
Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 125

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Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven

Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 125
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"In other words, Ma Zhishi fought a life-and-death battle with you?"

Entering a room in the cabin, Alvin gently placed Chi on the bed, and then listened to Chi explain his experience with Ma Zhishi.

Chi and Xiaolan would have met before Team Rocket's move, and the two touched below deck together.

As a result, it was discovered by the members of the guarding rocket team, and a fight ensued.

Chi and Ma Zhishi come to battle above deck, while Xiaolan deals with the group of rocket team members.

In the end, Chi successfully defeated Ma Zhishi, and although he was even shot underwater and almost drowned, his mosquito coil frog saved him at a critical moment, and for some reason evolved into a fast swimming frog due to misfortune.

"That's right, but in the end he was shot down below deck by me, and he was far more injured than me."

Chi nodded, he remained enthusiastic about the battle, as long as the battle was won, "zero two zero" he didn't care what he went through.

No matter how heavy the injury is, just win!

"Xiaolan I also succeeded, I found out that the naughty bombs and lightning balls they placed under the deck were all sleeping with special drugs."

"But those drugs must use the corresponding antidote to make them wake up, hehe~ Now the antidote is all in my hands."

Xiao Lan laughed and showed off at the same time, saying that he was not inactive.

The threat of those naughty bullets and lightning balls is solved.

"Good job, Lance has also been knocked down by me, and Ma Zhishi is a member of Team Rocket, don't say it."

"If he hadn't died, he would have escaped from the Saint Teanou."

When Erwin heard this, he praised Xiao Lan, and then groaned slightly, saying to Chi and Xiao Lan.

Ma Zhishi's matter, in fact, even if it is exposed, it will not be of great benefit to them.

The great thing is that the Rockets let Ma Zhishi withdraw from Dead Leaf City.

But on the contrary, let him continue to hide, it is easier to know the dynamics of the rockets.

"Got it." Chi and Xiaolan were stunned when they heard this, but both of them were mentally sane, and they instantly understood what Alvin meant.

"Okay, you guys rest first, see that you are all tired, the ship has already sailed back to Dead Leaf City, it is estimated that it will not take long to arrive."

Alvin smiled at the two with relief, after a hard battle, both of them were already very tired, both of them and the elves.

Then the three of Alvin exited the room and walked in the direction of the hall.

"Everyone is so good~ Sarina pursed her lips and whispered, thinking of what she had just seen and heard, her clear eyes flickered slightly.

Chi defeated Ma Zhishi of the three cadres, and Xiaolan solved the hidden danger of the lightning ball.

Obviously, both of them are only sixteen years old like themselves...

"Because the two of them clearly have the direction they want to go, have the will that will not waver, and will not hesitate and hesitate, in order to exert such strength."

Although Sarina's voice was very soft, Vin's hearing was also very good, and he smiled at Sarina.

Red and blue, really very good.

Perhaps Xiao Lan's combat talent is far less red and green, but she is the most witty and cunning.

If it weren't for Xiao Lan's combat talent not being particularly outstanding, in fact, Xiao Lan was really Alvin's ideal candidate Four Heavenly King.

At this moment, Alvin suddenly stopped and frowned, because he heard it again!

"True... Your truth..."

The ethereal voice that seemed to be male and female slowly entered Alvin's ears.

White Dragon!

And as if sensing this, the elf of Chief Rem in Alvin's coat shook wildly.

"Don't get excited!"

Alvin held down Chief Reim's Pokeball and whispered to Chief Reim.

The sudden 'don't get excited' and the heavy tone made both Gadria and Sarina look at Alvin suspiciously.

"Alvin, it's nearby!"

Chief Reim's low telepathy sounded in Alvin's ears, and his tone was very low, as if he was suppressing something.

Of course!

The white dragon actually found Alvin again!

It was clear that Alvin had already been recognized by its chieftain Reim, and it was impossible for the white dragon not to sense this!

But the white dragon still contacted Alvin!

This made Chief Rem unable to suppress his raging anger!

"Are you sure?"

"It is impossible to sense wrong, it is nearby, and..."

Alvin frowned slightly when he heard the sound, thought about it, or decided to take a look.

"I'll go out for a while, Gadria, you go back to Chi and Xiaolan's room with Salina.. 0"

Alvin told Gadria that the battle on the ship was still not over, and he would leave for a while.

Leaving Gadria here is also just in case.

"Brother, be careful." Gadria frowned slightly when she heard this, she understood what Alvin meant.

Very understanding, he did not force himself to follow, but just gave Alvin a word.

Alvin smiled and nodded, heading towards the top deck.


At this moment, above the sky of an uninhabited undead volcano, a fierce battle was taking place.

The terrifying flames and high temperatures made the air around them viscous as if the space had been distorted.

One of them is none other than the White Dragon Lehiram, the true dragon of the United People!

And on the opposite side of it, the rainbow flame burns, the Phoenix King!

"Get out of Kanto! White dragon, you should understand that this is not the place you should be! "

The Phoenix King stared at Lehiram tightly and said in a deep voice.

The three dragons of the road broke into the Guandu area between it and Lokia at the same time, which made it very uncomfortable in its temperament.

But both the ice dragon and the black dragon have their own chosen trainers, and they just follow the trainers, which leaves the Phoenix King speechless.

But the white dragon is different!

It didn't choose to follow humans, and it stayed for almost a month! There is no intention to leave at all!

Now Phoenix King 4.8 finally can't bear his anger and finds Lehiram!

"Lokia has an easy-going personality, I'm not! White Dragon, I don't care what grudge you have with the Black Dragon! What real and ideal games to play! "

"But this is not your congregation!"

"I'll warn you one last time! Leave Kanto! "

The voice of the Phoenix King slowly became cold, and his eyes stared at the silent Lehiram.

The huge wings fluttered slowly, the colorful divine flame slowly rose, and the terrifying aura overflowed.

It proves that this Guandu first-level god is not a joke!


(Ask for flower tickets, please make your own ticket!) I really didn't mean to target the white dragon... It's all plot needs... Ahem, the picture is a white dragon)_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collect, push

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Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven

Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 125

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