
Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 115

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Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven

Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 115
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"My dragon is the strongest! No weaker than anyone! "

Yulongdu looked at Alvin, with a vicious smile at the corner of his mouth, domineering declaration!

Yes, he is the strongest Dragon trainer! He is the strongest trainer!

His dragon will never be defeated!

Royal Dragon Ferry is so confident!

"I will challenge you at the Quartz Conference! Break your invincible god ~ words! "

When Erwin heard this, he was noncommittal, stared at the Royal Dragon Du, smiled and gave a battle letter to this arrogant man!

He gave up his position as king in Hezhong and went to Kanto instead.

Everyone who knows about this understands that Alvin is coming for the Four Heavenly Kings of Kanto!

This is something that everyone in the Elven Alliance knows!

This young man, who was praised by the people of the United as the light of the United People, did not come well!


Hearing this, Yulongdu stared at Alvin for a while, and the corners of his mouth slowly raised and laughed.

It's not laughter of mockery, it's a hearty smile, or laughter of excitement because you have a challenger again!

"I love your confidence! I am waiting for your challenge! Waiting for your failure! "

The hideous smile on Yulongdu's face was so eye-catching, he was never afraid of any opponent!

Because he is the strongest!

His Legion of Dragons will not be defeated!

"I know you declined Cona's invitation, and I know you're followed by God, but I'll tell you!"

"Absolute power! Even God cannot undo your doomed defeat! "

"Young man, I'm waiting for you in the four-heavenly king champion position of the quartz conference! You are destined to be the Four Heavenly Kings under my name! "


The arrogant laughter slowly faded, and Imperial Dragon Du left, just as he said.

He will be waiting for this teenager who claims to break the myth of his undefeated undefeated in the highest four-heavenly king championship position in the Kanto League!

He likes Alvin's self-confidence because he himself is a man with absolute confidence in himself!

Maybe it's sympathy, or maybe it's because Alvin has received the power of God, and Yulong Du is indeed looking forward to Alvin's challenge!

He will prove it in the arena! His Legion of Dragons! Even God can't stop it!

"A man who is confident to the point of conceit!" Gadria commented as she looked at the red-haired champion who was departing on the fossil pterosaur.

For eighteen years, Gadria had never seen such a conceited man!

But it is undeniable that the domineering and conceited of this man's strongest champion is moving.

Nor can God defeat him?

What arrogance!

"But he's also a man with unparalleled charm, right?" Alvin calmly watched the figure of Yulongdu disappear into the night sky, and the corners of his mouth slowly raised.

He began to look forward to it, looking forward to the expression on his face when Imperial Dragon Du was defeated!

It is very strange that the arrogance of the Royal Dragon Du is indeed second to none, but it is not disgusting.

Maybe it's because of his domineering temperament.

"Alvin, fight with him, you must let it, just a human being, and dare to talk about the strongest dragon!" Blasphemy! "

Chief Reim's low and thick voice sounded in the ears of the two, and the arrogance of Yulongdu made it impatient.

"I'll crush his Dragon Will!"

Chief Rem said in a deep voice, it is undeniable that the arrogance of the dragon of the Royal Dragon Du makes Chief Rem a little impressed by him.

But the strongest dragon! It's Chieftain Reim!

"Since it is your request, of course I will not refuse." Alvin looked down and chuckled at Chief Reim.

Dragon Du, I will satisfy you for the battle with God that you are looking forward to!

At the same time, it is also the strongest dragon battle!


After encountering the Royal Dragon Crossing, Alvin and Gadria fly back to the Zhenghui Lighthouse.

At this moment, Zhenghui and the others are still waiting on the top floor.

"Alvin, where have you two gone?" Seeing Alvin and Gadria returning, Zhenghui frowned and asked.

Because both of them were already soaked by the rain at the moment, Gadria was okay, her skirt was gorgeous and cumbersome, and she couldn't see anything.

But Alvin wore white short sleeves and cropped pants, and his slender figure was blurred to see.

"There's someone fighting, so it's fun to check it out." Alvin smiled nonchalantly and explained casually.

"Brother Alvin, sister Gadria, wipe it." Ma Xiu covered half of her cheeks and handed the two two clean towels.

And her very attractive eyes were uncontrollably secretly looking at Alvin's rain-soaked body.

Wow! Unexpectedly, Brother Alvin looked thin and actually had abs!

Hmm~ What are you thinking about embroidery, how can you eat the body of Brother Alvin!

0····· Ask for flowers 00

Ma Xiu's long sleeves moved up again, covering her eyes, and took a few steps back.

She felt that her face must be red at the moment.

"Thank you, by the way, Dr. Zhenghui, just now we saw the elf you mentioned, it should be a huge fast dragon, very large, it should have survived from superantiquity."

Alvin took the towel and wiped his hair, and then seemed to remember something, looked at Zhenghui and smiled.

Zhenghui is obsessed with the giant fast dragon, and giving him an answer can be regarded as fulfilling his wish.

"So that's the case, the super ancient fast dragon..." Zhenghui was stunned when he heard this, and then pondered, indeed, if there is a fast dragon comparison, the outline is still very similar.

"Yes, I went to take a shower with Gadria first, and it was uncomfortable to get in the rain."

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Alvin nodded, and then looked at the circle of people and laughed, after all, it was raining, it was safe to avoid getting cold or take a bath.

And the matter of the Zhenghui Lighthouse is also over, and it is time to rush to the Dead Leaf City.

"It seems that Alvin seems to be very happy, did he just go out and go through something?"

Xiao Gang looked at the back of the two people leaving and touched his chin to think, it seemed that after returning, Alvin's mood was a little different.

What happened to him so happy?

"Who knows, did he take that elf in?" Xiao Xia guessed, although not close.

But just now they could also see from a distance that there was a very fierce battle going on over there!

That dragon meteor and the waterspout grounded in the sky can be seen even if they are so far apart!

"No, if Alvin accepts him, he won't hide from us, okay everyone, it's hard tonight, go and rest."

Zhenghui shook his head and said, although the contact has only been for a few days, Zhenghui believes.

If Alvin really subdued the giant fast dragon, it was impossible to hide it from them.

It's not something shady.

In this way, everyone went back to their respective rooms to rest, and no one knew that Alvin was in such a peaceful night.

Decided on a championship battle with the strongest Imperial Dragon Wataru in the Kanto region!


(Ask for flower tickets, please make your own ticket!) zero)_

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Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven

Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 115

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