
Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 114

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Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven

Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 114
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The strength of the giant fast dragon is terrifying, and with such a huge size, the dragon god swoop used is even more powerful.

But with the endless stream of dragon meteors falling, the dragon-shaped energy wrapped in the body of the huge fast dragon is getting weaker and weaker!

After a while, the dragon god dive was completely dissolved by the Double Dragon Meteor!

"Hakron, Double Dragon Hurricane!"

Seeing this, the corner of the mouth of Yulong Du, who was standing majestically and motionless on the fossil pterosaur, hooked a hideous arc and ordered Hakron again.

An ethereal and pleasant overlapping cry resounded in the sky, two Harkdragons intertwined, and the orb around their necks flashed with a dreamy light.

Two tornadoes rose from the surface of the sea without warning, and in an instant they joined together, but it was just a breather.

It formed a sea tornado that covered the sky and was like a natural disaster!

And the huge fast dragon was wrapped in a sea tornado, and the terrifying wind constantly cut the body of the huge fast dragon!

The weight of the sea water and the terrible gravitational pull of the tornado made the giant fast dragon unable to break free.

"Terrible power, is this the Royal Dragon Cross?" Seeing this, Alvin and Gadria who were watching frowned at the same time.

The strength of this Royal Dragon Du seems to be a little too strong.

380 And those two halons...

Alvin looked at the two Harkrons, and there was no doubt that he definitely had the strength of a champion.

That's why the Double Dragon combat method they joined forces will be so terrifying.

Such a Hakron, and Royal Dragon Du definitely has a fast dragon with amazing strength!

The world's invincible Royal Dragon Du, no wonder his supporters dare to say such an arrogant title.

"But... That's interesting, right? The corner of Alvin's mouth slowly evoked a smile, the power of the Royal Dragon Du, he had already expected.

Defeating such a powerful Imperial Dragon Du will be pleasant!

"Brother, don't you stop him? If this continues, this fast dragon will not last long at all. "

Gadria hesitated and asked Alvin.

Although this huge fast dragon is powerful, it is a wild elf after all, and it relies on instinct to fight, how can it be the opponent of the Royal Dragon Du.

If this continues, I am afraid that Yulongdu will soon be able to subdue this huge fast dragon.

There is no doubt about it!

"How to stop it? Gadria, we are trainers, and we can't interfere when others take elves in a regular way, this is the trainer's rule. "

Alvin looked at Yulongdu and calmly replied.

Of course, he wanted to interfere with the Royal Dragon Du to subdue this huge fast dragon, but all three of them were trainers!

Royal Dragon Ferry is not using the technology of tool machines to fight against the giant fast dragon by despicable means.

What's more, Imperial Dragon Ferry is now the champion of the Four Heavenly Kings of Kanto!

Irwin can't think about it anymore or how?

At this time, he interfered with the subjugation of Imperial Dragon Du and expressed his hostile intentions to the Kanto Elf Alliance!

Although Imperial Dragon Du has clearly shown signs that something is wrong, they have not betrayed the Elf Alliance, and they have not completely torn their faces with the Elf Alliance, they are - the Four Heavenly Kings of Kanto!

They are still the existence of the peak of power standing on the land of the Guandu region!

Just like the last Kona, they couldn't take the initiative to attack each other!

Otherwise, the other party has every reason to put pressure on the Elven Alliance!

Unless Alvin had the courage to be wanted by the whole region Junsha at this time, it was impossible for him to interfere in the battle of the Royal Dragon Crossing!

Gadria was silent when she heard this, indeed, they had no reason to attack the Royal Dragon Du.

The reverse is also true, it is impossible for Imperial Dragon Du to attack them.

Later, Alvin and Gadria quietly watched as Imperial Dragon Du defeated the giant fast dragon.

"Poké Ball, go!"

Yulongdu threw out an overweight ball, and the red light of the overweight ball kept flashing, but Yulongdu did not panic at all.

This huge fast dragon, he has been tracking for half a year!

He has only recently really found traces of it, and he will never let it go today!

Even if you break free, just keep knocking it down!

Soon, the giant fast dragon completely gave up the struggle, the super heavy ball calmed down (agaa), and the giant fast dragon recognized the imperial dragon crossing!


Yuryu Du picked up the super heavy ball and laughed wantonly, he likes dragons!

The power of the dragon fascinated him, and this ultra-ancient fast dragon surprised Yulongdu.

He has the confidence to tap the power of this fast dragon and become the strongest dragon in his hands!

"Congratulations to the dragon envoy for subduing this super-ancient dragon." Alvin and Gadria approached Imperial Dragon Wataru and congratulated the Kanto Four Heavenly King champion with a smile.

Royal Dragon Du is stronger, which also makes Alvin's emotions quite complicated, but it can be regarded as happy.

The stronger the opponent, the more valuable it is to defeat him!

Alvin doesn't think he can't defeat Dragon Du, he is the strongest!

"You guys? It should be Alvin and Gadria, right? Ryu Du put away the giant fast dragon's Pokeball and turned his gaze to Alvin and Gadria with interest.

Alvin and Gadria noticed it when they first arrived.

However, he was fighting with the giant fast dragon at that time, so he ignored the two.

He is also not afraid of outsiders watching from the sidelines, this is his self-confidence!

"Very good giant golden monster, indeed worthy of the name of the king, it also likes you, you are a good trainer."

Then Yulongdu set his eyes on the giant golden monster, and after calming down for a while, Yulongdu hooked an arc and nodded and praised Gadria.

He was gifted by Tokiwa Forest when he was a child, and he possessed Tokiwa powers, a special ability to communicate with elves and heal elves.

Just now, he used Tokiwa's power to communicate with the giant golden monster and got a reply from the giant golden monster.

Ryu Du has an extreme attachment to the elves, and deep down in his heart, he hopes that the elves will be happy.

For trainers who really treat elves with kindness, Imperial Dragon Du is actually not disgusted.

"Thank you very much." Gadria smiled gracefully and politely when she heard this, and replied to Yulongdu.

"I can feel that you have the breath of a dragon on your body, a very powerful dragon! Are you also a Dragon Trainer? "

Then Yulongdu shifted his gaze to Alvin's body, his deep gaze flowed, and asked Alvin.

For dragons, Royal Dragon Du has an extraordinary sensitivity, and the power of the Royal Dragon can make him the perfect imperial dragon!

At the same time, it also makes him extremely sensitive to the breath of the dragon!

He could feel it. Alvin has a very powerful dragon on him, and there is more than one!

"I'm not a trainer specializing in dragons, but I do have two very strong dragons!"

"Not weaker than your dragon!"

The corners of Alvin's mouth raised slightly, his eyes looked directly at Yulongdu, and he slowly issued a provocation.

Royal Dragon Du, Dragon Envoy Du, the strongest dragon trainer!

Alvin never knew that he had the title of the strongest dragon trainer who had ever admitted to the Royal Dragon Crossing!

"Oh?" Yulongdu's cold eyebrows raised slightly when he heard this, and the smile at the corner of his mouth slowly became fierce.


(Ask for flower tickets, please make your own ticket!) The picture shows Dragon Crossing! It's cold and handsome! )_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collect, push

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Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven

Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 114

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