
Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 158

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Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven

Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 158
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"Even you can't understand us! Let you understand how deep the pain of the elves is!"

"White sea lion, freezing light!"

"Ride the dragon, tidal whirlpool!"

Kona pushed up her glasses, stared at Alvin closely and said coldly, while giving orders to the two elves without hesitation.

She felt angry!

It was obvious that she wanted to punish Team Rocket for the sake of those elves, Alvin But she wants to hinder herself!

Just like what Alvin said to her when the two of them first met, is the evil in this world a matter of course?

Kona feels that Alvin doesn't understand it at all. Even if he is very powerful, Even if he was approved by God!

But Alvin didn't understand the elves at all, and he ignored the sufferings those elves endured!

Chenglong raised his head, and a huge vortex of water condensed above its head, and then it was thrown heavily The moon-facing elf and the big steel snake.

The huge tidal whirlpool was more than ten meters in size, but it was followed by the white sea lion's freezing light! The terrifying low temperature and powerful freezing ability instantly froze the entire tidal whirlpool in the blink of an eye. Suddenly, an ice whirlpool like a small iceberg struck horribly!

"Big steel snake, iron tail!"

Alvin looked at the ice tidal whirlpool and ordered calmly.

The big steel snake roared, and its tail with a metallic luster slammed hard towards the ice tidal whirlpool.


The ice tidal whirlpool more than ten meters high stopped instantly. Breaking!

There was a clear sound of 380 pieces of crisp ice breaking, but just as the ice whirlpool broke, the blizzard that swept the sky blew again! The earth was instantly covered by heavy snow, and the snowflakes in the sky were so dense!

The powerful storm and heavy snow hit instantly Come on!

Regardless of the scale and temperature, the blizzard used by Chenglong and White Sea Lion is far more terrifying than when Chenglong used it just now!

Alvin hid behind the huge body of the big steel snake without hesitation. He is still a human after all..His physique cannot allow him to withstand such a terrifying snowstorm for a long time!

"Moon Elf! Tooth for tooth!"

"Big Steel Snake, use Earthquake! Alvin commanded the two elves in an orderly manner.

The moon elf endured the blizzard forcefully, a black light flashed in his scarlet eyes, lowered his body to reduce resistance and attacked at high speed towards the white sea lion riding the dragon. The big steel snake looked up to the sky. With a roar, the huge tail was raised high, and then it was swung down hard and hit the ground.

The location where the big steel snake's tail was struck was deeply broken.

The earth shook violently, and under the deliberate control of the big steel snake, Wave after wave of strong vibrations hit the positions of the three of Kona.

Under the earthquake, the remaining ruins of the game hall collapsed in an instant, and even the large (agaa) building not far away began to shake!

"Damn it! Can we still move in such a snowstorm?"

Kona naturally felt the vibrations on the ground, and there was some ugly gloominess. She held onto Chenglong and forced her body to stabilize.

Neither Chenglong nor Baihailion were strong enough for her. But under such a strong snowstorm, it stands to reason that the big steel snake and the moon would The elves should not even be able to open their eyes!

Their bodies will only be slowly eroded by the cold, and their body functions will slowly stiffen!

Alvin is not the King of Heaven at all!

Only this explanation can explain everything. This big steel snake and the moon The elves are definitely not just kings!

At this moment, the moon elves have arrived in front of the three of them. Their light and small body keeps touching the ground, perfectly dissipating the shock caused by the earthquake. The body wrapped in black light hits hard On the white sea lion, it knocked the white sea lion back a certain distance and interrupted its blizzard.

Tooth for tooth, a skill that doubles the power after withstanding the attack!

The white sea lion narrowed its eyes in pain, this blow was very heavy for it!

"Ride the dragon!"

When Kona saw this, he shouted to Chenglong without hesitation.

Chenglong turned his head to the moon elf who landed on the ground, and shot the ice blue zigzag beam towards the moon elf.

When the moon elf opened his mouth, a dark wave came up to meet him.

Evil wave. The stalemate with the freezing light lasted only a moment, and it exploded!

The moon elf used the reaction force to nimbly jump out of the explosion range, and its limbs grabbed the ground and slid for a distance to relieve the pressure.

"Still not giving up? You are no match for me."

Alvin stepped a few steps closer to Kona through the thick snow brought by the blizzard, and said slowly and calmly. The huge body of the big steel snake stood behind him, staring at it with fierce eyes. Chenglong

"Don’t be proud! We still don’t know who will win and who will lose!"Kona's face was gloomy, he pushed up his glasses and said coldly.

This guy just has a slight upper hand, so he can't wait to pose as a winner?

Kona's arrogant heart simply does not allow himself to admit defeat so easily!

And At this moment, the white sea lion's face suddenly showed a painful expression, and its white body suddenly shone with a strange deep purple light.

Kona noticed this and frowned tightly.

"Poisonous! when?"Kona's face was extremely ugly, looking at the white sea lion that was eroded by the fierce poison.

Suddenly, as if remembering something, Kona suddenly looked at the small moon elf.

She and Alvin fought not long ago, and the white sea lion and They only have one chance to come into contact!

"That's right, when the white sea lion was hit by the moon elf, the moon elf planted a powerful poison on the white sea lion at that time."

The corner of Alvin's mouth raised slightly. This was something that was easy to guess.

Moon elves are elves who emit poisonous sweat from the pores of their bodies to protect themselves when they are excited.

And Alvin is Targeted training was carried out to make perfect use of the special ability of the moon elf!

As long as the moon elf is willing, all its attacks can be poisonous!

The cold aura on Kona's body became deeper and deeper, and she was so easily defeated. Alvin plotted!

"Aren't you going to get treatment yet? The moon elf's poison is not so easy to cure. Go away, Kona, I understand how you feel."

"But Team Rocket has been punished by you, but the residents of Rainbow City are innocent."

"No matter how wrong they are, their sins will not lead to death. Alvin shook his head, looked at the silent Kona and sighed slowly.

In the end, Kona was just too paranoid, paranoid to the point of distortion.

"snort! That’s it for today."

After taking back the white sea lion, Kona slowly turned around and prepared to leave with Chenglong. She did not doubt Alvin's words.

She now needs to take the white sea lion to detoxify, otherwise, over time, it is likely to leave the white sea lion with incurable The influence.

Suddenly, a sound of wind came from behind Kona.

Kona did not avoid it and took the object, but it was a tube of medicine.

"This is the antidote to moon elf poison."

Hearing Alvin's voice, Kona's eyes flashed slightly, but he didn't refuse and put the antidote away.

"Alvin, you will understand that we are right!"

Kona stubbornly left this sentence, sat on the back of Chenglong, and left on a white ice road.

She still didn't think she was wrong!

From beginning to end, she was just working hard for the happiness of the elves!

She will never forgive those who persecute elves and cruelly use them for biological experiments!


(Please order flower tickets and order them yourself~ I wish you all a Merry Christmas)_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novels

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Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven

Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 158

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