
Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 110

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Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven

Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 110
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"Hello, I'm Ash of True New Town, can you have a battle with me?"

Hearing this, Alvin and Ma Xiu, as well as Gadria and Zhenghui not far away, were stunned at the same time.

Although it is normal to know that during travels, trainer and trainer encounters, friendly elf battles are normal.

But so abrupt, without even seeing his face clearly to make a battle request, Alvin really encountered it for the first time...

However, this self-introduction and vigorous voice, Alvin already knew the comer.

And he really doesn't feel strange anymore...

Alvin turned to look at Ash, although he had already seen Ash with a quick glance in True New Town, it was indeed their first official meeting.

For Ash, he is really interested.

"Ash! What a faux pas for you! Sorry guys, our companions seem to be disturbing you a little~. "

Xiao Gang and Xiao Xia ran to Ash's side breathlessly, and Xiao Xia first yelled at Ash, and then bent down to Elvin and the others to apologize.

Xiao Gang, on the other hand, was stunned when he saw Alvin clearly, and really thought that this would be the case when he said goodbye.

"It's okay, I can see that he seems to like elf battles, Xiao Gang, I haven't seen him for a long time, should I say hello like this?"

Alvin shook his head, then his gaze swept over the three people, and finally fell on Xiao Gang and said hello.

"Xiao Gang, are you also out on a trip?" Gadria walked to Alvin and greeted Xiao Gang with the same light smile.

The impression Xiao Gang left on her was still very good.

"Ah~ I really feel very gone, Alvin, Gadria, now, I travel with them."

Xiao Gang came back to his senses and smiled at the two, Alvin and Gadria left a very deep impression on him.

"What a beautiful sister, but you actually know each other." Xiao Zhi first looked at Gadria subconsciously praised, and then glanced at Xiao Gang curiously.

It seems to be strange, a person like Xiao Gang actually knows such a handsome guy and such a gorgeous young lady?

"They are all challengers of my previous dojo, and they have a relationship." Xiao Gang shook his head and explained.

"Sit down and rest first, you guys seem to be very tired." Alvin smiled, and then said to the three.

As for Ash's invitation to battle just now, he subconsciously ignored it.

Fight against the current Ash, abuse the vegetables?

Alvin was not very interested in this kind of battle.

Ash is still too immature now, and he is not interested in bullying.

Then the group sat on the beach, because Ma Xiu had laid a tablecloth before, so they were not afraid of getting dirty.

Later, Xiao Gang briefly told Alvin and the two about why he put down the dojo and followed Ash out on a trip.

Roughly his father, who was originally traveling parents, has returned, so Xiao Gang can also come out to pursue his dreams.

Elf cultivator, this is Xiao Gang's dream, just happened to Ash, so he followed Ash out on a trip.

"Ash, you are Chi's younger brother, Barvin smiled when he heard this, and then set his eyes on Ash's body.

Although he had glanced at True New Town before, it was clear that Ash had forgotten Alvin and Gadria.

After all, at that time, he probably wanted to rush to the Ohki Research Institute early and get the elves.

"Yes, you know Brother Chi?" Ash was stunned when he heard this, and asked Alvin.

"Yes, he is a very good trainer, but he should have gone to Dead Leaf City to get the badge by now."

Alvin nodded and smiled, Chi set out from Hualan City a few days ago, and now he should have finished challenging the Taoist Hall in Dead Leaf City.

"Dead Leaf City... Good! Then the next target is Dead Leaf City! "

"Pika ~ Chu!"

Ash heard the words and said to himself, and then suddenly stood up and said loudly and imposingly.

He wants to catch up with his brother and challenge him!

He is also a trainer with elves, of course, he has to compete with his brother!

"It's really ~ inexplicably it's burning up again!" Xiaoxia couldn't help but cover her face when she heard this, especially the stunned appearance of Gadria and Ma Xiu, which made her even more shy.

After all, Ash is her companion.

But in front of outsiders, suddenly like this, I really feel very embarrassed!

Alvin looked at Ash's enthusiastic and energetic appearance, and couldn't help but smile, Ash is always optimistic like this, it's Ash.

"Speaking of which, Alvin, are all those elves yours? They're all elves they've never seen before! "

"And this, this is so big! It feels amazing! "

0····· Ask for flowers 00

Then Ash fixed his gaze on the body of the dragon king scorpion and the burning insect, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he ran to the side of the two and exclaimed.

And the next moment, Ash took out the elf guide, wanting to know the information of the two elves.


"Hey? Unknown? Ash looked at the image displayed by the Elf Book with a confused expression.

"These two are the elves outside the Guandu area, your guide, you shouldn't have asked Dr. Ohki to upgrade when you came out."

Seeing this, Alvin couldn't help but laugh, Chi their picture book, they all deliberately found Ohki Xuecheng to upgrade to the national picture book.

However, it is clear that Ash may not have asked Oki Yukiri to upgrade, or he ran too fast, and Ohki Yukinari forgot about it.

........... 0

"Poof... Your companions are very lively. Ma Xiu covered her mouth with long sleeves and chuckled, and said to Xiaogang Xiaoxia.

I don't know how to describe it, but Ma Xiu thinks that Ash is quite happy, and the ignorant look is very interesting.

"Huh... Ash is a trainer who has just traveled, and although he is a novice, he likes elves very much, and the trust between him and elves is also very touching. "

Xiao Xia smiled awkwardly, not knowing how to answer, but Xiao Gang said to Ma Xiu with a chuckle.

"Yes, although sometimes it is very angry and simple, but this guy is a good trainer."

Xiao Xia also agreed when she heard this, although many times, Xiao Zhi, who was reckless but curious about everything, would make them feel embarrassed in front of outsiders.

But after a long period of contact, Ash is actually a very attractive trainer.

It is not his strength and behavior, but his love for elves, bonds with elves and certain thoughts, which are easy to move.

"It's really rare that he has such a high opinion of him."

Ma Xiu looked at Xiao Zhi curiously when she heard this, as if she didn't understand that Xiao Gang and Xiao Xia actually had such a high evaluation of Xiao Zhi.

"Alvin, come with me for a fight! I really want to fight you!" "

At this time, after watching the elf, Ash ran back, clenched his fists, and launched an invitation to Alvin again with a big smile.


(Ask for flower tickets and ask for custom booking, the picture shows the dragon king scorpion and the purple scorpion!) zero)_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collect, push

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Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven

Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 110

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