
Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 112

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Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven

Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 112
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Ash, this person, presumably many viewers who have experienced Pokémon in childhood, really love and hate Ash.

Hate iron is not steel, this is the senses of the vast majority of people who watch Ash grow up.

Kanto is just the beginning, it is not surprising that it is lost, Chengdu is improving, and it is not surprising that it lost in the end.

What is the Fangyuan Caiyu Conference?

If Ash teleports the old lineup, it is impossible to lose to Tetsuya, and the first conference champion will be lost.

At the Divine Ori Linglan Assembly, Ash woke up, and his heart for winning was more ardent than ever!

He teleported back to the veteran, but helplessly produced a divine beast man, and Ash defeated at least two divine beasts of Darkdo, although he was defeated.

After all, the runner-up of the Lily of the Valley Conference was only pushed by Darkdo and Darkrai.

But what are the United Hinogen Conference and the Carlos Miare Conference?

In the opening game, Pikachu was beaten by the vine snake that a rookie trainer had just received, and he lost his ability to fight.

The Hinogaki Conference was even picked by 5vs6, and the 'Water Storage Charizard X06' of the Miare Conference is also an eternal stain on Ash.

"If you want to defeat Aka and Ash, you still need to learn."

Alvin looked at Ash who looked down and said seriously, maybe there was some feelings in the end.

He really hoped that Ash would improve.

"You're Chi's younger brother, Chi is a genius, he's a real genius, but you don't want to, right? Whenever outsiders mention Chi with you. "

"You will always be Chi's foil with a backdrop,"

Alvin whispered to Ash, Ash and Chi became brothers, and I don't know if it was luck or misfortune.

Having a brother who is so good as a demon is really not a happy thing for many people.

Ash's character dooms him not to be jealous of Chi, but he only hopes that Chi can become his motivation~

"I will defeat Brother Chi!" Ash raised his head to look at Alvin, and suddenly revealed a big smile, with a determined and persistent look in his clear eyes.

Alvin was stunned when he heard this, feeling Ash's determination, and couldn't help but shake his head.

Yes, Ash's determination and will are very moving, but will the elves become stronger with this alone?

"If you say it with your mouth alone, anyone will say, Ash, I can feel the same belief as Chi from you."

"But with determination and perseverance alone, you will never be able to defeat Chi! Because his faith is not weaker than yours, you need more effort, understand what I mean? "

Alvin took a note from his backpack, handed it to Ash, and said quietly to Ash.

"This is my elven cultivation note since I was a child, which records my experience of elf growth and some details of the battle when I traveled that year, I hope it will be helpful to you."

Alvin looked at Ash's doubtful eyes and smiled, this is the note he began to take when he was a child.

Although it is no longer needed, this note shows the bits and pieces of his growth.

Now, he gave it to Ash

Ash looked at the black notebook in front of him stunned, not knowing what he was thinking, but he didn't pick it up directly.

"Hurry up, you're stupid Ash standing still, Xiao Xia ran to Ash anxiously and roared.

This is Alvin's elf cultivation experience and experience, how much he dreamed of!

"Oooh... Thank you, Alvin. When Ash heard this, he came back to his senses, took the notebook and said seriously to Alvin.

He had no idea how precious the notebook was, but he could sense that Alvin seemed to care about him.

"Ash, if you want to become stronger, you don't just need unwavering will and love for elves, you need persistent training and sharpening yourself."

"I look forward to your progress."

Alvin lowered his head and slightly hooked the corners of his mouth, said one last word to Ash, and turned and walked towards the location of the lighthouse.

Everything that should have been said had been said, and what should have been done, Alvin felt that he had also done it.

Little intelligence can't wake up and grow, which is no longer something that Alvin can decide.

He just didn't want to leave regrets before mentioning Ash, for him, Ash was finally accompanying his youth in his previous life.

As for what will happen to Ash in the future, this is none of his business.

"What a lucky little guy." Gadria glanced at Ash, and a light smile rose at the corner of her mouth, beautiful and dreamy.

With a soft word, Gadria followed Alvin slowly towards the lighthouse, although she didn't understand why Alvin actually gave his important notebook to Ash.

But Gadria would not doubt Alvin's approach.

"Hmm~ Brother Alvin is really a perfect trainer." Ma Xiu covered her cheeks with long sleeves and looked at Ash enviously.

This stupid silly boy, as Sister Gadria said, is really lucky.

But what Brother Alvin said to this silly boy just now is really handsome.

"Ash... Hey~ Xiao Gang looked at Xiao Zhi holding the notebook and couldn't help sighing.

I just hope that Ash can listen to Alvin's words and make good use of that notebook.

"You idiot, why is Alvin so optimistic about you! Really, I can't even see what is special. "

Xiao Xia bit her handkerchief and looked enviously at Xiao Zhi, who obviously won the jackpot but looked confused, this kind of person!

What did King Alvin fancy about him, and 380 actually gave Ash his own experience notebook.

Xiaoxia said that she was just a lemon! Sour!

"Ahaha... I don't know, although I don't understand, but I feel like he has a point. "

Ash scratched his head embarrassedly and replied with a puzzled look, although he had written down everything Alvin had said to him.

But he really doesn't understand ah, becoming stronger requires training and sharpening himself?

Ash didn't understand a little.

Xiao Xia rolled her eyes, this idiot really was.


Night, Zhenghui Beacon.

Because of the arrival of the Ash trio, Xiao Gang cooked a table of dishes with his own hands to thank Alvin and Masaki for their hospitality.

Xiao Gang's craftsmanship is indeed very good, which makes Alvin can't help but sigh, he also wants to find such a teammate.

But this kind of thing really can't be forced.

And that is tonight, the mysterious elf predicted by Zhenghui will come tonight!

I don't know if it's an illusion, but the sky seems to be exceptionally dark tonight, and the black clouds are thickly stacked one after another.

There's always a smell of storm!


(Ask for flower tickets to ask for custom, the picture is Chi and Zhi)_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collect, push

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Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven

Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 112

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