
Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 111

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Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven

Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 111
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"You guy, give me a little more! The elves of the people have obviously just finished training! "

Hearing this, Xiaoxia's eyelids jumped, and then suddenly stood up and yelled at Xiao Zhi.

Fight at every turn, is this guy loaded with muscles in his head ?!

And Alvin's elves are obviously just resting after special training, how can they invite people to fight at this time?

It is clear that it is to challenge when others are weak!

"Hey? Oh..." Ash blinked, and then glanced at the Dragon King Scorpion and the Burning Worm, and the scars on the Burning Worm's body were indeed obvious.

"Then wait until you're done with treatment and come to fight, Alvin!"

Then Ash said with a cheerful smile at Alvin.

Xiaoxia couldn't help but hold her forehead weakly, this guy was not saved.

"Poof..." Seeing the appearance of Xiaozhi and Xiaoxia, Ma Xiu couldn't help covering her mouth and laughing, the relationship between these two is really good "three eight zero"

"Ash, why do you want to fight me so much?" Alvin also chuckled twice, and then asked Ash.

It seems that Ash's desire to fight him is very urgent and strong.

This did make Alvin curious.

"Because you are Brother Chi's friend, if I defeat you, it means that I am more powerful than Brother Chi!"

Ash replied without thinking when he heard this, growing up with Chi since he was a child, and the brotherly relationship between Ash and Chi is undoubtedly very deep.

But because of this, Ash's emotions for defeating his brother will be particularly strong!

Just as he wanted to fight Xiao Mao and defeat Xiao Mao, Chi was also special to him!

Because the two have the same dream, they are both moving towards the elf master!

"So it is, then I accept, your challenge." Alvin was stunned when he heard this, then thought about it, stood up and said to Ash.

Perhaps, it's not bad to urge Ash?

Watching Ash fight with Chi must be a good scene.

"Alvin? This? Xiao Gang was stunned when he heard this, and then looked at Alvin with a slight frown.

Ash is now a complete novice, and he can't even figure out the restraint between elven attributes, what is the result of fighting against Alvin, do you still need to talk about it?

Alvin is a trainer that even Ladiass has accepted.

"Don't worry, I know it." Alvin smiled at Xiao Gang, and then looked at Xiao Zhi.

"So let's fight now, right?"

Alvin walks up to the Burning Bug and prepares the Burning Bug for battle.

"Hey? But your elves are injured. "

Ash looked at the scars on the burning insect's body and frowned.

He doesn't want to play against an opponent who is not in good shape.

"It's okay, these are just the scars left by training, for this little guy, it's nothing."

Alvin said indifferently, although he looked like he was seriously injured, it was no big deal after spraying the wound spray.

It's just that the physical strength may not be full.

"Well, since you said so, it's up to you, Pikachu, go on!"

When Xiao Zhi heard this, he carefully looked at the burning worm, and saw that he was indeed in good spirits, and did not hesitate.

Fighting with Alvin made his heart soar

As Ash's words fell, in front of Ash's heavy Pikachu on Ash's shoulders, two electric arcs appeared from the air bags on his cheeks, looking full of fighting intent.

Seeing that the two were really going to fight, Xiao Gang and the others stood up and looked at the two.

"Ash this guy really is... I hope I don't get hit..."

Xiao Gang looked at Xiao Zhi and couldn't help sighing, and he could only hope that Alvin would not start too hard.

"Is this person strong? I have so little confidence in Ash. Xiao Xia blinked her eyes and couldn't help but say.

Although I feel that Ash is indeed not strong, he is also a companion who travels together anyway.

Xiao Gang's words are too unconfident.

"Brother Alvin is very, very strong, he and sister Gadria are the former Four Heavenly Kings of the United States."

"Although the burning worm was just taken by Brother Alvin, your companions cannot have any chance of victory."

Hearing this, Ma Xiu, who was standing next to the two, covered her mouth and chuckled proudly, and used two in a row to express her confidence in Alvin!

Although she really didn't know what was special about Ash.

But no matter what, Brother Alvin is absolutely impossible to lose!

Especially the trainer on the other side is just a newcomer.

“????" Xiao Xia looked at Ma Xiu with a confused look when she heard this, what did this girl just say?

Xiaoxia almost suspected that she had misheard!

"No wonder..." Although Xiao Gang was also shocked, he shook his head and smiled bitterly after returning to his senses.

No wonder, Alvin is so strong with Gadria~

If it's the Four Heavenly Kings, there's really nothing to say0...

Xiao Gang and Xiao Xia, who were Taoist gym trainers, certainly knew what the three words of the Four Heavenly Kings represented.

The pinnacle of combat power in a region!

And at the moment on the field.

"Pikachu, use an electric shock on the burning bug!" Ash straightened the brim of his hat and shouted loudly to Pikachu.

Pikachu heard this, and an electric light flashed on his body, and an electric shock shot towards the burning worm.

The burning insect tilted its head slightly to look at this electric shock, not knowing whether to hide or not, because it felt that this electric shock did not seem to pose any threat...

"Jet flame."

But soon, Alvin's voice came, and the five tentacles of the burning worm's head flashed red at the same time.

In the blink of an eye, a violent pillar of fire met the electric shock.

The electric shock was instantly swallowed up by the pillar of fire and hit Pikachu.

"Pika..." Pikachu screamed, and after the pillar of fire passed, Pikachu, who was covered in scars, fell to the ground with a circle eye.

Battle, end in an instant.

"Pikachu! Pikachu, are you all right? Seeing this, Ash hurriedly ran to Pikachu and asked worriedly.

"Wipe this up, rest assured, the burning worm has a sense of proportion, and it will be fine in a while."

Alvin walked over to Ash, handed over a bottle of burn spray, and said to Ash.

"Phew~Thank you." Xiao hurriedly sprayed Pikachu, and soon Pikachu woke up, and Ash was relieved and stood up to thank Alvin.

"It's okay, you value Pikachu very much." Alvin smiled and shook his head 0.0, and he could see that after Pikachu was injured, Ash was really nervous.

"Yes, it is my most important partner! But you're really good. "

Ash replied seriously, and then looked at the burning bug beside Alvin and sighed.

One move, give his own Pikachu seconds...

The strong is simply scary!

"The Burning Bug still has a lot to improve, but Ash, you are still far from Chi."

Alvin smiled, then looked at Ash and shook his head.

That's why he didn't want to fight Ash, and he felt like he was already praising Ash.

Ash was stunned when he heard this, and then he couldn't help but be silent.


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Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven

Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 111

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