
Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 120

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Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven

Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 120
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Alvin looked at Xiao Lan's rare tangled face, and couldn't help but lower his head and shook his head and chuckled.

Of course he knew what Xiaolan was struggling with, and the masked man was like a nightmare for her!

It was precisely because she was captured by King Feng since she was a child that Xiaolan also suffered from bird phobia.

As long as he saw the bird spirit, it was difficult for Xiao Lan to hide the fear in his heart.

Afraid of the Kamen Man, but hated him from the bottom of his heart, because it was the Kamen Man that Xiaolan would now be separated from his parents.

Even, Xiaolan's body should actually have scars that are terrifying, and the reason why she can't see it is just that it is covered by the skin that has changed into a variety of monsters.

The broken family, the life on the run, the fear day and night, all because of the Kamen Man!

"Forget it, it's nothing." After thinking about it for a long time, Xiaolan still smiled bitterly and did not tell Alvin the information of the masked organization.

She knows the horror of the masked man too well, the short man wearing the ice mask, it is simply like a bottomless dark abyss ~ terrifying.

When Alvin came to Kanto, he definitely had something he wanted to accomplish.

Xiao Lan didn't want to burden him.

"I don't know what you went through, but Xiaolan, since I am a member of the alliance, I have the obligation to protect the region, and it is my duty to protect the people of the region."

"When you think the time is right, you can come to me again."

Alvin groaned slightly when he heard this, and did not force Xiaolan, smiling at Xiaolan and saying softly.

In fact, Alvin is not willing to provoke the old monster of Kamen Gu Liu at this moment.

He's really, really terrible!

In fact, at the end of the special chapter, Gu Liu was not defeated head-on by the protagonist, and he had completed his goal.

The space-time tunnel was opened, but because it was affected in the space-time tunnel, it was only lost in the space-time rift.

And Gu Liu is also the only character in the original book who is known to have surpassed the realm of champions, except for the last unknown depth of Chi.

Even with Ipertar and the ice dragon chief Reim, Alvin really has a deep fear of Gu Liu.

Ryutu and Sakaki, at this time, Alvin was confident that they would go head-to-head with them and even win the battle.

But Gu Liu...

It's not that Alvin is discouraged, he knows very well that at this moment, against Gu Liu, the winning rate is really pitiful.

"Thank you, Alvin, hmm~ It's actually so good to people, Alvin, you won't fancy people~"

"This can't be done, Sister Gadria is still there~"

Xiao Lan pursed her lips when she heard this, her clear eyes flickering, she knew that Alvin was comforting herself in a special way.

But Xiaolan is Xiaolan after all, and she doesn't like this heavy atmosphere, and shows a big bright smile to ridicule Alvin.

"I don't like the people of Nibi." Alvin smiled when he heard this, and then turned his gaze to the hall and said slowly and lightly.

“???" Xiao Lan turned white when he heard this, people are real.

Remember this?

That's right, when Tokiwa Forest first met, he swore to pat his chest and said that he was born and raised in Nibi City, and he wanted to take Alvin and Gadria to Nibi City.

This matter, but the impression left on Alvin...

"Hey... I really envy you..." Then Xiaolan slowly put Gadria who was holding Alvin's arm, and I don't know when, her eyes that always revealed cunning colors brought a trace of envy.

It must be very happy and satisfying to have such a trustworthy teenager by his side...

In fact, I also want to have a reliance that can support me~


Time passed quickly, two hours passed in the blink of an eye, and at this moment, the Saint Teanu had just sailed.

Alvin and Gadria wandered the hall hand in hand, because it was really boring to sit all the time, so they were ready to wander around.

"Yay! I won again! "

At this time, a vigorous young voice entered the ears of Alvin and Gadria.

The corners of Alvin's mouth slowly raised and looked in the direction where the voice came from.

Not surprisingly, it was the Ash trio who entered, and in front of Ash was a butterfly.

And Ash, at this time, also noticed that Alvin was looking at them, and Ash's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Alvin, Gadria, you're on board too."

Ash greeted the two happily, obviously seeing acquaintances, making him feel very happy at the moment.

"Yes, Ash, didn't you meet Chi? Chita is also on this ship. "

0····· Ask for flowers 00

Alvin replied with a smile, Chi said before that he went out to fight, but now he doesn't know where to run.

And after Alvin and Gadria left the position, Xiaolan was also missing.

"Huh? Is Chi Ge also there? But I haven't seen him yet. Ash replied in surprise when he heard this, and then said in distress.

Meeting Chi, but he had been looking forward to it for a long time.

"And there's a child looking for you on this boat." A smile curled at the corner of Alvin's mouth, and he said to Ash, who scratched his head for unknown reasons.

Ash looked at Alvin puzzled, he didn't know who Alvin was referring to, and just wanted to ask.

But it was also at this time that a large number of members of the rocket team wearing black uniforms suddenly ran out of nowhere.

The entire hall was surrounded in a circle, completely surrounded.

........... 0

And these members of the rocket team obviously came prepared and released the elves early!

"This is ... Rockets? Ash's eyes widened and he spoke up in disbelief.

"Don't get excited, let's see what they want to do." Xiao Gang held down the arm that Ash wanted to throw out the Pokeball and said in a deep voice.

Squinting kept passing over these members of the rocket team with sneering and hideous expressions, these people were all real rocket team members.

It's obviously completely different from the funny Rocket trio who chase them on weekdays!

"Haha~ Gentlemen and sisters, first of all, in the afternoon, Guian ~ I am Lance, one of the four generals of the rocket team, although the means may be a little rough, but can you please cooperate with us quietly?"

At this time, along with the chaos in the hall due to the appearance of Team Rocket, a male voice suddenly sounded through the broadcast throughout the hall.

"You may be wondering, what do we want to do? But don't worry, we just want the Poké Ball in your hands. "

"If you are not willing to cooperate, you may suffer a little, so can you please obediently cooperate with us?"

Lance's relaxed voice continued to relay through the radio throughout the hall, or rather, the entire Sainte-Tianou!

Team Rocket, get moving!


(Ask for flower tickets, please make your own ticket!) The picture shows Little Blue! zero)_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collect, push

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Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven

Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 120

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