
Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 157

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Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven

Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 157
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"Is he really a trainer? Why is it happening like that!"

Li Jia glanced at these frozen passers-by with trembling eyes. There was a high chance that the person fighting was a trainer.

And she roughly guessed who it was!

But she still couldn't believe it. This game hall is The Rockets' important base is yes, but why do they involve so many innocent citizens!


At this time, a huge bang suddenly came from the game hall.

A violent white light shattered the ground, and then a cross-shaped bat He grabbed a young man with a black face and wanted to fly away from here.

It was Lance!

But immediately after, a terrifying ice-blue beam of light shot at the Crossed Bat, directly killing the Crossed Bat in mid-air. Frozen together with Lance!

Once again, a huge icicle was created that shot straight into the sky!

"snort! Use the big explosion to break through the blockade and escape on the ground? sucker Punch!"

A cold, dark voice sounded from the ruins of the game hall. Kona, who was standing next to the white sea lion, didn't even look at the frozen Lance, and slowly moved his gaze towards Athena, who was protected by a green barrier.

"Kona King……"

Li Jia pursed her lips tightly and looked at Kona who exuded strong malice. It was indeed Kona!

"It's time to go down and accompany your companions, ride the dragon and the blizzard!"

Kona looked at Athena and said coldly. Chenglong, who was standing in front of Kona, opened his mouth without hesitation.

A terrifying huge blizzard covered the sky and swept towards Athena.

"Stop it, King Kona, Rainbow City will really be frozen if this continues!"Li Jia begged loudly to Kona.

A strong blizzard kept blowing, the temperature in the air was getting lower and lower, and snowflakes fell from the sky.

The city that was originally full of spring was heading towards severe cold!

Kona was stunned when he heard this. Without looking back, her gloomy eyes were completely fixed on Athena, who was hiding behind the protection of the Overlord Flower.

Now, in her eyes, only these members of Team Rocket were left!

"Stop shouting, she can't listen at the moment. The only way to stop her now is to hurt the city and civilians wantonly. This is not what a king should do.

Alvin held down Li Jia who was about to rush over to stop Kona. , shook his head at her and said slowly.

Although I have thought about it, Kona and Yulongdu might go crazy after witnessing Team Rocket's biological experiments.

But after actually seeing it, Alvin had to admit that this was no longer madness, this was straight up madness!

It’s also a good thing that it’s only Kena who came here instead of Yulongdu, otherwise I’m afraid Rainbow City would have been wiped off the map by Yulongdu!

"Please, Mr. Alvin, please stop King Kona. Everyone in Rainbow City is innocent, and they should not bear this misfortune. Hearing this ,

Lijia hesitated and hurriedly begged Alvin. Yes, Alvin was once a king, and he could definitely stop Kona!

"Don't worry, since I'm here, I won't pay attention to you."

Alvin comforted Li Jia and walked in the direction of Kona.

"Moon Elf, attack!"

"Big steel snake, iron tail!"

Alvin threw two elf balls, faintly.

The huge and ferocious Steel Snake and the small and flexible Moon Elf rushed towards Ke's dragon at the same time.

The Big Steel Snake is also one of Alvin's main forces!

It was with these hand-held elves that Alvin became the King of the United Kingdom!


Kona's cold gaze suddenly fell on Alvin, and she didn't say anything.

Chenglong stopped the blizzard, and together with the white sea lion, he breathed out ice breath, creating a huge ice wall, blocking the storm. The steel snake and the moon elf attacked.

Without being attacked again, Athena knelt down on the ground with a stiff body, and the Overlord Flower in front of her also completely lost its fighting ability.

Even the Overlord Flower's body was full of It's frost!

Even if the blizzard was blocked with protection, the extreme cold brought by the blizzard still caused too much continuous damage to it.

Coupled with the injuries from the previous battle, it could no longer hold on.

"Alvin? Do you really want to fight me?"

Kona glanced at Athena, who was stiff and temporarily unable to move, and then looked at Alvin with extremely gloomy eyes.

"No, I have no intention of fighting you, but Kona, please wake up and look at this city. Your attacks have hurt too many innocent people."

Alvin shook his head and said to Kona in a deep voice. Kona's strength, which is infinitely close to the championship level, is too strong for Rainbow City.

Her freezing power is also too terrifying, and she still doesn't hold back at all. is attacking.

With her strength, there is no doubt that Rainbow City will be completely frozen.

"innocent? They asked for it! The Rockets are doing whatever they want right under their noses without even realizing it, so what's the point of keeping them?"

Kona's voice became colder and colder, and her tone without any trace of guilt also described her inner emotions at the moment.

This is what she was thinking!

"They are just ordinary people, and Lijia, the Rockets base here, has also reported it to the alliance very early, but it needs to be considered in the long term."

"Kona, it's too late for you to stop. The duty of the King of Heaven is to protect the region and the people."

Alvin shook his head, his blue eyes flickered slightly, and he looked at Kona and said calmly.

"Those bastard old guys!"

Hearing this, Ke Na's expression suddenly darkened, and the chill on her body deepened. There was no need for Alvin to lie to her.

In other words, Li Jia, the Rockets' base, had indeed submitted information very early, but they, the Four Heavenly Kings of Kanto, had no idea at all!

Nothing! The question was suppressed by the Alliance Councilors and the Four Heavenly Kings of Kanto were deliberately kept from them!

"White sea lion riding a dragon, freezing light!"

The anger in her heart became even more intense. Kona's gloomy eyes suddenly turned to Athena, these damn maggots!

She wanted to turn them all into eternal ice sculptures!

The dragon-riding white sea lion with the same cold and ruthless eyes as Kona did not hesitate. It shot out an icy blue zigzag beam, hitting Athena at high speed.

"Big steel snake, rock collapse!"Seeing this, Alvin said in a deep voice without hesitation. The (good-money) big steel snake raised its ferocious head high and roared silently, instantly dropping a large number of rocks on the path of the freezing light. The freezing light instantly froze it. reached the rock, but was blocked

"Alvin! Don't go too far!"

Seeing this, Kona said to Alvin in a cold voice, obstructing her again and again!

"Don't go overboard on you! Kona, do you know what you will do again? Alvin responded in a deep voice to Kona Tuan.

"very good! Alvin, Light of the United Nations, I, Kona, would also like to learn from him."

Kona slowly turned around to face Alvin, looked at Alvin and suddenly sneered.

Since Alvin was determined to stop her, Kona would naturally not be afraid of him!

She, the Four Heavenly Kings of Kanto, Bing Zhi Ke Na! Never fear any opponent!


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Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven

Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 157

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