
Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 106

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Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven

Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 106
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"I was a staff member of the United Alliance before..." Zhenghui touched his chin when he heard this, and recalled, although Alvin said it simply, Zhenghui always felt that Alvin and Gadria were not ordinary people.

This superior appearance and temperament, in fact, as long as it is not IQ arrears, you can see the extraordinary of Alvin and the two from their appearance alone.

"Look at my memory, let's go and sit first." Then Zhenghui, who really couldn't recall, patted his forehead and smiled at Alvin and the two.

Just standing here is not hospitality.

"Speaking of which, Alvin, are you two traveling now?"

Entering the living room, Zhenghui simply cleaned up, and then asked Alvin and the two.

"Yes, nowadays, both of us are traveling with the goal of the Quartz Conference."

"The people of the Kando area are masters, there are countless powerful trainers, and the Kanto "380" Four Heavenly Kings are even more famous in the world, and they are all opponents who want to challenge. "

Alvin said with a modest smile, while nodding slightly and thanking Ma Xiu for the tea.

"Actually, when I was young, I also aimed to be a trainer, but unfortunately I really didn't have the talent in this area, so I transformed into a researcher."

Hearing this, Zhenghui said with emotion, he likes elves very much, and as we all know, Zhenghui is a very fanatical elf fan.

He collected a lot of excellent and rare elves.

Especially for Ibrahimovic and its evolutionary type, Zhenghui is particularly enthusiastic.

"My cousin's talent is really poor, although he is already a young man, but in terms of combat strength, even I am not as good."

Ma Xiu sat on the side, raised her small hand covered by long sleeves, covered her mouth with a chuckle, and teased.

Although Zhenghui is very famous, his personality is very approachable, and Ma Xiu's relationship with Zhenghui is also very good.

I often joke about Zhenghui.

"It made the two of you laugh." Zhenghui rolled his eyes when he heard this, glanced at his cousin helplessly, and said to Alvin with a wry smile.

"But look at Alvin, you should be a very good trainer, right?"

Then Zhenghui looked at Alvin and the two curiously, just from the temperament point of view, Alvin and Gadria are very strong trainers.

That kind of confidence is not something that ordinary people have!

"It's not very good, but the strength should still be good."

Alvin shook his head and chuckled calmly, neither proud nor overly modest.

The elegant and unhurried tone and indifferent expression perfectly show his good upbringing.

"Huh... I'm still a little confident in my ability to see people, and..."

Zhenghui shook his head funny, very impressed by Alvin's modesty, and then looked down at his mobile phone slightly.

Although it is very behavioral to look at the mobile phone while talking to guests, Zhenghui really can't resist his curiosity.

"Known as the Light of the United and known as one of the most talented trainers, Irwin Heavenly King, if you are not a good trainer."

"Then where in the world are there really good trainers?"

Zhenghui looked at the information found by Alvin Liya on the mobile phone, his eyes couldn't help flickering, raised his head and smiled at Alvin and teased.

He said that Alvin and Gadria were familiar!

It turned out to be the former Four Heavenly Kings of the United Lord, no wonder.

Ma Xiu was stunned when she heard her brother's words, subconsciously covered her small mouth with her long sleeves, and looked at Alvin in surprise.

This handsome young man who doesn't look old is actually the Four Heavenly Kings of the United Nations?

"Gadria and I, we are no longer kings, now we are just ordinary people, but Dr. Zhenghui, you are a researcher worthy of admiration."

"The device system you have developed has brought so much convenience to everyone, and personally, I have great admiration for you."

Alvin was stunned when he heard this, and then slightly hooked the corners of his mouth and shook his head and smiled seriously at Zhenghui.

Sure enough, the identity of the king of heaven, even if he stepped down, still brought him great hidden benefits.

He could feel that Zhenghui's liking for his senses was very high now.

"Haha~ I don't need to do this, I just have expertise in this area, speaking of which, although I am not a trainer, I still collect a lot of elves, Alvin, how about accompanying me to see?"

Zhenghui laughed, obviously he was in a very happy mood at the moment, although he did not pay attention to such a thing as a false name.

But it is undeniable that the recognition from a trainer like the former Four Heavenly Kings Alvin still makes him happy.

After all, Zhenghui is now just a young man in his twenties0...

Although mature, he has more common language and common interests with young people than other old researchers who are dozens of years old at every turn.

"The guest is whatever you want." Alvin smiled and did not refuse.

"Hey? It's time to eat soon. Ma Xiu blinked her beautiful eyes when she heard this, and then said to the two.

"It's okay, don't worry about eating for the time being." Masaki waved his hand, he was a man who was very fanatical about elves.

What's more, the interest in research usually comes up, and forgetting to eat and sleep is even more common.

The three meals were not fixed at all, but in the past few days, Ma Xiu came and adjusted his eating routine back.

When Ma Xiu heard this, she had no choice but to follow a few people to Zhenghui's elf storage room.

Zhenghui has collected a lot of elves, which is no joke, he is an avid elf fan, although the level of trainers is not good.

But he really has a lot of cherished elves in his collection.

"Ibrahimovic, Rokuo, Eggman, Pokébi..."

Entering Zhenghui's elf room, Zhenghui's elf room is not small, and it also simulates the outside environment.

There was even a tree planted in the center of the room.

Alvin recognized the many rare elves frolicking.

Most of them are the elves of the Guandu region, and they are all very rare, which shows that Zhenghui is indeed a collection control.

Moreover, Alvin observed the appearance of these elves, and most of them were very healthy and very good elves from the appearance.

How about 0.0? This is all I have collected over the years, and here are only some of them, as well as many other rare elves from other regions. "

Masaki looked at the elves with a proud look and gently stroked an Ievee who jumped on his shoulder.

"It's really Dr. Zhenghui, huh?" Irwin nodded when he heard this, after all, Zhenghui's identity was Dr. Elf.

With his network resources, if he wants to collect elves, the difficulty is indeed much lower than that of ordinary trainers.

But soon, Alvin's gaze fell on an elf, different from the other elves who were frolicking.

Just lying quietly on a branch and looking out the window.

"This is ... Burning bugs? "


(Ask for flower tickets, please make your own ticket!) )_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collect, push

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Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven

Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 106

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