
Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 155

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Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven

Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 155
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I like to hit women?

Guisi's jeering words rang in everyone's ears. Lijia looked at Guisi with a strange expression, and then turned her strange eyes to Alvin.

She even forgot to continue directing the beautiful flowers!

Because the temperament of elves generally follows that of their masters.……

"Ghost! What nonsense are you talking about!"

Aware of the gazes of Li Jia and the referee girl, Alvin's face was a little uneasy, and he couldn't help shouting to Guisi.

This was too embarrassing. Alvin was not the type who didn't care about the outside world's attention and talk..

Although he really ignored these things in his heart, he still had to maintain his superficial image.

Because of Guisi's words, Li Jia did not direct, and the shadow ball successfully hit the beautiful flower.

After being hit continuously by the flame fist and the shadow ball, the beautiful flower was very Simply lost the ability to fight

"Jiejie~ I don’t like women’s"380" spirits. It’s great to be single."When Guisi heard this, he looked at Alvin very blankly and said innocently.

However, Alvin, who had been with Guisi for a while, clearly noticed the cunning in Guisi's eyes.

This old fritter did it on purpose!

Alvin's eyelids twitched. He would do anything to win?

Yes, he deliberately affected the opponent's trainer's mentality. This ghost has a lot of future!

"……Mr. Alvin, your elf is so interesting.……"

Lijia glanced at the 'upright' Guis strangely, took back the beautiful flower that had lost its ability to fight, and chuckled at Alvin.

This ghost is really something.

"Guisi is a little naughty. I hope Master Lijia won't mind and the battle can start again. Alvin shook his head and apologized to Lijia.

"No, Mr. Alvin doesn't care. If you lose in a fight, you lose. It's the little girl's fault for being so easily affected."

"But next, the little girl will not be careless. Come out, Overlord Flower!"

Li Jia smiled softly. She really didn't think this battle was unfair.

It was her own responsibility to be easily affected by Guisi's words.

But mainly, it was also the first time she met someone who could speak human language. The elf would be like this if he was not mentally prepared.

As Lijia threw the elf ball, an Overlord Attacker appeared in front of Lijia.

"Ghost, focus on fighting, Shadow Ball."

Alvin glanced at Guisi and warned him. He was not a very strong opponent in the first place, but he was still messing around. Alvin felt a little embarrassed. Guisi rolled his eyes and nodded without hesitation. The shadow ball shoots towards the Overlord Flower

"Overlord flower, sunshine and flame!"Li Jia saw this and directly asked the Overlord Flower to fight back.

The huge petals of the Overlord Flower flashed with white light, and in an instant, a huge beam of light greeted the shadow ball.

The stalemate lasted only a moment, and the sun's flames defeated the shadow ball and continued to move towards the ghost ball. Attack!

"The effect of the sunny day is still there, but this beautiful flower is much more difficult to deal with."

Alvin frowned slightly when he saw this. The strength of this Overlord Flower is very impressive, both in terms of level and cultivation.

And the most important thing is that the effect of the sunny day is still there at this moment, and for the Overlord Flower, it is even more powerful.

At this moment, Guisi in mid-air narrowly avoided the blazing sun.

Although the grass attribute skills were not very effective on it, regardless of the situation.

The blazing sun directly hit it, and it didn't seem like a small matter.

"This Overlord Flower is my initial elf, and it's not that easy to deal with."

Li Jia smiled gracefully when she saw this. Overlord Flower is her absolute main force and has brought her many victories!

She is very confident in Overlord Flower's strength!

"Ghost, evolve."

Alvin glanced at Overlord Flower. With Guisi's current strength, it would be more troublesome to deal with it.

"Jie~ It’s really troublesome."

Guisi glanced at the Overlord Flower with disgust. In fact, it really felt that its current body was more adaptable.

After saying this, Guisi's body suddenly bloomed with the light of evolution.

It has lived for hundreds of years, although It doesn't experience much fighting, but its level is very high and it can evolve long ago.

It's just that it doesn't want to evolve and suppresses it deliberately.

"Evolution?"Li Jia frowned slightly and looked at the ghost wrapped in white light. During the evolution, the attack was useless.

But it seems that this ghost evolved longer than usual?

""Jie~" The light of evolution lasted for a while and then dissipated. A dark-brown Gengar standing on two legs looked at the Overlord Flower with a ferocious smile!

"Gengar? Continuous evolution?"Li Jia looked at Gengar in shock. No wonder the evolution of Gengar takes a long time. It turns out that it is a continuous evolution.

"But no matter what, Overlord Flower, use paralysis powder!"Li Jia didn't hesitate much and said directly to Overlord Flower in a deep voice.......

The petals on the top of the Overlord Flower opened, and a huge amount of green powder flew towards Gengar.

"Gengar, evil wave!"

Alvin raised the corner of his mouth slightly when he saw this. There was indeed a lot of paralyzing powder, but it was really useless to Gengar.

The arc of Gengar's grin seemed to be wider, and the whole body sank into the grass as if melting. Spread the shadow!

The shadow moved quickly behind Bawanghua, condensed his body again, and black waves shot out from his hands.

"Dance of flowers!"

Seeing this, Li Jia's eyes darkened and she shouted without hesitation.

She had already been hit by this trick once, how could it still be effective!

The Overlord Flower didn't look back when she heard the sound, and its beautiful and gorgeous pink petals swept out. , surrounding the entire body of Overlord Flower in the middle.

The evil waves bombarded Flower Dance heavily, but did not break Flower Dance's defense.

"Fight it back! Overlord flower!"

Flower Dance instantly turned into a sea of petals under the control of Overlord Flower and rushed towards Gengar.


Alvin's smile deepened, he was hit!

Gengar Jie smiled and turned into a shadow again to avoid the impact of the sea of petals, and came to the eyes of the Overlord Flower like lightning.

Two terrifying scarlet eyes stared closely at Overlord flower, emitting strange fluctuations

"Oops! Overlord flower, don’t look into its eyes!"

Li Jia was shocked when she saw this, and hurriedly shouted to Overlord Flower, she was taking it too much for granted.

0.0 How could Alvin use the same trick to deal with her!

But obviously, Li Jia's reminder was too late.

Overlord Flower only I felt that my mind was getting heavier and heavier, and sleep came over me like sea water. My body swayed twice, and I fell heavily to the ground and fell asleep.

""Jie Jie~" Gengar slowly emerged from the ground, looking at the sleeping Overlord Flower with a malicious smile.

"Eat dreams!"


Gengar's scarlet eyes suddenly condensed, and an illusory shadow instantly passed through Bawanghua's body.

Even in her sleep, Bawanghua still showed a painful look on her face.

Seeing this, Lijia couldn't help but shook her head with a bitter smile. , lost


(Please order flowers and tickets!)_

Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven

Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 155

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