
Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 153

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Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven

Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 153
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"Since the little girl is the gym trainer of Rainbow City, she naturally shoulders the responsibility of protecting Rainbow City."

"Team Rocket is conducting heinous and evil experiments under Rainbow City, and the little girl cannot sit idly by."

Lijia frowned slightly, thinking of Team Rocket under the game arcade, and said slowly with a disgusted tone.

It can be clearly heard that Lijia hates Team Rocket.

This is natural, Lijia hates Team Rocket. , because she likes elves, and she also shoulders the responsibility of maintaining peace in Rainbow City.

Reasonably, she has no good feelings for an organization like Team Rocket that unscrupulously harms elves.

"Why not report it to the alliance?"

Elvin said silently, and then asked Lijia. Judging from what she said about Team Rocket's base today, she shouldn't have just learned about the situation here.

"The little woman has already reported it, but due to insufficient evidence, they are a regular business and cannot easily enter and search. Moreover, the base is located in the city and cannot be easily carried out."

Li Jia said helplessly after hearing this. That's why she sneaked into the underground base to search for evidence. It can also be understood that she wanted to cause trouble for Team Rocket.

"It's not that there's insufficient evidence, it's probably that someone in the alliance is deliberately trying to stop it."

Alvin shook his head and said calmly. The Rockets' ability to develop 380 so smoothly cannot have nothing to do with the bugs within the alliance.

Li Jia is the officially certified gym leader of the alliance, and her status is actually not low.

She personally Report, there is no way the alliance can just ignore it and use such a simple reason to evade it.

It is only possible that there are bugs within the alliance who are causing trouble.

"The little girl can only do her best."Li Jia pursed her lips and said slightly unwillingly.

She is not stupid, of course she can think of this, but she is really helpless.

"Don't worry, the Rockets won't be able to act recklessly for long. Speaking of which, Leader Lijia, we also have to attend the alliance conference."

"So we ask you to have a gym battle with us tomorrow."

Alvin shook his head and smiled. He would never maintain a disdainful attitude towards these people who work hard for the good.

Of course, he would not yearn for it either. Everyone has their own will and belief. He will never question his goals

"Challenge? Gym trainers will not refuse any challenger, but Mr. Alvin, please don’t underestimate the little girl."

"I'm very strong."

Li Jia adjusted her mentality, showed a reserved smile and said slowly to Alvin.

She was also very interested in Alvin's strength.

Alvin smiled, and then chatted with Li Jia for a while. It was getting late before he said goodbye to Rika and left.

Back at the hotel, Alvin leaned on the bedside table and directly contacted Oki Yukinari

"Hello? Alvin? What's wrong?"

On the video call, Oki Xuecheng held up a bowl of instant noodles and said hello.

"Dr. Ohki, it’s not a good time this evening, but I have something to do with you this time."

"I found a large Rocket Base in Rainbow City and took some photos of it. I hope you can help me give these to Yulongdu and Kona in a special way."

Alvin teased, and then without further ado, he told Oki Yukinari his purpose.

Killing someone with a borrowed knife is the simplest plan.

Not only will it worsen the relationship between the Four Heavenly Kings of Kanto and Team Rocket, it will undoubtedly also make the alliance and the Rockets worse. The relationship between the Four Heavenly Kings of Kanto has become even more tense.

With the extreme personalities of Kona and Yuryudu, seeing that Team Rocket is doing such a heinous elf experiment, there is no way they can give up easily! I just hope they won’t directly destroy Rainbow City. Just razing it to the ground

"Leave it to them? Please send me the information and photos first."

Damu Xuecheng frowned slightly when he heard this, and gave these to Yulongdu and Kona. Of course he understood what Alvin meant.

"Yes, there should be an undercover agent of Team Rocket within the alliance. This base is very big and I discovered it together with Rainbow Gym Leader Li Jia."

"She had reported it before, but she just left it alone. Dr. Ohki, at some point, evil people should be punished by evil (agaa) people."

"Fighting violence with violence, I believe you can also understand."

Alvin sent the information and photos of this base to Oki Xuecheng and said calmly.

Oki Xuecheng loves this world, but he is not a truly pedantic person. Alvin believes that Oki Xuecheng will not let him down.

"These... these guys... I understand Alvin, don't worry, I will take care of this matter."

After receiving the information, Oki Yukinari opened the photos and looked at them one by one. Looking at the parts and corpses of various elves soaked in salt water in the photos, his hands and eyes couldn't help but tremble.

Damn Team Rocket, it's so awesome Crazy! How many innocent elves have been persecuted!

Finally, Oki Xuecheng said seriously to Alvin and hung up the video call.

Alvin put down the phone and raised the corners of his mouth slightly. This base is obviously very important. Otherwise, there wouldn’t be two generals Athena and Lance guarding them.

"Brother, you look happy?"

Cattleya was wearing a bath towel, wiping her beautiful blond hair and looking at Alvin

"Yes, sometimes you can do it yourself and calculate others, which gives you a good sense of accomplishment."

Alvin stretched out his arms around Cattleya, reached over the towel and held the ball, gently rubbing it, and chuckled.

"Brother is getting worse and worse~" Cattleya's delicate and beautiful face was slightly red, and she looked at Alvin with watery eyes.


The peaceful night passed quickly. After the three of them woke up, Alvin and others finished dressing up and walked towards the Rainbow Gym.

After challenging the Gym today, things in Rainbow City are almost finished, but I don’t know if I can wait for that good show.

At this moment, the Kanto Quartz Alliance.

In the Four Heavenly Kings conference room, Kona looked at the printed photos with a gloomy expression.

"Where did you get this information?"

Kona looked at an alliance staff member in front of him and asked in a cold voice. His tone was extremely cold and mixed with murderous intent, making the temperature of the entire conference room seem to be dropping continuously.

"Yes... Dr. Omu asked me to give it to you.……"

The staff member took a step back slightly, looking in horror at the woman in front of him who was obviously beautiful, but could not help but make his heart palpitate.

"Dr. Ohki...step back. Kona was slightly silent after hearing this, and then waved his hand impatiently to ask the staff to leave.

Oki Yukinari, a world-famous research doctor, Kona naturally understands

"yes!"The staff quietly breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this, and fled from the Four Heavenly Kings conference room without looking back as if they were relieved.

"Team Rocket!"

Kona looked at the photos in front of him, and the cold light in his eyes kept flashing under his glasses. Sure enough, such a dirty organization should not exist at all!

Kona stood up, and left the Quartz Plateau with an abyss-like cold air exuding from his body. At this moment she... just wants to kill someone!


(Please order flowers and tickets!)_

Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven

Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 153

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