
Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 123

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Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven

Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 123
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Apollo is one of the four generals of the Rocket Corps, a senior member of the Rocket Team!

Although I don't want to admit it, there is no doubt that Apollo is the head of the four generals, whether it is mental or strength, Apollo is the strongest of the four generals!

But just half a month ago, Apollo was killed in the Tokiwa Forest!

Even now, Team Rocket is tracking down Apollo's killer, although most of them suspect that it is Ryu Wataru.

After all, only Goryu Wataru in Kanto has such a powerful dragon spirit!

But now, Alvin said such words, there is no doubt that Apollo was slaughtered by him!

"That's right, that guy, before he died, he said something like 'Team Rocket won't let me go.'"

"The strength is not good, there are really enough words."

Alvin curled the corner of his mouth and glanced at Lance, who had a gloomy face, and mocked mercilessly.

"You guy!" Lance's face became even more ugly when he heard this, and there was no doubt that this man was iron-hearted against their rocket team.

But the question now is that Lance knows very well that even Apollo was easily killed by these two people, what should he do?

"Don't worry, I'm not an 827 murderer, as long as you obediently cooperate with me to answer my questions, I can consider sparing your dog's life."

Alvin said indifferently to Lance, whose expression was constantly changing.

The smarter the person, the easier it is to see through the situation.

Lance is clearly not an idiot, and he knows his current situation.

So even if Alvin insulted him with such words, he still dared to be angry and did not dare to speak, silently waiting for Alvin's follow-up.

"The entire ship has been blocked by Gadria's super-powered elves, and any communication cannot work, so you don't have to be careful."

As if remembering something, Alvin glanced at Lance's two arms that were covered by the table and warned indifferently.

"I see, what do you want to ask?" Lance's face turned a little pale, and then said with a wry smile.

Originally, he also wanted to inform the guards' subordinates who naughty lightning balls to prepare for the fish to die and break the net!

After all, no matter how strong Alvin and Gadria are, it is impossible to block the explosion of hundreds of elves at the same time, right?

But I didn't expect that Alvin had already prepared a plan to deal with it.

He couldn't contact those subordinates, so how could he threaten Alvin?

The corner of Alvin's mouth hooked a mocking smile, abruptly, seeing that Lance did not pay attention, Gadria's eyes instantly lit up blue.


"I've promised to cooperate with you, what else do you want? If you kill me, as long as I haven't contacted them for a long time, they will also wake up naughty bombs and blow up the ship! "

Lance's body was controlled to float, and Lance whispered to Alvin with a gloomy face.

"Blowing it up, what's the matter with me?" Alvin chuckled disdainfully and replied indifferently.

Anyway, the rocket team did it, what did it have to do with him?

"It's much easier to catch you without fighting, so let's sleep honestly."

The corners of Alvin's mouth curled slightly, Lance this guy, holding the Pokeball in his hand when they came in.

However, after letting him relax, Canon instantly restrained him and let him release the elves without a chance!

A Miss Gothic appeared at Gadria's side, waving it, and mysterious fluctuations kept hitting Lance.


A few minutes later, Lance fainted on the ground, and Alvin shook his head a little disappointed.

Sure enough, there is still no useful information, and it is not even as good as Apollo.

But I got some other news.

For example, Team Rocket has found out the whereabouts of the Three Gods Bird and has recently begun to prepare a capture plan!

Kanto Three Sacred Birds, of course, there is another name for the Three Silly Birds, and that is because it is in the Lokia theatrical version.

The performance of the three divine birds can only be described as mentally retarded, grabbing land and fighting blood, they think they are black?

(BJB) However, the general strength of the three sacred birds is still very good, at least for trainers below the championship level.

"Frozen bird, flame bird, lightning bird, Gadria are you interested?"

Alvin sat in the captain's seat and pondered for a while, and asked Gadria who was leaning on his arms.

The three divine birds actually have their own racial groups, but even so, the number is extremely rare.

The real Mikami holds the duties of climate management in the Orange Islands and cannot be caught at will.

But the rest of the three divine birds are casual.

Alvin had already learned from Lance that Team Rocket had found out the location of the Three Godbirds, and if he wanted, he could have cut off his beard in advance.

"It's not pretty." Gadria blinked her eyes when she heard this, took out the picture book and brought up the picture book of the three god birds, and shook her head after looking at it twice.

Originally, the three divine birds were legendary divine beasts after all, although they were not superpowers, but she was still a little interested.

But after looking at the picture of the book, she refused.

Wave head? Grilled chicken wings? Fried Hairy Bird?

"Forget it, if it's a pass, let's take a look." Seeing this, Alvin shook his head, he was not very interested in the three divine birds.

If he didn't get the Vulcan Moth, he had some ideas about the Flame Bird, and it would be good to accept it as the main force of his fire system.

As for the main force of the ice system, he already has Chief Reim, and the electric system ...

What does the Lightning Bird say, the appearance is not unsightly, but Alvin has a better goal in mind.

Although there is no shadow yet.

The Three Gods Bird B grid is quite good, speaking of the holy flame of the quartz conference or the flame of the flame bird, but for the top trainer.

The Three Divine Birds are just too difficult to find, otherwise if they encounter them, the Three Divine Birds cannot be the opponents of the top trainers.

"Thank you two for saving you!"

Seeing that the two finished talking, the captain of the Saint Teanou, who was rescued by Alvin, bowed respectfully and thanked the two.

He was truly grateful to these two people, after all, if it weren't for them, he might not be able to escape today.

As for the previous conversation between Alvin and Lance and some information that Alvin did not want him to know, it had been deleted by Miss Gothic of Gadria using hypnosis.

The same goes for Lance, Alvin is not ready to kill him, memory deletion can be thrown into the game.

After all, his appearance on the Saint-Teanu with Gadria could not be hidden.

Then it is better to take the opportunity to promote a wave of image for yourself!

Superpowers, sometimes so useful!

"The captain doesn't need to be so polite, but now there are still a large number of rocket team members on board who are unscrupulous, you better wait here for the time being."

Alvin said slowly to the captain with a light smile, then stood up and prepared to go out to take a look.

Chi and Xiaolan, I don't know where they are now.


(Ask for flower tickets, please make your own ticket!) )_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collect, push

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Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven

Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 123

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