
Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 113

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Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven

Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 113
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"According to my research on that mysterious elf so far, it is actually looking for a companion."

"Logically, as long as I use the machine to make the same sound as that mysterious elf, I should be able to attract it here!"

Zhenghui was sure that this was the conclusion he had reached after studying the mysterious elves for so long.

Tonight, he must know what the true face of this elf is!

"Then let's get started, Dr. Zhenghui."

Alvin looked at the sky outside the window, frowned slightly, but still hid it well, and smiled at Zhenghui.

I don't know how to say it, he always has a very wonderful premonition, this night may be very special.

"Good!" Zhenghui answered, and then pressed the machine, and a series of special sound waves were transmitted from the lighthouse with inexplicable fluctuations.

It was getting darker, and I don't know when the fog started.

But as time passed, the so-called mysterious elves still did not appear!

"Impossible! The law of its action, I have obviously studied it thoroughly, it will definitely appear in this vicinity this evening, what went wrong. "

For a long time, Zhenghui frowned deeply, whispering to himself in disbelief.

After preparing for so long, the elf actually did not appear, which was really a big blow to Zhenghui.

And because their attention was focused on the vicinity, Zhenghui and the others did not find that the sky in the distance was no longer dark.

It is lightning and thunder, and even if you look closely, even the tornado can see the shadow blurred!

"Someone is fighting? And this scale. Alvin noticed and looked at Gadria.

"Dr. Zhenghui, I'll go out with Gadria to take a look." Alvin said to Zhenghui, with the activation of Gadria's superpowers.

The two jumped directly from the lighthouse window, and Gadria threw the giant golden monster's Pokeball.

The giant golden monster flew in that direction with the two.

"Hey?" After Zhenghui and the others returned to their senses, they could only see the back of the giant golden monster, and their faces were unclear.

At this moment, on Alvin's side, the closer to the place of battle, the more intuitive the intensity of the battle became.

Even in that area, torrential rain, lightning hurricanes, various celestial phenomena are constantly reflected!

"Is it a giant fast dragon? But who fought it was who looked at the huge figure under the dark sky not far away.

Without a doubt, it was the Giant Dragon!

Zhenghui's prediction was actually correct, but the giant fast dragon obviously encountered the enemy when he arrived!

And because the giant fast dragon is facing away from Alvin and the two, it makes Alvin unable to see who its opponent is.

"Hahaha~ Very good! The power of which I like more and more! Follow me, you are a dragon! Only I can truly unleash your power! "

At this time, the arrogant and domineering male voice suddenly sounded, and the fanaticism in the words was so clear.

Alvin raised his eyebrows when he heard this, this?


As if understanding the meaning of these words, the fast dragon roared suddenly, the sea surface surged more violently, and the thunder electric snake in the sky flashed more frequently.

The huge body flew up, although the body size was huge, but the speed of the huge fast dragon was not slow at all.

At the same time, the entire body was wrapped in dragon-shaped energy and rushed below.

Dragon God Swoop!

And it was precisely the huge fast dragon that rose that Alvin and the two saw clearly the opponent of the huge fast dragon!

With a tall body, red hair bold and wanton, wearing a black cloak, he looked up at the handsome face of the huge fast dragon with a proud smile.

And the most special thing is the temperament of youth!

Standing on the back of a fossil pterosaur, even though he was wet by the heavy rain, his temperament was full of arrogance.

That kind of arrogance and wildness like a dragon!

Dragon Crossing!

It is the invincible Imperial Dragon Cross, the head of the four heavenly kings of Kanto!

Alvin raised his eyebrows, he didn't expect that the first encounter with Yulongdu was actually like this.

"Filled with anger? It's okay, dragons are proud, I can understand, I'll let you understand it thoroughly. "

"How powerful is the power of the dragon in my hands!"

The fanatical and domineering male voice of Yulongdu sounded again, and in the face of this huge fast dragon terrifying dragon god swooping, he didn't seem to pay attention to it!

"Hakron, Double Dragon Meteor!"

The voice of the Royal Dragon Ferry fell, and the two Hakr dragons floating above the Royal Dragon Ferry were intertwined with each other and continued to rise into the air.

Two dragon stars formed in their mouths at the same time, constantly rotating and soaring into the sky at great speed!


The entire sky seemed to have been exploded by the explosion of two dragon star groups, and the layers of thunderclouds dissipated, revealing a pitch-black sky.

Meteorite-like dragon meteors fell from the sky, overwhelming the number, like an extremely beautiful meteor shower!

But this meteor shower is so deadly!

The dragon meteor kept falling, bombarding the giant fast dragon, although it was offset by the energy of the dragon god's swooping.

But the dragon meteor seems to be endless, constantly falling.

And the dragon meteor that occasionally falls into the sea surface is like a deep-sea bomb, instantly blowing up the sea surface with a splash of several meters high!

Terrifying Double Dragon Meteor!

The giant golden monster spontaneously raised its green guard, and at the same time retreated slightly for a distance again, so as not to be affected by the dragon meteor.

"This guy, using the power of the two Hakr dragons, the dragon energy of each other, to reach this point, the double dragon battle method?"

Alvin frowned slightly and looked at the two Hakr dragons in the sky above the Royal Dragon Crossing, the Royal Dragon Clan was a large clan in the Johto area.

The Royal Dragon Clan, who have guarded the Dragon Cave for generations, use and madly believe in the absolute power of the dragon!

The double dragon combat method is the secret technique of the Royal Dragon family, as we all know, the growth of the dragon is extremely long, and the power of the dragon can only be truly exerted when it evolves to the apex.

But only Hakron is special!

Hakron has a special ability to easily change the weather, which is not possessed by Hakron's (good money) evolutionary fast dragon.

The degree of control of energy by the Harklong is far from comparable to that of the fast dragon, but the strength of the Harklong is indeed inferior to the fast dragon.

So the Double Dragon method came into being!

Using two Hakr dragons, the dragon energy is born with each other, and the power that comes out together is even more terrifying than the fast dragon!

At the same time, Harkron's ability to call the wind and rain and control the weather is also retained!

This is the Double Dragon method!

However, the practice of the Double Dragon Battle Method is extremely difficult, because the energy of the dragon system is too violent, and the energy of the dragon system is originally restrained by each other.

How easy is it to fuse the energy of two dragons together and multiply it?

But unexpectedly, Alvin actually saw the legendary Double Dragon Battle Method here in the Royal Dragon Ferry today!

——————————————————————————— regiment—

(Ask for a flower ticket to custom!) The picture shows Hakron! )_

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Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven

Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 113

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