
Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 108

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Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven

Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 108
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Alvin slowly walked to the red poké ball and picked it up, looking at the poké ball, the corner of his mouth couldn't help but evoke a smile.

Of course, he was happy to be able to accept a pleasant elf.

He has the confidence to cultivate this one stronger than Adek's Vulcan moth!

"Congratulations brother." Gadria walked up to Alvin and smiled at Alvin.

"Thank you very much Dr. Zhenghui for this opportunity, if Dr. Zhenghui needs Alvin in the future, please don't be polite."

Alvin thanked Zhenghui who came over again, human favor is human favor, which Alvin is very clear.

This burning worm, if it is released, I don't know how many trainers who recognize goods will have to break the blood for this head.

A superb elf is too important for a trainer.

Why is Adek now becoming weaker?

It was because the death of his strongest and most important companion, the elf, had dealt him an almost devastating blow.

Although the Vulcan Moth is strong and still supports his team, it also makes him completely fall off the top championship and cannot recover his disadvantage.

This effect was fatal to him, and he has not been able to recover.

Each champion has its own absolute workhorse, Wataru's Kuryu, Sakaki's Needle Bee, Mikoli's Menas, Daigo's Giant Golden Monster, Hirona's Fierce Land Shark, and so on.

The cultivation of a superb elf can support a team and even drive the progress of other elves in the team.

It's so precious!

"Haha~ Don't use it to find a trainer like you, I'm happy for it, okay, let's go to eat first."

Zhenghui laughed and waved his hand when he heard this, of course this was a kind word, although he was very happy that the burning worm had found a good owner.

But Alvin's gratitude he also accepted, Alvin's potential, as long as he is not blind, can see clearly.

Zhenghui knows very well that befriending Alvin is not harmful to him.

Researchers like him, although they are under the name of the Alliance, there are also many evil organizations watching him.

Being able to get to know a top trainer like Alvin is also very beneficial to him.

Then the four of them entered the restaurant, it was already completely dark, and the dinner was completely cold if they didn't eat it.

"By the way, Alvin, when are you going to leave

At the dinner table, as if remembering something, Zhenghui asked Alvin.

"Just got the burning worm, I'm going to train on this beach for the past two days, what's wrong?"

Alvin thought for a moment, and then replied to Zhenghui, the burning worm had just obtained.

It is necessary for both parties to be familiar with running-in, and it is also necessary to train more to let it evolve earlier.

The combat effectiveness of the Vulcan Moth is far from being comparable to that of the burning worm.

Many elves were not strong in battle strength before evolution, but after evolution, there will be a world-shaking gap.

The most obvious examples are the king carp and the ugly ugly fish, the dragon king scorpion is like this, and the Vulcan moth is actually similar.

However, the purple scorpion and the burning worm are much better than the two salted fish that fight five times.

"If there is no emergency, it is the best, in fact, I chose to be in the north of Hualan City because I found a mysterious elf here!"

Zhenghui's eyes lit up when he heard this, and then said to Alvin with interest.

"Mysterious elves?"

Erwin seemed to be interested when he heard this, and looked at Zhenghui waiting for him to continue.

"Yes, an elf that I noticed for a long time, but I haven't observed its true face so far, but my voice has been recorded, and its body size is very large, and its height is at least ten meters tall!"

Speaking of this elf, Zhenghui's mood instantly rose, and he gestured with his hand very exaggeratedly.

It could be seen that he attached great importance to this elf.

Of course, this is his obsession for so long, and he also believes that this mysterious elf is definitely not an ordinary elf!

"Cousin, you're not making things up, are you?" Ma Xiu looked at Zhenghui in surprise when she heard this, a ten-meter-tall elf with a huge body?

What kind of fairy spirit is this? Legendary mythical beasts?

"Impossible! I will definitely not be mistaken, although there is only an approximate outline, but I vouch for the personality of a research doctor, I absolutely do not talk nonsense! "

Hearing Ma Xiu's question, Zhenghui refuted Ma Xiu very excitedly, how could he talk nonsense about this kind of thing!

"Then Dr. Zhenghui, what do you mean by this?" Alvin groaned slightly and asked Zhenghui.

"That's right, I can deduce that this elf should appear around here again recently!"

Zhenghui nodded when he heard this, and said solemnly to Alvin, which is why he asked Alvin if he would leave recently.

He wanted to invite Alvin to witness this scene!

"So that's the case, then I'll witness it with Dr. Zhenghui." Alvin pondered for a moment, feeling that time was not in a hurry, and smiled at Zhenghui.

He and Gadria were originally traveling, and they enjoyed the travel time after more than two years.

As for the matter of the Saint Teanou, there is still time.

After all......

Alvin remembers very well that when the little retard arrives in Dead Leaf City, the Saint Teanu will arrive.

Besides, Zhenghui had just given him a superb burning worm, and Alvin couldn't refuse Zhenghui's invitation.

Masaki smiled when he heard this, Alvin was the former Four Heavenly Kings of the United States, and his insight into the elves was beyond doubt.

Having him here will definitely help him to study that mysterious elf.

What's more, with Alvin here, there is no need to worry about security...

This is the main purpose of Zhenghui, anyway, it is a strange elf, and it is still this big.

Who knows if it's friendly to humans?


As the time that followed, Alvin and Gadria settled in the Zhenghui Lighthouse.

The lighthouse is huge and the room is naturally adequate.

On this day, the weather is very clear, sunny and sandy coast.

Wearing a pair of white short-sleeved cropped pants, Alvin trains elves with Gadria and Mar on the beach.

Zhenghui, on the other hand, is a yuppie wearing a pair of swimming trunks lying under an umbrella and closing his eyes, and living comfortably on a small day.

"Dragon King Scorpion, flick needle attack."

"Burning worm, grasp the attack trajectory and energy wind direction of the projectile needle, and avoid it!" (Good money)

Alvin stood on the beach, looking at the opposing Dragon King Scorpion and the Burning Worm, and ordered.

The Dragon King Scorpion did not hesitate to make three pincers come out together, and the dense flying needles overwhelmingly attacked the burning insects.

The blue eyes of the burning bug stared at the projectile needle tightly, constantly moving a small distance, avoiding the falling projectile needle.

But the projectile needles were too dense, and soon the burning worm was hit by the first projectile needle.

There are two of them, and after a round of projectile needle attacks, the burning worm has already had many more wounds.

"What a rigorous training~" Witnessing the whole process of Alvin's training, Ma Xiu couldn't help but sigh with emotion holding an Ievee.

Then Ma Xiu subconsciously glanced at Eevee.

"Bu~Yi?" The cute Eevee tilted his head, feeling the meaningful eyes of his master, and a chill subconsciously rose in his heart.

——————————————————————————————— regiment—

(Ask for flower tickets and ask for custom)_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collect, push

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Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven

Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 108

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