
Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 118

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Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven

Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 118
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"Has it evolved?" Ma Zhishi took back Raichu, who had lost his ability to fight, and looked at the burning worm wrapped in flames, looking at the burning bug with interest.

The evolution of burning insects is very rare, and those who are lucky enough to see them will always have endless memories!

Most of the elf evolution in the world is actually wrapped in the light of evolution, but there are a few exceptions!

Burning bugs are one of them!

Burning Bug Evolution is actually surrounded by evolutionary light, but it wraps its whole body with flames that erupt from its horns.

Maybe it's to protect yourself, maybe it's for special reasons, no one knows.

But it is undeniable that the beauty of the evolution of burning insects is very precious!

And soon, the flame of evolution dispersed, and a brand new moth-type elf appeared in front of everyone's eyes!

Vulcan moth!

The height of an adult man makes the Vulcan Moth look extremely large and majestic.

The eyes are still blue, a pair of red antennae surround the cheeks, the body is full, the upper body is a circle of white flull, and the belly is black.

And the most special thing is its three pairs of red wings!

The red wings are also dotted with black spots, and it is said that its wings represent the sun, and the black spots represent sunspots!

"Very well, come back Vulcan Moth." Alvin carefully observed the two-eyed Vulcan Moth, nodded with satisfaction, and withdrew the Vulcan Moth.

"What a beautiful evolution! I have always heard of the great name of the evolution of the burning insect flame, but I did not expect that today I was fortunate enough to witness it with my own eyes. "

Ma Zhishi applauded and walked up to Alvin and praised, for a real trainer.

Nothing is more exciting to them than the miracle of the elves.

Although Ma Zhishi has a violent personality, he is also a trainer.

"You are strong and deserve this orange badge, congratulations."

Ma Zhishi then took out a badge and handed it to Alvin and smiled, although it was a kind smile.

However, because of his fierce face, he still looks very ill-intentioned.

"Thank you, please continue to fight, my sister also needs badges." Alvin smiled, took the orange badge, and then said to Ma Zhishi.

"Of course, I will not refuse the challenge of a good trainer


As Gadria succeeds in getting the orange badge, Alvin leaves the Dead Leaf Hall with Gadria.

After the two walked around the dead leaf market, it was not early, so they returned to the hotel to rest.

At noon the next day, Alvin and Gadria got up and rushed to the port.

The Saint-Teanou has arrived!

The Saint-Teanou is a huge white cruise ship, luxurious decoration and complete facilities, as well as extremely attentive service, which makes people feel the perfection of this search cruise.

The captain of the Saint-Teanou, also a world-renowned collector, this Saint-Teanou is also his most perfect work.

Today, the Saint-Teanou is also famous.

Alvin and Gadria showed the crew tickets hand in hand and entered the luxury cruise ship with ease.

Luxurious crystal lamps, expensive carpets, luxury, the environment inside the Saint-Teanu all conveys that its luxury is not vain!

However, Alvin and Gadria have been famous since childhood, and naturally they will not gaffe because of such a scene, not to mention that they have already boarded the ship once when they were children.

"They've arrived, let's go find them." Alvin glanced at his phone and smiled at Gadria.

Just now Xiaolan sent him a message, and she and Chi were already in the central hall of the ship.

Alvin and Gadria walked towards the central hall very familiarly, and the Saint-Teanou was divided into three floors because of its huge hull, and there were many rooms inside.

The hall is on the first floor, and Alvin's memory is still very good.

After entering the hall, a lively atmosphere came to the face, and there were many people, all talking to each other with smiles on their faces.

Alvin glanced around and soon found Chi and Xiaolan in a corner.

"You came early." Alvin and the two walked over, sat down and smiled at the little blue two.

"No, no, we've just arrived." Xiao Lan, who looked very dignified and beautiful in a gorgeous long dress, smiled and waved her hand.

And Chi, who was beside her, was eating, and her eyes fell on the elf battle not far away.

Originally, he was not prepared to get involved in this matter, but he was forced by Xiaolan to decide to participate in the incident of the Saint Teanu.

Because Xiaolan told him that he should grow faster in the fight against the Rockets!

"Is there any reliable news?" Alvin poured himself and Gadria a cup of tea and asked Xiaolan.

Half a month has passed, and Xiaolan, the ghost spirit, is likely to have found brand new news.

"Of course there is! Xiaolan, I'm very powerful! Xiao Lan, who had a pure face, stood up very proudly and straightened his chest, which was very well developed.

"The Saint Teanu this time is very strange, I wonder if you have heard about it?" Then Xiao Lan looked around, slightly lowered his voice and asked the three of Alvin.

Although there are no suspicious figures in this hall today.

But Xiao Lan, who is cautious by nature, will naturally pay attention to the many eyes, after all, they are not on the boat to play, but to make trouble!

"You mean the theme of the Lian Family Banquet, right? It is indeed suspicious. Alvin glanced at Xiao Lan, this nizi really has skills, and really inquired about it.

"Is the trainer's banquet weird?" Chi couldn't help but be stunned when he heard this, and asked curiously.

"Of course it's strange, the Sant'Tiannu is a top-notch luxury cruise ship that will only dock in Dead Leaf City for one day."

"And in the past, the San Teanu was for the upper class, but now outside, the tickets for the San Teanu are almost free!"

"It's like waiting for trainers to get on board, the Sant'Annu is a world-class luxury cruise ship, how can it be so cheap!"

Xiaolan pouted, she had been constantly collecting intelligence during this time, trying to figure out the purpose of Team Rocket.

And the strange behavior of the Saint Teanou, she saw it all.

"That's right, if there are no accidents, with the instincts of Team Rocket, the purpose is also imminent, they deliberately let the trainers board the ship, with the help of the fame of the Sant'Anou." (Good money)

Alvin nodded, the purpose of Team Rocket was nothing more than to snatch the elves of these boarding trainers.

As for how Team Rocket controlled the Saint Teanu, the means of the evil organization are nothing more than a few.

The main thing is, who is the senior member of the leading operation of the rocket team.

Alvin was only interested in this.

"Hello, how many of you need drinks?"

At this time, a crisp voice sounded in the ears of the four people.

"No need, thanks." Alvin raised his head politely and smiled gracefully at the waiter.

However, when he saw the waiter clearly, his eyes flickered slightly.

With long slightly curly flaxen hair and a delicate and cute face, although she was wearing pure white waiter clothing, Alvin recognized her.

Sarina regiment!


(Ask for flower tickets and ask for custom booking, the picture shows the Vulcan moth!) )_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collect, push

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Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven

Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 118

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