
Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 109

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Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven

Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 109
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"My brother has always believed that between equal trainers, the battle of faith is sacred!"

"Fight everything on both sides, this is the sincerity of the elf battle! So in private, his training of elves has always been very strict, harsh to the point of harshness, perhaps difficult for outsiders to understand. "

"But only this kind of training can make the elves suffer less injuries in battle."

Gadria walked to Ma Xiu's side, watching Alvin seriously explain to the burning insect the mistake just made and the things that needed to be corrected, and slowly said with a beautiful smile on the corner of her mouth.

It is generally believed that Alvin is one of the most talented trainers of all time, and he ascended to the throne of the Four Heavenly Kings at the age of sixteen.

How many people are envious of Alvin?

But how could they ever think that talent is just talent, the cultivation of elves, if they don't work hard, how can elves become powerful so quickly?

Alvin attaches no less importance to elven cultivation than any trainer!

"Elven combat is... Holy? Ma Xiu thought thoughtfully when she heard this, and whispered this sentence.

She seemed to understand why Alvin stood out from his peers and became one of the top trainers in the world.

"Huh... That's why I 380 think that Alvin's future must be brilliant, Ma Xiu, you are also aiming for trainers, maybe I can't give you profound points. "

"But all professions, the same thing is the enthusiasm and yearning for the profession."

"Alvin can become stronger, and it is precisely because he sincerely likes elven fighting, so he is fighting hard to become stronger, he wants to win, and it is this belief that supports him."

Zhenghui walked to Ma Xiu's side with a smile and looked at Alvin and said seriously to Ma Xiu.

He is not a trainer now, nor has he ever been a good trainer, so he cannot give his experience to Ma Xiu to help her avoid detours.

But Alvin is right in front of him, and learning from Alvin's experience is a very precious opportunity for Ma Xiu.

"Yes, I seem to understand a little." Ma Xiu pursed her lips when she heard this, looked at the handsome young man, and suddenly smiled.

Sincerity to the elves, sincerity to the elves to fight, sincerity to cultivate the elves!

She seemed to understand.

Looking at Ma Xiu's expression, Zhenghui smiled gratifyingly, in fact, Agaa's talent can only be said to be better than ordinary trainers.

However, Ma Xiu insists on this path, and Zhenghui, as a cousin, naturally can only support her to keep going.


"You didn't do well just now, Burning Worm, your potential should be more than that."

"Concentrate, I know you're here, why train your dodge abilities? Your ability to attack is your strength, but just by going in the direction of attack, how much can you grow? "

"You don't have the strong physical strength and defense of the Dragon King Scorpion, you don't have excellent mechanical power, the Vulcan Moth is your end, and your keen perception is also there, give it to play."

"Keep training, don't make me look down on you!"

Alvin sprayed the burning insect with wound medicine, gently stroked the white fluff on the burning insect's head and said seriously.

The Vulcan Moth is undoubtedly powerful, and among all the elves, the special attack of up to 13 also makes it almost unique!

In some parts of the United States, the Vulcan moth is even worshipped as a god by the local people!

Because in the introduction of the guide, when the ground becomes dark due to volcanic ash, the flame of the Vulcan moth will replace the role of the sun, so it is considered to be the embodiment of the sun!

And the classification of the Vulcan moth is also a sun Pokémon!

But Alvin hopes that his Vulcan Moth can play better in addition to its superior attack ability!

Hearing this, the burning insect's blue eyes flashed with shining spots, and he nodded to Alvin.

It's going to get stronger!

If even his own trainer looks down on himself, the burning worm will only feel pathetic!

"Very good, continue training, Dragon King Scorpion, continuous projectile needle!"

Alvin hooked the corners of his mouth, stepped back for a distance, and shouted to the Dragon King Scorpion.

"Burning worm, concentrate and carefully observe the flight trajectory of the projectile needle! Pay attention to the flow of air when the needle flies, and follow the feeling to dodge! Alvin instructed seriously to the burning worm.

Train, keep going!

Hours passed imperceptibly, and at some point, new guests were welcomed on the beach.

"Wow~ the taste of the sea is still so charming~" The orange-haired girl looked at the sea, her clear eyes flashing with happy fluorescence.

"It seems that there are people training here." The dark-skinned squinted carrying a backpack and looked into the distance.

He vaguely saw what seemed to be figures and elves.

"Is there a trainer? Hey~ I'm going to fight him! "

The boy wearing a hat and a Pikachu on his shoulder instantly became excited when he heard this.

That's right, it is the first generation of the original Xiao Zhi Retard and his two nanny Xiaogang Xiaoxia.

After challenging the Hualan Taoist Hall, the two also rushed to this Zhenghui Lighthouse.

After speaking, Xiao Zhi ran in that direction without stopping, and Xiao Gang and Xiao Xia shouted without hurry.

I had to run after Ash.

At this time, Alvin was preparing to end the training and let the burning worm rest well, after all, he understood the truth of the overtime.

It's only been a while since I got the burning worm, so there's no need to be so eager to seek results.

"Come, Brother Alvin, try this juice." Seeing that Alvin training was over, Ma Xiu handed Alvin a glass of juice.

Knowing Alvin's past and Alvin's hard training, Ma Xiu successfully became a little fan of Alvin.

Handsome, powerful, and approachable, what's the reason not to disrespect?

What's more, Ma Xiu simply respected Alvin and didn't think carefully, so she didn't worry that Gadria was disgusted with her.

"Thank you." Alvin smiled and thanked him, took the juice and took a sip, preparing some energy cubes for the burning worm by the way.

But at this moment, a vigorous voice suddenly sounded from behind them.

"Hello, I'm Ash of True New Town, can you have a battle with me?"


(Ask for flower tickets to customize, the picture is a burning bug)_

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Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven

Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 109

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