
Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 107

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Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven

Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 107
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It resembles a moth larva, its eyes are azure blue, its front half of its body is wrapped in white fuzz, and it has three pairs of black feet.

And the most special place is tantamount to five slightly curved antennae around the head!

Burning Bug, one of the rarest elves in the United States!

Burning insects may not have been heard of by ordinary trainers, but in fact, the absolute main fire god moth of the Four Heavenly King Champion Adek in the United Region is now evolved from the burning worm!

This kind of elf, in the United People's Region, is almost no less rare than the United Quasi-God Single Head Dragon!

"Ah~ yes, this little family was found by my friends for me."

Seeing Alvin looking at the burning worm, Zhenghui nodded, and then slightly stroked his chin to look at the burning worm.

"But according to my friend, this burning bug took a lot of effort when he first caught it, but since it was teleported to me, this little guy has been very quiet."

"If I don't eat every day, I suspect it may be a physical problem."

Then Zhenghui said with a headache that the rarity of the burning insect made him ask a friend to help him find this one.

But this burning worm's 0 personality seems a little weird, just quietly motionless every day, and I don't know what I'm doing.

"Its level is not low, and it should not be far from evolution." Alvin observed the burning worm, his eyes flickering slightly.

This burning worm, in terms of appearance, is a superlative!

Compared to other burning insects, its body size is larger, not to mention, the five red antennae on its head are much thicker.

"That's right, its strength is the strongest I have here, but it has a strange personality, and it doesn't listen to my orders."

Zhenghui nodded in agreement with Alvin's words, then pondered slightly, glanced at Alvin, and asked Alvin.

"You seem to like this burning worm?"

Alvin was stunned when he heard this, and then nodded.

"It's not a secret, I do lack a fire main force, but the elves of Xinyi are too rare."

Alvin said helplessly, his eyes are very picky, and he pays more attention to the eye edge, and the elves who don't like it just don't like it.

Alvin will not forcibly pursue, he is a trainer who prefers to lack abuse.

But there are really few elves in the heart, which also gives Alvin a headache.

"If you want, I can give you this burning worm." Zhenghui smiled, and then said something that made Alvin raise his eyebrows.

"Dr. Zhenghui is willing to cut love?" Alvin raised his head and looked at Zhenghui, he really didn't expect that Zhenghui was actually willing to give this burning bug to him.

The qualifications of this burning insect are very excellent, and it is impossible for Zhenghui, the elf doctor, not to see it.

"I also collect elves to satisfy my selfish desires, and although I will give these elves the best care and environment, elves have different personalities."

"Some elves are born to fight, and I can't satisfy them."

Zhenghui smiled helplessly when he heard this, of course he knew the preciousness of this burning worm.

But as he said, he collected these for his own selfish desires, but this was too selfish for some elves.

Just like this burning worm, its heaven is so good, its stage should not be this elf collection room!

This may also be the reason why this burning worm has been so depressed since coming here.

It craves the sky!

"Actually, I wanted to find a trainer for it before, and Ma Xiu also tried to subdue it, but she is not the opponent of this burning worm."

"It's very talented, and your appearance must also bring it a better future."

Masaki smiled and said to Alvin that he was not a selfish person, and that Masaki's fondness for elves was fanatical.

But as a researcher, his reason told him that the will of the elves should be respected.

When Ma Xiu heard this, she covered half of her cheeks with her long sleeves, she was just a trainer who had just come out on a trip.

It is also normal not to be an opponent of this burning worm.

"So that's it, thank you very much Dr. Zhenghui."

Alvin's eyes flashed, and he bowed slightly to Zhenghui, expressing his respect for this outstanding young doctor.

"Haha~ No need, I don't need to expect you and its performance at the quartz conference, but for now, please accept it."

Masaki laughed and waved his hand, although it was a pity, but he was indeed happy for the burning worm.

A trainer like Alvin can definitely tap all of its potential!

Alvin smiled, then walked underneath the burning worm, staring at the burning bug closely.

The burning worm seemed to sense Alvin's gaze and turned its gaze to Alvin.

"Come and fight, if I win, come with me."

Seeing this move raised a poké ball, Alvin smiled at the burning worm.

The burning insect tilted its head slightly, and its blue eyes stared at Alvin tightly.

In a battle room, Masaki took out the Burning Worm's Poké Ball and pressed the release button.

From now on, the burning worm is free!

"Ladias, get ready to fight!" Alvin looked at the burning worm on the opposite side and threw Ladias's Pokeball.

Ladiass quickly flew around the field and finally stopped in front of Alvin.

"Latias... Sure enough, it is worthy of the four heavenly kings of the United Nations. Seeing this Ladias, Zhenghui's eyes suddenly lit up.

After all, as a researcher, he was naturally very interested in the legendary elves.

"Ladias, Dragon Fluctuations!" Alvin attacked first.

Ladiass raised slightly, and a powerful dragon fluctuation shot towards the burning worm.

Seeing this, the burning insect did not hesitate, and the five tentacles ignited flames, and a violent flame met the dragon fluctuations.

Wild elves can only rely on Ben 380 to fight, which is actually extremely disadvantageous.

The jet flame touched the dragon fluctuation, and after a stalemate, the jet flame was pushed back by the dragon fluctuation!

Seeing this, the five tentacles of the burning insect trembled slightly, and the ripples of energy in circles spread along with the sound of the insect.

The sound of insects soon reached the ears of Ladiass in mid-air, and Ladias's eyes showed discomfort, and the fluctuation energy of the dragon in front of him was much weaker.

"Insect chirping? Very interesting, Ladias, Extreme Descent, Mist Ball. "

The corners of Alvin's mouth raised slightly, and then said to Ladias.

When Ladiass heard this, he gave up the dragon's fluctuations, and his figure rose extremely quickly, and then turned down sharply at high speed and came to the back of the burning worm.

The mist ball wrapped around the smoke energy hit the burning bug fiercely, knocking the burning insect's entire body away.

"Dragon Fluctuations!"

Before the Burning Worm could adjust, Ladias, another dragon fluctuation hit the Burning Worm.

Seeing this, Alvin did not continue to attack, and a red poké ball was thrown towards the burning worm.

The Spirit Ball hit the Burning Worm, and instantly turned the Burning Bug into a red light and absorbed it.


The button in the center of the Poké Ball flashed twice, and then fell silent.

Burning bugs! Accepted!


(Ask for flower tickets, please make your own ticket!) )_

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Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven

Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 107

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