
Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 124

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Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven

Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 124
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"Brother, I called the police station in Dead Leaf City."

On one of the aisles of the Saint Teanou, Alvin and Gadria walked side by side, and Sharina, who had been waiting outside the captain's room, followed behind the two at this moment.

"Well, the crew has also rescued some, let them drive the ship back to the port of dead leaves."

Alvin nodded, so many members of the rocket team, and among them Lance, the fourth general, I am afraid that Sakaki will also have a headache ~ meeting

After all, with so many people, it's not just money that they want to fish it all out.

However, these low-level members, Sakaki probably does not particularly care.

The main thing is that this operation of the Sant'Annu is a complete failure and cannot fail again.

"Brother Alvin, it's so powerful~" Sarina's big eyes flashed, and she couldn't help but sigh with her hands on her chest.

She takes Alvin and Gadria all the way to the captain's room, and the members of Team Rocket are easily defeated by the two.

It was as simple as eating and drinking through the guarded aisle, and then rescuing the captain of the Sainte-Teanou.

Salina, who had just come out on a trip, had never seen such a handsome, powerful and attractive trainer.

Moreover, this trainer also saved himself.

"Whether a trainer is strong or not is not judged by strength alone, Salina, I don't know what your dream is."

"But remember to follow your heart, which path you want to lead, you will tell you here."

"If you don't have a dream, you will only be lost on the road of travel and will not be able to really grow."

Alvin chuckled when he heard this, and pointed to the position of his chest and said slowly to Salina.

Although he doesn't know what Sharina's dream is now, he doesn't mind pouring a wave of chicken soup on the regional protagonists of these original books.

Favorability can be brushed, which is also Alvin's knee-jerk reaction when he grew up to now.

Although he is not really a righteous person, language is an art in itself.

How to use language arts to raise your image is not a simple task.

But Alvin is now used to this, even as a hypocrite.

After acting all his life, he is a gentleman!

Alvin may be cold and selfish in his heart, but his image in the outside world has always been Guangzhengwei, hasn't he?

No matter what he is inside, he is recognized by everyone!

"Follow your heart?" Sarina was stunned when she heard this, and couldn't help but whisper this sentence again.

Yes, in fact, she is very confused because she does not know what her dream is.

She was here because she wanted to escape the future her mother had given her.

But she really hasn't figured out which path she wants to go towards.


Sarina doesn't hate being a trainer, she especially likes it, and she's confused.

"Yes, although I don't know you well, I can tell that you should be determined to know the path you want to go forward, right?"

"You can try various professions first, trainer, coordinator, breeder, performer, etc., and you will always find the right one."

Alvin said with a smile, his unhurried voice clear.

It gives a very comfortable listening feeling.

"If none of that works, you can also try the researcher, right?" Although it may not be appropriate for a cute girl like Sarina to become a researcher. "

Alvin finally teased Sarina, which made the girl who was listening to the advice intently stunned, and then her pretty face blushed slightly.

"Yes! Thank you very much for your teaching, I will definitely work hard. "

Although ashamed, Sarina bowed very politely to Alvin in thanks.

This big brother who met not long ago, although not much older than himself, but mature temperament and stability, really super different.

What a very good senior!

"No need to do this, no matter what kind of people you meet during the trip, it is a fate, and today we can stand here face to face to communicate, and it is also arranged in the dark, right?"

"But for now, let's go see the other passengers first."

Alvin shook his head, signaling that Sarina didn't have to be so polite, and then looked ahead, he heard someone on the deck talking.

The three quickly entered the deck, only to find that it was already a mess, and there were traces of electric scorch everywhere.

Even at the very front of the deck, a very large hole has been opened.

0····· Ask for flowers 00

It seems that it was a very fierce battle.

On the guardrail on the left side of the boat, Chizheng leaned weakly on it to rest, and Xiaolan was also by his side.

"Who did you fight?" Alvin walked to the naked side, took out the wound spray to treat Chi Jian, and then took out the bandage to bandage Chi, and asked curiously.

Can hurt the red so badly, on this ship, there should be only one person now.

"Shh~ It's Ma Zhishi, it's not good for him." Chi gasped in pain, and then said slowly with a pale smile.

He didn't feel anything because he won!

Although the process was difficult, he defeated Ma Zhishi!

Moreover, because of the battle with that guy, I also understood more, and this injury was also worth it!

........... 0

"This guy, if I hadn't come quickly, my life would be gone, and he was still laughing." Seeing this, Xiao Lan rolled her eyes and said angrily.

"Your wounds are a little puffy, don't get rained, let's go to the ship." Alvin observed Chi's wound and helped Chi up.

He apparently fell out of water, causing the wound to be soaked in water for a long time, and it was really inappropriate to continue to rain.

The group entered the cabin, and at this moment it was in the huge crater.

"That kid, it's really okay."

Ma Zhishi, who was covered in wounds and blood, lay on the ground, and the corners of his mouth slowly grinned into his trademark sinister smile.

Almost all of his left arm was covered by bright red, and his abdomen was even more bloody.

"Lord Ma Zhishi, Lord Lance has no news."

Two members of the rocket team came to him, hurriedly treated his wound briefly, and said to Ma Zhi.

"Retreat, this operation failed, I can't die now, Lord Sakaki's plan is about to begin."

Ma Zhishi was silent for a moment, and then immediately decided, he can't die now!

Team Rocket has been plotting for so many years, he must wait for that moment to come!

"Yes." The two members of the rocket team struggled to pick up Ma Zhishi and quietly left the Saint Teanu through a search and rescue ship at the bottom of the cabin.


(Ask for flower tickets, please make your own ticket!) zero)_

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Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven

Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 124

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