
Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 122

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Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven

Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 122
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The terrifying pillar of fire instantly overwhelmed the members of Team Rocket and the Abai monster, and the blazing wave of fire made Sarina's curls flutter slightly.

"Ah! Blanch! Help me! The members of Team Rocket were instantly ignited by flames, their faces were frightened and they kept running wildly, and ran out of the door of the lounge in the blink of an eye.

As for the Abai monster, it was covered with black smoke and lost its ability to fight.

Sharina was sluggish, she was desperate just now, but she didn't expect the plot to reverse so quickly.

"Are you all right?" Alvin glanced at the Burning Man who was running wildly, and knowing that he was dead, he slowly walked into the lounge and looked at Sarina and asked.

"Huh? It's okay, I'm okay, thank you very much, thank you for saving me. Sarina came back to her senses when she heard the sound, and then her eyes instantly turned red, and she hurriedly bent down and bowed to Alvin to thank her.

Just now, she really desperate in her heart, she was just a sixteen-year-old girl, and it was also the first time she went out to travel.

She didn't think about the outside world at all.

"No, don't worry, it'll be fine, it's because we learned that Team Rocket will appear, we will stand here."

Alvin smiled gently and comforted Sarina 06, he could see the panic and uneasiness in the girl's heart at the moment.

But yes, not many people will face the threat of death calmly.

After all, under their feet at the moment, there are a large number of naughty bullets and lightning balls!

"Yes... Thank you very much, sorry to make you laugh, Mr. Alvin, are you a police officer? "

When Sarina heard this, she wiped the teardrops from the corners of her eyes and asked Alvin and Gadria.

Think about it, this teenager mentioned it to himself at the beginning, tell her to be careful.

"No, we're just ordinary trainers now, let's not talk about that, Miss Sarina, do you know the location of the captain's room and the broadcasting room?"

Alvin chuckled, then asked Sarina, as a waiter on the ship.

Sarina should have a rough idea of where the rooms on the ship are, even if she's just a temporary waiter.

"Yes, do you need me to take you?"

"Of course, please lead the way."


At this moment, the sky has darkened, and a light rain has fallen.

The white Saint-Teanu, which was moving on the rough sea, remained calm and unaffected.

But if you look closely, you can find that on the deck of the Sant'Anou, there are several figures.

"Hey ~ little guy, you still like to make a fuss, you're also a trainer, right? Then you definitely need this? "

Ma Zhishi, who took off his camouflage uniform and wore only a green vest, made a hideous face, grinned, took out an orange badge, and tilted his head to the teenager opposite.

And in front of him, a robust electric shock beast stood with an evil smiling Raichu.

"Orange badge? Are you a dojo trainer at the Dead Leaf Dojo? Chi slightly lowered the brim of his hat and stared at the smiling Ma Zhishi in a deep voice.

And in front of him, the magic frog grass and the mosquito coil frog are dignified

Chi had been to the Dead Leaf Dojo three times before, but none of the owners of the Dead Leaf Dojo Hall were either

The trainer of the Dead Leaf City Taoist Hall is actually a cadre of the rocket team!

"Of course, but at the same time I am also one of the three cadres of the team! So, this is the beginning of the Dead Leaf Dojo Dojo Dojo Pavilion War, right? As long as you win, this badge and my life, both! "

"Haha~ But you lose, you sink on this sea

With the sound of thunder and the increasing rainstorm, the burly Ma Zhishi grinned maniacally.

For him, elf battles are battlefields!

He loves this kind of elf battle that fights everything on both sides!

"So it is, bet on my faith and bring you down here!" Chi slowly lowered his head, and his red eyes covered by the shadow of his hat brim stared closely at the smiling Ma Zhishi.

Bet on everything in battle! Although he hates this form, Chi will not refuse any battle sent to him!

Under the dull sky and heavy rain, the battle is imminent!


Captain's Room.

Lance sat in front of the computer, watching the scuffle on the computer screen, his face extremely gloomy.

"! Damn, perfect plan! What the hell is that guy Ma Zhishi doing? "

Lance slapped the table angrily, stood up abruptly, and said darkly.

Everything should have been done according to his script!

Use sleeping naughty bullets and lightning balls to make those trainers completely lose the mind to resist.

Those trainers who have no fighting intent and fighting spirit are naturally allowed to be slaughtered by their rocket team!

But now, because of the two words of that little guy, there are variables!

Whether or not the Rockets win in the end, the losses are bound to be significant.

And Ma Zhishi's guy should have watched over the group of naughty bullets and lightning balls in case of mistakes.

Now he can't be contacted, and Boss Sakagi values him so much!

"It turns out that Ma Zhishi is also here, I said, this incident has such a great impact, how can only you be a fourth general."

At this time, witty laughter came from the doorway.

Lance instantly turned his head and looked at the young girl who opened the door and walked in, and when he saw it clearly, Lance's brow furrowed even deeper.

"Although I don't know if you know me, but I still have to introduce myself, I'm Alvin, more advice?"

Alvin looked at the calm-faced Lance, chuckled and bowed slightly, like an elegant nobleman.

"You're actually on board!" Lance looked at the Vulcan moth beside Alvin, and his face slowly turned ugly.

At this moment, 380 in his heart hated to throw those waste subordinates into the sea to feed the fish!

How come even these two guys were pulled to the Saint Teanou!

"I heard that the Saint Teanu is holding a trainer-themed party, so I came to take a look, but I didn't expect a surprise."

Alvin hooked the corners of his mouth and glanced at the old man in the corner who was bound hands and feet and sealed his mouth.

If there were no accidents, he would have been the captain of the Saint-Teanou.

And listening to Lance's self-talk just now, Ma Zhishi is also on the ship, but I don't know where he is now.

"Team Rocket has no intention of making enemies with you, if you two are willing, you can leave after docking."

Lance's face was slightly gloomy, and he said quietly to Alvin and Gadria.

The two heavenly kings, Lance knew very well that he could never be a match for the two of them.

"Oh? This is really familiar, as if Apollo told me the same half a month ago. "

The corners of Alvin's mouth raised a larger arc, and he was playing with a poké ball in his hand, looking at Lance with interest.

Should it be said that it is worthy of the same four generals?

Even the words spoken are similar.

"Apollo was killed by you?!"

Lance's face finally changed when he heard this, and he gritted his teeth at Alvin with a gloomy face.


(Ask for flower tickets, please make your own ticket!) )_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collect, push

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Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven

Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 122

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