
Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 121

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Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven

Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 121
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"Lance? Forget it, go check it out. Alvin listened to Lance's words and pondered in his heart.

Lance, one of the four generals of the Rockets, but compared to Apollo, Lance is significantly inferior.

I'm afraid he didn't know enough about Apollodo, which made Alvin a little disappointed.

Originally, he hoped that this incident on the Sant'Anu would attract the real top cadres of the Rockets.

But yes, the three beasts are now fighting in the Johto area, preparing to take all of the Johto area.

The four generals and three cadres guarded the Kanto, but the three cadres also assumed the responsibility of the owner of the dojo.

So now the rocket team can only send four generals, of course, Sakaki can't personally take action because of this little thing.

"What do you say, the elves are all our partners, how can you give it to you if you say it!"

At this time, Ash "Three Eight Zero" was surprisingly angry, he liked elves, and he hated these scoundrels who snatched other people's elves very much!

And Ash's words, of course, also received the support of all the trainers present.

That's right, Team Rocket is an evil organization, so what?

They are all trainers, but they will not lose easily!

"Oh? It's very imposing, but you can think clearly, now the entire Sanct'Anu is controlled by our rocket team. "

"And below the bottom deck, we have hundreds of sleeping naughty bullets and lightning balls, do you understand?"

"Haha~ If you cooperate with us, these lightning balls and naughty bombs will all come to their senses, bang~, the entire Sanctianu will collapse in an instant~ haha"

Lance seemed to hear Ash's voice, and said with a strange smile and a low voice, the tone of his voice crazy and hideous.

At the same time, the upper part of the center of the hall was also released below deck.

Dense thunderballs and naughty bullets pile up!

Seeing this, the entire hall instantly fell silent, and all the trainers sweated coldly.

When they thought that there were a large number of naughty bullets and lightning balls under their feet, some people even began to soften their feet.

Naughty bullets and lightning balls are among the most terrifying elves, because their temperament is that they use the Big Bang when they get excited!

Hundreds of naughty bullets and lightning balls, once a chain explosion occurs, let alone them, even this Saint Teanu will definitely be blown to pieces!

And they? Whether you can find ash or not is a problem!

These rocket teams are really crazy!

They're on this ship too! How dare they! If there really is a little accident, even a lightning ball wakes up.

Once it explodes, then other lightning balls and naughty bullets will definitely explode with them!

And at this moment, even the calm Xiao Gang already broke out in cold sweat on his forehead at this moment.

Licking his dry lips, he finally understood what it was!

"Haha~ I think you guys are white, if you don't want to be a gorgeous part, you obediently cooperate with us, understand?"

Lance seemed to imagine the hall trainers who did not dare to move in the slightest, and laughed wildly and threatened.

And the trainers, most of whom did not fist, could no longer muster the courage to confront Lance.

People, it is impossible not to be afraid of death!

In the face of a real crisis, nothing else is worth mentioning compared to the life of the family.

Even if you are angry and unwilling, you can only do so.

"Pikachu, use electric shock!"

At this time, the vigorous teenager's voice sounded, and as the teenager's voice fell, an electric ray shot at an unsuspecting member of the rocket team.

Everyone looked at the boy with shocked expressions.

"I don't care what naughty lightning balls, anyway, I want to snatch my elves, don't even think about it!"

"Who do you think I am? I'm Ash in True New Town! I'm the one who wants to be the strongest trainer! "

Ash turned his hat back heavily, staring straight at these rocket team members with resolute and clear eyes, and his handsome face was full of seriousness.

"Even if we give the elves to you, you guys can't let us go, right? Everyone, release the elves to fight! "

"Knock them down all that is not left, and you will survive!"

Ash shouted to the trainers in the hall, calling on them to fight the rocket team here.

And most of the trainers, too, came to their senses, yes, Team Rocket is notorious, even if you hand over the elves to them.

Then they have no power to resist, and the final result may not be much better!

"Sure enough, it's an unexpected guy, Vulcan Moth, Jet Flame 0..." Seeing this, Alvin chuckled twice, and released the Vulcan Moth with his backhand.

The Vulcan Moth slowly rose, and a violent pillar of fire suddenly shot several members of the rocket team.

"Here, leave it to them, let's go." Alvin glanced at the trainer and Team Rocket in the melee and smiled at Gadria.

He wasn't interested in bullying the lowest-level members, he needed to find Lance.

See if he has any interesting information, for Mewtwo, Alvin is not dead yet!

Gadria nodded and casually released a sun elf.

The two left the hall without anyone like this, and as for those who stood in the way, they were all easily defeated by the Vulcan Moth and the Sun Elf.

"It's supposed to be in the captain's room or the broadcast monitoring room, but..." Alvin and Gadria came to the aisle and glanced around.

Lance, this guy, has just been able to speak out on the radio, which means that he should be in the captain's room or the radio room.

But Alvin didn't know the way...

Although he and Gadria boarded the Saint-Teanu when they were children, he and Gadria certainly did not pay special attention to where these two places were at that time.

"Ah! Don't come here! "

At this time, a crisp girl's frightened voice entered the ears of the two.

"Sleepy is coming, send pillows." Alvin raised his eyebrows, a rather familiar voice.

The two walked towards the room where the voice came from.

At this moment, in the waiter's lounge, 0.0 Sharina held her own Pokeball and kept retreating.

Because in front of her is a dark-looking member of Team Rocket, and next to this man, there is also an Abai monster!

Through Lance's voice coming out of the radio, Sarina, of course, understood what was happening.

But her elf, she didn't want to hand it over!

"Little girl, obediently obedient, otherwise Abai Wei's temper is not good, do you understand?"

The member of Team Rocket said impatiently, and the Abai monster also spit snake letters and slowly approached Sharina.

"Vulcan moth, jet flames."

A blazing flame shot out from the wide open door, instantly hitting the members of Team Rocket and Abai.


(Ask for flower tickets, please make your own ticket!) )_

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Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven

Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 121

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