
Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 156

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Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven

Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 156
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"Overlord Flower loses the ability to fight, so the winner is Alvin!"

The girl referee took a look twice and announced after confirming that Bawanghua had lost the ability to fight.

"Huh~ You are so strong. Congratulations Mr. Alvin. This is the rainbow badge. I look forward to your results at the Quartz Conference."

Withdrawing the Overlord Flower, Lijia slowly walked to Alvin and smiled softly.

At the same time, she handed a colorful badge to Alvin.

"Thank you. Next, I need to trouble the owner of Lijia Hall. Cattleya also needs a challenge."

Alvin took the badge and smiled at Li Jia. He had a good impression of Li Jia. He is a very responsible gym leader. Although he looks weak on the outside, he is surprisingly strong on the inside.

"Of course, no problem, I still have a lot of elves." Lijia glanced at the elegant Cattleya and smiled.

The next battle ended quickly. In front of the super-type Gardevoir, Lijia lost with little resistance. Her powerful superpower made her unable to Room for reaction!

"Miss Cattleya was so strong that the little girl was convinced."

Li Jia handed the badge to Cattleya and said with emotion, this depressingly powerful super power makes people breathless during the battle!

"Thanks."Cattleya responded with an elegant smile.

"Oh no, Miss Lijia!"And at this 06:00 hour, a girl ran in in panic.

"What's wrong, Xiaohui? Slow down."Li Jia frowned slightly and looked at the familiar girl in front of her.

She was a girl who studied in her gym. She was usually very lively and cheerful. It was rare to see her look so panicked.

Li Jia's heart suddenly rose. A bad feeling

"Most of the city was suddenly frozen! Many people were frozen, and in the center of the ice, it seemed like someone was fighting."

Xiao Hui calmed down her emotions slightly and hurriedly briefly introduced the situation to Li Jia.

Not long ago, there was a sudden explosion at a certain location, and then the terrifying freezing air filled the air.

The strong freezing air was indistinguishable. Half of the city was frozen in black and white!

Erwin raised his eyebrows when he heard this. There is only one ice trainer in the entire Kanto who can easily freeze the city!

Ice King Kona!

It is this paranoid woman who comes to Rainbow City. Well, that's right, if she learned about the situation here.

She couldn't be indifferent

"Okay, I get it, I'll go take a look right away. Li Jia frowned when she heard this and comforted Xiao Hui.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Alvin, please forgive the little lady for not serving her well. I need to go and see what happened."

Then Li Jia turned around and apologized to Alvin. She is the gym trainer of Rainbow City, and Rainbow City is the place she protects!

"It's okay, please let us go together, I think we should be able to help."

Alvin shook his head, and then said to Li Jia gently.

Of course he won't miss the good show!

"That's the best thing."Li Jia said.

Regardless of whether the people causing trouble in Rainbow City are trainers or elves, they are very powerful.

If Alvin can help, Li Jia will be happy.


At this moment, the underground base of the game hall.

Kona's body exuded a biting chill and malice, and he stared at the two people in front of him indifferently.

"Athena and Lance from Team Rocket's Four Generals? You clowns who wantonly hurt elves, you deserve to go to hell!"

Kona's gloomy eyes glanced at the salt water container in the laboratory. The malice in his eyes under his glasses was even deeper. The hoarse voice with strong murderous intent was like an evil ghost from hell!

This is the Four Heavenly Kings of Kanto Hyouzhi. Kona!

Her coldness never refers to the ice elves she specializes in, but to her heart! Her heart is cold! For those who hurt the elves, no matter who they are, she will treat them with the coldest cold His anger caused him to be frozen forever!

"Kona! You have to figure out first what will happen if you fight us here!"

"Above is Rainbow City. Do you know what will happen if you use your freezing energy so unscrupulously?"

Lance said sternly with an extremely ugly face. At this moment, his face was already turning blue from the cold!

Even if they are not weak, they have no chance of winning against Kona!

"oh? Have you finished your last words?"

Kona looked at the two of them indifferently, pushed her eyes and said calmly, of course she knew what would happen. It was nothing more than Rainbow City being frozen by her elves, but so what? It must have been frozen a lot outside at this moment, Because ever since she broke into the game arcade, her elves have never been merciful!

Such a bunch of idiots, Team Rocket didn't even know that they were conducting such cruel biological experiments under their noses. So what if they die?

A bunch of trash, they will die long ago Even if they die, allowing them to die with Team Rocket can be regarded as their final contribution.

Following Kona's words, the cold eyes of Chenglong and White Sea Lion behind Kona fell on Lance and Athena at the same time.

"Damn it! Fight with this crazy woman!"Lance and Athena's expressions became even more gloomy, they looked at each other and gritted their teeth.

This woman is simply here to kill them, and she must not sit still and wait to die!


At this moment, Liga Alvin and others left the Rainbow Gym and came outside. Everyone was shocked at the same time.

The original Rainbow City was warm and prosperous, full of vitality because of the beautiful green flowers.

But at this moment, looking out, the city buildings in the distance are all shrouded in ice crystals, reflecting crystal light in the sun!

There is also a faint chill in the air, which makes people's skin crawl!

"how so!"

Li Jia looked at the frozen half of the city in disbelief. Who actually attacked Rainbow City in broad daylight? Is that person crazy?

Rainbow City is one of the largest cities in the 380 Kanto region, with a huge flow of people. Damn, what a vicious incident such an attack is!

"Sure enough it was Kona."Alvin frowned slightly. There is no way there would be another person in Guandong with such freezing air!

"Leader Lijia, let’s go to the incident center first. Serena, you stay here."Alvin didn't think for long and said to Li Jia in a deep voice.

"That's right, first you have to understand what's going on."Li Jia came back to her senses after hearing this and hurriedly wanted to run towards the place where the incident occurred.

"Use Cattleya's elves to get there, otherwise it will be too slow."

Alvin took Li Jia's slender arm and looked at Cattleya

"Brother Alvin, you must be careful."Salina knew that she was not strong enough, so she was very sensible and did not force herself to follow her, she said worriedly.

"rest assured."

Alvin nodded, and then the three of them were moved to the game hall by Miss Goethe at the same time.

All they could see was frost and cold air, and all the nearby buildings were frozen.

And there was still a lot of panic. The panicked people were also frozen! Even the expressions of fear on their faces were still there!

"There's a fight going on here."

Alvin turned his eyes to the game hall. There is no doubt that Kona is inside at this moment!


(The end of the seventh update, oh my god, it’s so hard for me. Merry Christmas everyone, please give me flowers and tickets, please customize)_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novels

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Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven

Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 156

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