
Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 117

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Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven

Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 117
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On the battlefield opposite the Dead Leaf Taoist Hall, Alvin finally met Ma Zhishi.

Strong body, wearing an army-green camouflage uniform, sky-high blonde hair, and a fierce and vicious face.

No matter from any point of view, Ma Zhishi's image really does not look like a good person in people's hearts.

It is not even an exaggeration to say that it is evil!

In particular, the fierce aura on Ma Zhishi's body, I am afraid that ordinary trainers will have soft legs when they see him!

"A trainer from Shen Ao? I'm Ma Zhishi, are you sure you want to challenge the Dead Leaf Dojo? "

The corners of Ma Zhishi's mouth curled, showing Sensen's white teeth, his smile was palpitating, and he looked at Alvin and Gadria with his arms folded.

"Yes, we both have to challenge, trouble you."

Alvin didn't care at all, and said to Ma Zhishi with a chuckle.

"Hahaha~ Very good, I like a trainer like you who knows the difficulties."

Ma Zhishi laughed, his strong arm turned slightly, and he took out a poké ball.

He hated weak trainers, especially those who were so scared that their bodies were shaking.

That kind of soft-footed shrimp is not worthy of challenging him at all!

"Now start the Dead Leaf Dojo Battle with the Orange Badge as a bet, and the challenger is Alvin of the Shinnoh Region and Town, and the rule is 1vs1!"

"Now, the battle begins!"

The 06 woman who led Alvin and the two into the house acted as the referee, explained the rules of the battle, and then waved the flag in her hand heavily.

"Hey ~ Then as a rule, I solemnly introduce myself, I am Ma Zhishi! The owner of the Dead Leaf Dojo! "

"The people of Dead Leaf City call me a 'lightning tough guy'! Haha, I like this title because I used to be an Air Force commander! I retired from the battlefield! "

"I like to use electric sprites, and it makes me very happy to watch my enemies numb from electricity!"

Ma Zhishi grinned and showed a cold smile, and threw the Pokeball in his hand heavily.

"On, Raichu!"

A sturdy Raichu stood in front of Ma Zhishi and raised his two short arms in a powerful motion.

"Raichu, very good, so burning worm, ready to fight!"

Alvin observed the two eyes of Raichu and cultivated very well and healthy, obviously completely different from the pre-evolved Raichu in the anime.

As Alvin backhanded throws the Pokéball, the incendiary worm appears in front of Alvin.

"Burning bugs? Elves of the United District, hey ~ Raichu, say hello to our little guests, Thunder! "

Ma Zhishi raised his eyebrows, although he was just a burning worm, he would not underestimate it, he knew Alvin's identity very well!

Subsequently, Ma Zhishi completely ignored the rule that the challenger should be the first to attack in the battle of the Taoist Hall, and launched the attack first without warning.

"Elf battles are like battlefields, but there are no unruly rules, little one, you should understand."

Ma Zhishi smiled wickedly, in his dojo, he didn't care about the rules set by those alliances!

As Ma Zhishi's words fell, the electric sacs on Lei Qiu's cheeks flashed with thunder, and in an instant, a thunder pillar tore through the air and quickly slashed towards the burning worm.

"Burning bugs, jet flames to fight back!"

Alvin evoked a sneer, indifferent to Ma Zhishi.

The five tentacles of the burning insect ignited flames, and a blazing pillar of fire greeted them.


Fire and thunder, the two attributes rushed violently, and there was an explosion.

"Hey~ the reaction is really fast, Leichu, moving at high speed,!"

Ma Zhishi raised his eyebrows, this burning insect's move speed is really fast, and the level is not low.

However, Ma Zhishi was not too surprised and continued to take the initiative to attack.

Rai Chu rushed towards the burning worm at high speed, and when using high-speed movement, it was already not slow and faster!

Rai Chu quickly moved to the side of the burning insect, flashing thunder in his fist, and violently tore open the air and smashed towards the burning insect.

However, surprisingly, the burning insect obviously did not face it, and with a slight twist, it almost avoided its lightning fist!

The movements are very natural and relaxed!

"Raichu, one hundred thousand volts!" Ma Zhishi frowned when he saw this, this is too weird.

"Thunder~" Lei Chu screamed softly, a strong electric current flashed on his bloated body, and a hundred thousand volts rushed towards the burning worm that was very close.

"Spew flames!"

Alvin's voice came, and the burning insect did not hesitate to bombard with a pillar of fire!


A violent explosion sounded, and the touch of fire and thunder could not be anything other than an explosion.

And this time, both Raichu and the burning worm were extremely close to the explosion, and naturally neither of them could have survived.

Raichu was swept away by the bursting energy and rolled twice on the ground before getting up.

The burning worm, on the other hand, strangely used the energy of the explosion to hit the ground and glided for a long distance, successfully unloading the force!

"What a subtle method of borrowing power, just dodged the lightning fist is also avoided with the help of the strong wind swung by the thunder fist?"

As an excellent trainer, Ma Zhishi naturally has a unique eye and quickly detects the skill of burning insects.

"It's not even close." Seeing this, Alvin shook his head, the pressure given by this Raichu was not enough.

Originally, Alvin wanted to evolve the burning worm by fighting with Ma Zhishi.

When the burning insect was first subdued, the level was very high, it was not far from evolution, and after training for so many days, it had already reached the conditions for evolution.

But there is still an opportunity.

But apparently, the pressure this Raichu gave to the burning worm was not enough now.

"Burning bugs, bugs!" After figuring it out, Alvin didn't get tangled and commanded the burning worm.

The five tentacles of the burning insect moved slightly, and a strange ripple spread out along with the insect sound.

The sound of insects quickly entered Lei Chu's ears, and Lei Qiu showed pain on his face and subconsciously covered his ears.

"Spew flames!"

The next moment, the insect chirping stopped, and a violent flame shot towards Lei Chu.

Lei Chu, who still had the remnants of the sound of insects in his ears, could not avoid it at all, and was completely hit by the jet flames.

Rai Chu screamed, and the damage of the blazing flames was not low.

"It's not that simple yet 380! Raichu, close to the past, Raiden Fist! Seeing this, Ma Zhishi shouted to Lei Qiu in a deep voice.

Lei Qiu endured the burning of the flames and forcibly moved at high speed to the side of the burning insect, and the thunder and lightning fist swung towards the burning insect again.

But still, the burning bug is strangely avoided.

"Tie it with your tail, jump up and use the Earth Cast!" At this time, Ma Zhishi's voice came over.

Raichu's slender tail bound the burning worm like lightning, and then Raichu jumped heavily with the burning worm.

"Spew flames!" Seeing this, Alvin did not hesitate and shouted directly to the burning worm.

Although the burning insect was carried into the air, after hearing Alvin's voice, it still shot out a pillar of fire, hitting Raichu perfectly.

However, Rai Chu still did not put down the burning worm, and his tail flicked with all his strength, throwing the burning bug to the ground.


Cast on the earth with great power!

But Lei Chu also fell powerlessly from mid-air at this time, his eyes became circled eyes, and he lost his ability to fight.

The burning worm slowly crawled out, and although it received a heavy blow, it was obviously not enough for it.

But at this time, the five tentacles of the burning insect ignited flames again!

The fierce flames enveloped the burning worm in an instant! The blazing flame that burns high is like a cocoon of flame!

Seeing this, the corners of Alvin's mouth raised slightly, what he wanted, came here!



(Ask for flowers, ask for tickets, ask for custom!) )_

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Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven

Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 117

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