
Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 126

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Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven

Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 126
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Above the undead volcano, the atmosphere between the white dragon Lehiram and the Phoenix King became more and more tense.

"The real brave... I've found it! I can't get out of here! "

"Ideal and true destiny! Must end here! "

The white dragon finally stopped silent and answered the Phoenix King in a deep voice.

Of course, it understood that it had been staying in Kanto for now, and it also knew that its answer would anger the hot-tempered Phoenix King even more.

But no! It must not leave Kanto at this moment!

The meaning of its existence is real!

But the black dragon Czechoslovakia came to Kanto, and it will definitely not leave here!

"Good! Very good! Do you think that you are my opponent who is still seriously injured today? White Dragon, I don't care what you want to do, but this area is my protection! Not a place where you can be unscrupulous! "

"In that case, if you want to stay in Kanto, of course, no problem! Just sleep in this undead volcano! "

The sound of the Phoenix King's angry laughter 06 sounded in the sky, but the kind advice was exchanged for such a persistent answer, which made the Phoenix King's anger even worse.

Damn the white dragon, obviously still injured, is actually so arrogant?


A sharp cry sounded, and the high temperature generated by the rainbow flame burned out the clouds in the air, and the entire huge body of the Phoenix King was covered in blue light.

Divine Bird Onslaught!

The blue flame of light mixed with the flame of the rainbow tore through the air and attacked Lehiram at high speed!

The Phoenix King directly attacked!


Seeing this, a trace of solemnity flashed in the blue eyes, and he raised his head high without hesitation.

Black light condensed in his mouth, and in an instant, a huge black beam shot towards the Phoenix King.

Destroy the death light!

The black light and the divine bird slammed head-to-head, stalemated for only a moment, and exploded!

The violent storm and energy overflowed, and even if you are in the sky, you can see that the sky is changing drastically from the ground!

And the elves on the ground also began to run around, and the innate intuition of the elves told them that staying here was extremely dangerous!

The Phoenix King's divine bird onslaught through the destruction death light, slamming into Lehiram's body, knocking Lehiram back for a distance.

Lehiram snorted, and pain appeared in the huge dragon's eyes.

Its strength is actually not weaker than the Phoenix King, but nearly a month ago, it was too badly injured by the Flame White Chief Reim.

If it weren't for running fast, it would already be a bright stone now!

Although its injuries have recently recovered with the help of the energy of this undead volcano, it still has not fully recovered, and it was sought out by the Phoenix King.

"Now you are not my opponent, give you a chance! White dragon, leave Kanto! I won't pursue it. "

The Phoenix King's divine bird onslaught slowly dispersed and stopped on Lehiram, and it slowly said in a deep voice.

Although it has a violent personality, it is not a joy, and the white dragon's injury, it has felt it since the previous fight with the white dragon.

That's why it goes on and over again.

The white dragon was silent, but answered the Phoenix King with actions, and shot towards the Phoenix King in an instant!


The Phoenix King snorted coldly, and the blue light flame formed again, and the extremely gorgeous side flight avoided the dragon light, and attacked the white dragon again.

Since the iron heart wants to stay here, there is no need for the Phoenix King to continue to communicate with it.


The white dragon roared, and the flames instantly swept around the whole body and collided with the Phoenix King.

Flash Charge!


The flash charge and the divine bird onslaught head-on, and the terrifying energy ripples spread out in a circle, and the qi wave continued to sweep around.

But soon, the color of pain flashed in the white dragon's dragon eyes, and the flames of the flash charge began to weaken.


Seeing this, the Phoenix King did not hesitate to take the opportunity to exert his strength, defeated the white dragon in one fell swoop, and slammed the white dragon to the ground.

The white dragon that fell at high speed fell heavily on the ground, and the great impact even caused it to hit a huge crater in the ground.

The Phoenix King slowly flew down, landed on a stone and looked at the white dragon at the bottom of the pit.

"Do you still want to fight? As I said, you who are seriously injured are not my opponent at all! Back to your union... Well? "

Seeing that the white dragon was still stubborn and wanted to get up and fight, the Phoenix King said angrily, but at this time, it seemed to feel something, and the Phoenix King raised his head and looked at the sky.

A gray-white figure struck at high speed and landed heavily in front of the White Dragon Pit, shaking the earth and trembling.

Huge and mighty body, turbine very similar to the white dragon, flame white chief Rem!

Alvin, on the other hand, sat on the back of the Flame White Chief Reim.

"Chief Reim, what are you doing here?" King Feng asked Chief Rem in a deep voice.

"If you feel that an old friend is being entertained, come and take a look." Flame White Chief Rem glanced at the Phoenix King, and then looked at the white dragon covered in scaly wounds.

"It's really embarrassing, White Dragon, you guy, so disgraced to our Dao Three Dragons! Sure enough, something like you and the black dragon is not worthy of being called three dragons with me at all! "

Flame White Chief Rem looked at Lehiram and said in a deep voice, the anger in his words was so clear.

I don't know if it was because the white dragon was angry because he was defeated by the Phoenix King, or because the white dragon contacted Alvin again.

But Alvin felt that there seemed to be more of the previous reason.

The white dragon was silent when he heard this, but looked at Alvin on the back of the flame white chief, Rem.

This true brave man who was once chosen.

"Real, is yours still true?" Lehiram's heart rang again in response to Alvin.

380 White Dragon! You don't give too much! Alvin is my chosen human! "

Hearing the sound, the low and furious voice of the flame white chief Rem sounded, this white dragon, actually dug its trainer in front of it?

It's like one person hooking up with his wife in front of another!

Green glow!

"He has the qualifications to become a true brave, why can't I choose him?"

Lehiram's slightly weak voice sounded, even though he was covered in scales, he still looked at the flame white chief Rem without giving in.

It is indeed not the opponent of the ice dragon, but in the face of its own meaning, the white dragon will never retreat!

It wants truth to defeat ideals!

"Good, good, good! You guy, this makes you turn to stone forever! Flame White Chief Rem laughed angrily, and a thick and dangerous roar resounded in the sky.

This white dragon is simply too much of a dragon!

"Don't get excited about Chief Reim, calm down." Seeing this, Alvin helplessly patted Chief Reim's back, comforting the irascible ice dragon.

The Phoenix King stood silently on the stone and looked at the double dragon, its purpose was only to get the white dragon to leave the Kanto.

Otherwise, King Feng doesn't care.


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Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven

Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 126

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