
Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 160

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Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven

Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 160
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At Lijia’s house in Rainbow City, the three of them, Alvin and Lijia, were sitting at the dining table.

In order to thank Alvin for his help, Lijia invited Alvin and the three of them to her home again, and cooked a table of meals herself.

"Mr. Alvin, thank you very much today. I would like to give you a drink, little lady."

Li Jia picked up the sake pot and poured a small glass for Alvin, then raised the wine glass in her hand and said sincerely to Alvin.

"You're welcome, Master Lijia. Although I'm just an ordinary trainer, I can't just sit idly by."

Alvin smiled, raised his glass and gestured to Li Jia. Although he doesn't drink much, it doesn't mean that he has a bad ability to drink.

Especially Li Jia originally chose sake with a low alcohol content.

"Having said that, it is true that Mr. Alvin saved Rainbow City, and……"

"If Mr. Alvin"380" hadn't happened to be here today, the little girl really didn't know what the situation would have been like."

Li Jia shook her head. She knew very well that it was absolutely impossible for her to stop Kona, who had fallen into paranoia.

And today's Kona incident was a wake-up call for her.

Although as the leader of the Rainbow City Gym, she could probably She knew that the relationship between the Four Heavenly Kings of Kanto and the Alliance was very tense. Only today did she understand the reason.

Kona's attitude towards evil was really too extreme! She completely ignored the situation and launched a crazy attack!

"Forget it, let’s not mention this, Mr. Alvin, my little lady, I wish you great success at the Quartz Conference and I look forward to your performance."

Then Li Jia smiled bitterly and calmed down her emotions. After all, these things are not something she can think about.

She also only hopes to protect Rainbow City. If there must be any wish.

She only hopes to travel far away from Hezhong Alvin, who came to Kanto from all over the world, can challenge the Four Heavenly Kings and successfully replace him.

In Rika's opinion, Alvin is really a qualified guardian.

Time passed slowly, and the sky slowly darkened.

Alvin After rejecting Lijia's offer to stay overnight, he said goodbye, took Cattleya and Serina and left back to the hotel. After taking a shower, Alvin leaned on the bedside table and thought about his next trip.

Now that he has obtained five badges, Now there are only three badges left to complete the collection of badges.

You can also plan your next trip carefully.


In the blink of an eye, the next day came. After washing up, the three of them packed their bags and left the hotel.

Rainbow City is over, and they can leave here and go to their next destination.

"Brother Alvin, if we go eastward, we should pass by Ziyuan Town."

"And if you go south, you will pass through the wild wilderness area and reach Qianhong City."

On the way, Serena took a piece of land, studied it carefully and said to Alvin.

The north of Rainbow City is actually Cerulean City and Nibi, and the west and south are leading to Light Red City.

The east is actually Golden City. City, but a little further past is the famous Elf Cemetery Ziyuan Town

"Ziyuan Town... Let’s go to Ziyuan Town first."Alvin pondered slightly, his eyes twinkling.

In Ziyuan Town, he remembered that the unmanned power generating station was actually near Ziyuan Town.

And the legendary Lightning Bird also lived in the power plant - since it's not far away, let's go and see it. After watching, I didn’t know whether the Lightning Bird had been captured by Team Rocket.

After deciding on the itinerary, the three of them left from the east of Rainbow City. After a week of traveling, the three finally arrived at Ziyuan Town.

Ziyuan Town, the entire The most famous Elf Cemetery in Kanto, because there is an Elf Tower here.

It is a place used to bury the lost elves and let them sleep peacefully.

The three Elvins did not stay here for too long. Serena and Cattleya didn't like the environment either.

The three of them traveled northeast from Ziyuan Town for a day and finally arrived at the unmanned power station!

"Hmm~ The smell here is so bad!"Salina subconsciously raised her little nose and sniffed twice, then frowned and said.

A strong mechanical smell spread in the air, making people very uncomfortable.

"Not only the taste, but also the environment."Cattleya also frowned and glanced around roughly.

The land was very barren and dry, completely different from the greenery outside, and the water in the streams here was also very turbid.

It is impossible for water elves to survive in such a water source.!

"This is an abandoned power station. Because of the massive construction of this huge power station, the environment here has been polluted and has become extremely bad. In the end, the environment was too bad."

"Many people have moved away from here, and the elves have to migrate here because of lack of food0......"

Alvin shook his head and explained that the unmanned power station is a typical representative of the phenomenon of human beings destroying nature!

The little sea lion in Kona was also here when it was poisoned and dying due to contaminated water resources.

The little sea lion was finally rescued by Juzi, but Kona also hated the humans who hurt the elves because of what happened to the little sea lion.

"Let's go and take a look, there's something here that interests me."

Looking at the huge power plant, Alvin took out two masks and handed them to the two women and said with a smile.

He himself didn't care about the mechanical smell of industrial pollution.

The three of them slowly entered the power plant. Irvine had received information about the Three Divine Birds from Lance.

Team Rocket's information was that traces of Lightning Birds had been found in this power station, but there were no more details.

After all, the whereabouts of the Three Divine Birds were too difficult to find. Looking for it.

Alvin just came to try his luck, not to mention whether Zapdos was captured by Team Rocket.

After all, in the original comics, Ma Zhishi captured Zapdos at the unmanned power station!

"It's so desolate here, and it seems like there are only electric elves."Salina pulled Alvin's coat and looked around carefully.

The power station was very quiet because it had been abandoned for too long.

And there were no other elves here, only the little magnet and the thunder ball. There are many kinds of elves.

I don’t know what Alvin is looking for, but soon Serena knows it!

Next to the 0.0 engine in the deepest part of the power plant, a golden bird elf standing on two legs is enjoying itself. It combed its feathers.

At the same time, electric arcs flashed on its body, stimulating the engine next to it, causing it to operate and continuously generate electricity.

And this power was finally transmitted into its body through the cables under its body.!

"This is... Lightning Bird?"

Salina opened her clear eyes slightly and looked at this golden bird elf. The legendary Lightning Bird!

"It's really here. It seems that my luck is indeed very good!"

Alvin raised the corner of his mouth slightly, looking at this wild Lightning Bird. Team Rocket has not made any move yet, so that would be the best thing.


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Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven

Elf Dimension: Starting from the King of Heaven - Chapter 160

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