
Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 116

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Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven

Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 116
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Time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye it was the second day.

In front of the Zhenghui Lighthouse, Alvin and Gadria said goodbye to Zhenghui, and as for Ash and the others, they left early in the morning.

"Goodbye Dr. Zhenghui, thank you for taking care of you these days." Alvin smiled at Zhenghui.

The result of this trip to Zhenghui Lighthouse still made him very satisfied.

It was a surprise to get the burning worm of Xinyi and meet Yulongdu in advance, and even knowing that Yulongdu mastered the double dragon battle method is also good news.

At least fight against Imperial Dragon Du in the future, and prepare in advance!

And the contact with Zhenghui is also good, maybe there is a place where Zhenghui needs to be used in the future?

Zhenghui is a world-renowned research doctor! In the research community, the influence is weaker than that of Oki Yuki.

"Haha~ polite, Alvin you also helped me a lot, "three eight zero" then look forward to your performance at the quartz conference, I will definitely go to see it. "

Masaki laughed and waved his hand, and then extended his hand to Alvin, very fond of this approachable and very polite teenager.

This quartz conference may really change the sky!

Zhenghui glanced at Alvin and the elegant and languid Gadria beside him.

This pair of brothers and sisters is not as gorgeous as the appearance of people and animals!

"Thank you, if you become the champion this year, my wedding with Gadria, please also come to attend."

Alvin shook Masaki's hand and smiled and sent out an invitation.

Interpersonal communication is nothing more than this, you treat people with courtesy and sincerity, and people will return it!

"Oh? Then I have to drink this happy wine, looking forward to your wedding, I will bring the old and the young, don't be too many people, haha~"

Zhenghui was quite surprised when he heard this, glanced at Gadria and then smiled and teased.


The amount of information is really...

Zhenghui didn't think that Alvin, the former Four Heavenly Kings, was referring to the champion of the Quartz Conference, which was something that did not have the slightest gold content for Alvin.

However, Zhenghui is not an ordinary person after all, and he does not show abnormalities.

When Gadria heard this, she showed a reserved and beautiful smile, and nodded to Zhenghui.

"No, no, the more people, the better, Miss Maxiu, look forward to meeting you next time for growth."

Alvin shook his head with a smile, and then also said goodbye to Ma Xiu next to Zhenghui, and the two turned and left.

"Don't look at it, the eyeballs are going to come out, if you like it, go chase it?" Zhenghui glanced at Ma Xiu, who had been staring closely at the back of Alvin and the two beside him, and laughed.

"Cousin, what do you say! I don't have that kind of affection for Brother Irvin. Ma Xiu covered her mouth with long sleeves and said to Zhenghui dissatisfied.

"That's best, the two brothers and sisters were engaged early, that chance."

Zhenghui nodded when he heard this, although the world stops polygamy, in the public's cognition, monogamy is still deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Although Zhenghui knows that Alvin is very good, as a brother's nature, he does not want his cousin to fall into the fire pit.

Liking someone you shouldn't really like is not a thing.

What's more, his cousin, regardless of her appearance and figure, is still the top, why worry about the suitor?

"It's just adoration, but to be honest, I really envy Sister Gadria, and Brother Alvin also likes her so much."

Ma Xiu half-covered her face and sighed softly, as a young girl of the same age as a flower, how could she not envy Alvin and Gadria for such a dreamy relationship.

When I reach the top of the championship, I wish you a lifetime of dreamy flowers~

At that time, the wedding of the two will really shock countless young girls in the world

"Maybe~ But Evan is also very lucky, with a red face like Gadria who never leaves him and never complains."

Zhenghui smiled and shook his head, the girl envied Gadria for having such a sweet, gentle and powerful Alvin.

But why don't boys envy Alvin for having an elegant and gorgeous lady like Gadria?

"If it's Brother Alvin, in fact, I would be willing to be the same as Sister Gadria..."

Ma Xiu's beautiful eyes flickered slightly when she heard this, but she still didn't say this, this kind of thing can really only be said to be fate~


Dead Leaves City is the largest international port city in the Kanto region! It is also an important port for important ships such as the Saint-Teannou!

The Taoist Hall in Dead Leaf City is also one of the Taoist Halls certified by the Elf Alliance, and the current owner is Ma Zhishi, which is an electric attribute Taoist Hall.

And Alvin and Gadria, after a stop-and-go trip, also came to this city 0...

"It's finally here, and I don't know where Xiaolan and Chi are now." Alvin glanced around, and said slowly with a smile on his lips.

Because they agreed to board the Saint Teanu together, it stands to reason that Xiaolan and Chi should also be in Dead Leaf City.

However, the dead leaf market is very large, and it is really not easy to find them.

But Alvin was not in a hurry, after all, he had the phone number of two.

"Brother, let's find a place to rest first, the Taoist Hall will also challenge." Gadria smiled at Alvin.

They already knew the date of the arrival of the Saint Teanou, and it would only arrive tomorrow, so the two were not in a hurry.

It just so happens that the time is not too late, and the challenge hall has also arrived.

"That's right, Ma Zhishi ~ is a very interesting opponent." Alvin nodded, then recalled.

Ma Zhishi, if it is in the anime, is simply an arrogant gangster, but obviously, this is not the case!

If there is no accident, this Ma Zhishi is one of the three cadres of the rocket team! The strength is also very strong!

After finding a hotel and putting down their backpacks, Alvin and Gadria went to the Dead Leaf Dojo.

The Dead Leaf Dojo Hall was very large and empty, and after entering the Dead Leaf Dojo, two people, a man and a woman, soon greeted them.

"Hello, we are trainers from the gods and towns, and we have come to challenge the Dead Leaf Dojo."

Alvin saluted the two with a 0.0 head and said with a smile.

"Outside trainer, he looks very handsome, but your luck is very good, it just so happens that our pavilion owner is here today."

The man glanced Alvin up and down a few times, and then said slowly with a malicious smile.

"However, our dojo is different from other dojos, and if we don't have strength, the end will be miserable~"

The man smiled strangely, their Dead Leaf Taoist Hall was completely different from other Taoist halls.

"I'm still very confident in myself, so can you please take us away?"

Alvin smiled calmly, not caring at all about the low-level threat of this jumping beam clown-like character.


(Ask for flower tickets, please make your own ticket!) )_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collect, push

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Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven

Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 116

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