
Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 119

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Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven

Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 119
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Sarina, one of the travel companions of the little retarded in the Carlos region, is also the female protagonist corresponding to the male protagonist in the XY game!

I just don't know which one this Sharina is.

"Hey? Ash? Are you Ash? Suddenly, seeing Chi, Sarina asked Chi happily.

As a child, while attending summer camp, Sarina once injured her leg and foot, and it was Ash who helped her.

And tell her not to give up until the end!

Since then, Sarina has been very grateful to Ash and wants to repay him.

But she didn't have a chance, and now she is sixteen years old and old enough to travel, so after receiving the initial elf, Sarina is ready to come to Kanto.

She wanted to say thank you to Ash!

"Hello, I'm not Ash, I'm Chi, Ash's brother, may I ask you?" Chi was stunned when he heard this, and then said to Sarina.

Because they are twins, Aka and Ash are really very similar.

If outsiders meet them for the first time, it is indeed easy to get confused.

"So... I'm Sarina, and Ash has helped me before, so I'd love to thank him. "

Sha 380 Lina looked at Chi twice when she heard this, and then said with some disappointment.

"Zhi, he should be in Dead Leaf City soon, if he can, I'll give you his number."

Chi heard that he immediately had a good impression of the girl who knew the Entu News, tilted his head slightly and thought about it, and said to Sarina.

"No, no, no, it was a long time ago, and I just wanted to say thank you to him."

Sarina waved her hand, and said slowly with a regretful smile on her innocent little face.

She was just grateful to Ash and had no other ideas, because Ash's encouragement to her had a great impact on her, but since she hadn't met, she didn't have to force it.

The reason why I came to Kanto is actually not only to thank Ash, but also to thank Ash.

"Seeing that you are not old, did you come out to work as a waiter at such a young age?" Alvin looked Sarina up and down a few times and asked curiously.

Whether it's a special, a game, or an anime, Sarina should have her own dreams.

"No, I'm a trainer who just received the elves this year, but the Carlos region is too far from the Kanto (agaa), so I entered this Saint Teannu to work as a waiter."

When Sarina heard this, she said a little ashamedly, because she had sneaked out of her home, and she naturally didn't have much money on her.

Whether it was an airplane or a shipping ship, it was not enough for her to ride, so she had to apply for a waiter on the Sant'Tiannu and use it to work part-time to come to Kanto.

It is also thanks to her good appearance and temperament, otherwise the Saint Teanu would not have wanted her.

"But I don't know what's going on, the staff of the Sant'Teanu is now forbidden to disembark, and I also have a headache."

Then Sarina said bitterly that she was originally working as a waiter on the Saint-Teanou and disembarked when she arrived in Dead Leaf City.

But for some reason, the captain ordered that all the crew was forbidden to disembark, which also bothered her.

"So that's the case, the Sant'Tiannu may not be safe next, and it is better for Miss Sarina to stay in the room."

When Erwin heard this, he smiled at Salina, thinking that it was the runaway Sharina in the anime.

Because her mother is a good elf rider, Sarina and her mother also hope that Sarina will continue her career.

Because of the lack of communication, Sarina's mother did not take into account Sharina's own wishes, which also led to Sarina's rebellious heart and running away from home when she was a teenager.

"Hey?" Sarina was stunned when she heard this, and looked at the handsome young man for no apparent reason.



The Sant'Tiannu soon set sail with a full load of passengers, and because it was a trainer theme, most of the passengers on board were trainers.

Naturally, the encounter with trainers is naturally accompanied by battle.

However, Alvin lost interest after two glances, and there was no particularly eye-catching trainer.

And Xiaolan is not a battle maniac, but Chi, who has left at the moment and went to find someone to fight.

"That... Alvin, I heard you have a very powerful elf, right? "

Seeing Alvin and Gadria sitting quietly, Xiaolan tangled for a while and took the initiative to ask Alvin.

Since Tokiwa Forest, she has been very interested in the Alvin brothers and sisters, after all, they are the former Four Heavenly Kings of the United States.

Xiaolan herself also has many secrets, and for her, being able to marry a powerful trainer like Alvin is naturally not a bad thing.

But she is very entangled, because she knows very well how terrifying the Kamen Man!

Alvin is strong and can easily take out senior members of Team Rocket.


"Awesome elves? What are you referring to? Alvin raised his eyebrows when he heard this, and looked at Xiao Lan with interest.

"Don't underestimate Xiaolan, although it is the intelligence of the United Region, but I also know!"

"Alvin, you once defeated the trainer of the United Black Dragon Czech Roma, right?"

Xiaolan pouted, seemingly dissatisfied with Alvin's perfunctory attitude, and then asked Alvin directly.

Czech Roma, in the United States, is a legendary elf with the same status as the Phoenix King Lokia in the Guandu region!

"What do you want to say?" Alvin groaned slightly, looking at Xiao Lan.

He defeated N. This is not a very secret news in the alliance, but Xiaolan, who is far away in the Kanto region, can actually know?

"Actually... Actually, I escaped from an organization in Johto, and the leader of that organization is very terrible, so if..."

Xiaolan gritted her teeth and decided to tell Alvin some news about the Kamen Organization.

Because although she doesn't get along much with Alvin, she can feel the kindness of Alvin to her.

She didn't know why Alvin trusted her so much, but Alvin trusted her, and she was willing to tell Alvin some of her information.

In any case, Alvin is a member of the alliance, and not the kind of pedantic person, Alvin's decisive character in killing, Xiaolan has witnessed it with his own eyes!

He doesn't seem to have the slightest tolerance for such an evil organization as Team Rocket!

But in the end, Xiaolan was still quite hesitant, she knew the horror of the Kamen all too well.

Driving the Phoenix King and Lokia, such a terrifying guy, can Alvin really handle it?

If Alvin provoked the masked man because of his words, Xiaolan would really regret it.

"If you don't want to say it, you don't have to force yourself."


(Ask for flower tickets to ask for custom booking, the picture is Sarina, here Sarina has no special feelings for Ash, rest assured.) )_

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Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven

Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 119

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