to the two.

It can be seen that Ma Xiu is a very talkative girl.

0····· Ask for flowers 00

"Ma Xiu! It's so rude, how can you say such insignificant things in front of guests! "

At this time, an annoyed young voice came, and then a young figure walked out of the room, glaring angrily at Ma Xiu, who turned around and covered his face with long sleeves.

Exactly Zhenghui!

"Don't hide, you'll make dinner tonight!" Zhenghui glanced at Ma Xiu, rolled his eyes and said.

"Sorry, let the two of you laugh, Ma Xiu has just come out to travel, there may be some discomfort in speaking, the two forgive me."

Then Zhenghui turned his head to look at Alvin and the two, and said embarrassedly.

This younger sister, who usually looks elegant and gorgeous on the outside, is still too young, and has nothing to say to strangers.

........... 0

Ma Xiu's long sleeves still covered half of her cheeks when she heard this, but from the corner of her eyes, she seemed to be a little ashamed because her cousin's gossip behind her back was discovered.

"Dr. Zhenghui is polite, Miss Ma Xiu is very good, we came to take the liberty to disturb it."

Alvin shook his head and said with a smile to Zhenghui, he didn't think it was anything, and he also learned a lot about Zhenghui's past.

Although Zhenghui is young, he is an out-and-out scientific genius!

Because the elf hosting system and teleportation system that are widely used all over the world today were invented by Zhenghui!

Zhenghui's influence in the entire research field is authoritative!

Being friendly with Zhenghui didn't hurt Alvin.

"I see you are a little familiar, have you seen it somewhere?" Zhenghui smiled when he heard this, and then looked at Alvin and Gadria curiously.

Although he couldn't say it, he felt that he did seem to have met Alvin and Gadria somewhere.

"Our brother and sister used to work in the United Alliance, so Dr. Zhenghui may think we are familiar."

Alvin smiled and said lightly, after all, he and Gadria were kings before.

It is not strange that these people who are engaged in elven research will think that he is familiar with both sides.


(The picture shows Ma embroidery, ask for flower tickets for custom booking ~ zero)_

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Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven

Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 105

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